What is the conjugate base of H2O? | Socratic

what is the conjugate of h2o

what is the conjugate of h2o - win

Ions, acids, compounds

[https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/periodic-table/png/Periodic_Table_of_Elements_w_Chemical_Group_Block_PubChem.png ]
As before, while the behavior of all molecules is rooted in the orbital structure and electron dynamics, it is convenient to define broad categories of molecules that behave in similar ways. In the past and in the absence of any way to determine precise structures, molecular behavior was essentially all that previous chemists had to work with. Despite the psychological weight of all the work that has been performed making categorizations and trying to fit all known compounds into a few well-defined categories, the reality of chemistry is and always has been messy. With that in mind, let’s talk about ions, acids, and compounds.
First up, I should spell out the difference between an element, a molecule, a compound, a substance, a chemical, and however else you want to refer to things. An atom of an element has a distinct atomic number, a distinct number of protons, and in the neutral and ground state (uncharged and in the lowest possible energy electron configuration) has a distinct orbital and electronic structure. It is of course possible to have many atoms of the same element as well as different numbers of neutrons in/isotopes of the same element, but (ie) a boron atom is going to have fundamentally different bonding properties than a carbon atom or any other atom. Once you start bonding atoms together, you end up with molecules that have distinct structures, molecular orbitals, and chemical behaviors. There will of course be similarities between similar molecules, but a molecule of methane (CH4) is different than one of ethane (C2H6 or H3C-CH3) or one of propane (C3H8 or H3C-CH2-CH3). Continuing with the hydrocarbons, once you get to four carbons (C4H10) and above it is possible to have multiple configurations of the main carbon chain, so technically you would need to distinguish between butane (historically unbranched/normal/n-butane) and 2-methylpropane (historically isobutane/i-butane). However, we are now getting into the different isomers (butane, 2-methylpropane) of the same chemical formula (C4H10) instead of sticking with the idea of compounds. So, I would define a compound as a unique three dimensional arrangement of atoms, but trying to describe a three-dimensional and possibly quite complicated shape in words concisely gets difficult extremely quickly. As with atoms, you can have very many identical molecules in the same place, although in practice mixtures of similar molecules are more common unless extensive purification work has been conducted. By the time we are talking about a substance, we have progressed from a 3D picture of one unique molecule to whatever you are physically dealing with. This could be a mixture of different compounds, different compounds with trace contaminants, one compound with trace contaminants, any of the above with more than trace contaminants, etc. In practice, figuring out what is actually in the test tube/beakeflask/reaction glassware is quite difficult, and you may notice that we are at the practical level after having started in theory.
Generally speaking, I would suggest starting with IUPAC naming conventions, which are intended to include as much structural information in the name as possible, as seen with the butane and 2-methylpropane names in the preceding paragraph. In practice, nearly every specialization will have their own naming schemes that they will defend to the point of exhaustion regardless of whether or not retaining a separate naming scheme that people then have to learn makes sense. My position is that the benefits of a naming scheme that can be applied as universally as possible and be comprehended by as many people as possible is going to outweigh the inconvenience of the extra characters in 2-methylpropane versus “i-butane”. Speaking of unique naming schemes, I had to attempt to memorize several during the course of my undergraduate instruction, including dihydrogen monoxide (H2O)/carbon dioxide (CO2), the difference between nitrate and nitrite (one is NO3^-, the other is NO2^-), sodium chloride (NaCl)/disodium carbonate (Na2CO3), and a bunch of other stuff that I clearly have not retained very well. When dealing with covalently bonded compounds like water or carbon dioxide, the main way to figure out whether you have a valid structure or a false memory is to keep track of/draw out the valence electrons of each atom and make sure that they all “own” the correct number of valence electrons and are participating in an appropriate number of bonds. In charged molecules/ionic compounds/salts, there is the additional complexity of making sure that the charges end up on the correct counterions. As an example, sodium (Na) can either have a charge of 0 (neutral) or a charge of +1, while a chlorine atom (Cl) has a charge of 0 and the chloride ion (Cl-) has a charge of -1. If your structure requires chlorine to have a positive charge, you have almost certainly made a mistake. Also, the net charge on any molecule defaults to 0, so adding up all of the charges on all of the ions is another useful check. In practice, only a few ions that will be commonly encountered, and searching either the structure or the name quickly brings you to the missing information. Unless you’re in an exam, of course.
For our purposes, that is a sufficient introduction to the rules of relatively simple and mostly inorganic compounds and their naming. I have left plenty of information out, but the best way to actually learn about this is to encounter the concepts and naming schemes during the course of your normal work or exploration and doing enough internet searching to fill in most of the gaps in your knowledge rather than trying to memorize enough information to immediately identify every compound in the entire universe. We also need to get into acid-base chemistry, which suffers from a surplus of definitions. The most familiar definition is the Brønsted-Lowry definition of an acid as a proton (H+) donor, and a base a proton acceptor. In this definition, an acid’s ability to donate H+ depends on how closely the proton is bonded to the atom it detaches from, leading to a spectrum of strong and weak acids and their conjugate bases. It is important to note that all of this is taking place in water, with the protons actually being donated to water molecules to form hydronium/H3O+, which is then complexed to and stabilized by the negative (non-hydrogen) ends of adjacent water molecules. The positive charge on the hydronium complex is countered by the negative charge on the former acid that is caused by the departure of a proton without its electron. Or, an acid (HA) donates a proton to water to form hydronium (H3O+) and the deprotonated conjugate base (A-) of the acid. The net charge is still zero, the number of electrons remains the same, etc. The same thing can happen when a base (B or B-) accepts a proton from hydronium (H3O+) to form the conjugate acid of the base (HB+ or HB), although the existence of B- in solution will depend on the presence of a positively charged counterion. Complicating matters further, water will always contain some hydronium (H3O+) and some hydroxide (OH-) due to spontaneous disocciation even before any Brønsted-Lowry acids or bases are added. It logically follows that hydronium (H3O+) is the strongest acid that can exist in water and hydroxide (OH-) is the strongest base that can exist in water. The degree of acidity or basicity that can be ascribed to a substance added to water is due to the degree of dissociation – strong acids or bases will almost completely dissociate, very weak acids or bases will hardly dissociate, and everything in between.
So and in summary, Brønsted-Lowry acids or bases can only donate or receive protons in water or another suitable medium. If we instead use the Lewis definition of acids as accepting electron pairs and bases as donating electron pairs, we are well situated to get into the organic chemistry reactions. It must be said that most people will not have much contact with situations in which the concept of Lewis acids and bases adds anything to the Brønsted-Lowry definition. At the same time, if we view the protons detached from Brønsted-Lowry acids as the actually acidic component (because this is the case) and the HA “acid” as a delivery medium for the proton, we find that the Lewis definition squares perfectly well with the idea of H+ accepting an electron pair and being “donated” to another molecule, with the other molecule donating an electron pair and “accepting” the hydrogen. The Lewis definition is both more broadly applicable and focuses on the electrons as the most important part of any chemical interaction, which makes sense because chemistry is the movement or presence of electrons more than anything else. The general chemistry professor who was responsible for teaching me about acid-base chemistry was an inorganic specialist, dismissed the Lewis definition as being unimportant, and caused me several years of confusion and anxiety as a direct result.
submitted by FightingForSarah to SpaceXFactCheck [link] [comments]

Redox and Equilibrium Questions - Grade 12 Chem

Hey Reddit,
I've never gone onto these forums to ask chem questions but I am writing my exam for grade 12 chem in a few days and I could really use some help with these practice questions and understanding the concept:

  1. Redox Reactions
H2O2+MnO4^(1-)+H^(1+) →Mn^(2+)+H2O+O2
So I understand how to find the oxidation numbers here -
H[2+]O[-2] + Mn[7-]O[-8]...
but I am getting confused about comparing the compounds.. which Oxygen gets compared with which on the product side? Which Hydrogen on the reactant side gets compared to the Hydrogen attached to the water compound?
H2O2+MnO4^(1-)+H^(1+) →Mn^(2+)+H2O+O2

  1. Equilibrium:
a 1.00L solution is made of 0.40 mol/L NaNO2 and 0.25 mol/L HNO2 (Ka= 4.5*10^-4). What is the pH of the solution?
b. to this solution, 20.0 ml of 0.15 mol/L HNO3 is added. What is the resulting pH?
for part a, the answer key states HNO2+H2O < H3O(+)+ NO2(-) so where does the Na go?
for part b, HNO3 + NO2(-) -> HNO2 +NO3(-) -> how do you know what the HNO3 pairs with? I guess my question has to do more of understanding how to identify conjugate base/acids.
Thank you!
submitted by FrostyyBear to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Acid base problem

Hi guys, I’m in organic 1 and still really struggling with acids/bases. I get the whole ARIO concept but this problem is really confused me: Which is most basic out of NH3, CH3COCH3, CH3COOH, and H2O. I have no idea how to determine the stability of a conjugate acid but I know how to do conjugate base so that’s what I was doing here. I got NH2-, CH3COCH2-, CH3COO-, and OH-. I am really confused at how NH3 has a higher pka than CH3COCH3 because the conjugate base of acetone has a negative on the carbon and the conjugate base of NH3 has a negative on the nitrogen. So shouldn’t NH3 have a more stable conjugate base and thus be a stronger acid? Just really confused here. •also bonus question will the conjugate acid of acetic acid and acetone have the hydrogens bonded to the O atom or the C? Someone said the acetone conjugate base would have 5 bonds on the carbon and thus be an unstable base and idk why you wouldn’t just put the hydrogen on the oxygen?
Please please help if possible, I’m so confused
submitted by MathematicianNo1600 to OrganicChemistry [link] [comments]

Dehydration of Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols

During the dehydration of either tertiary or secondary alcohols catalyzed by TsOH or H2SO4 it proceeds via an E1 mechanism after the creation of a better leaving group like H2O. My book says this is a rather clean method for producing alkenes as it does not produce any SN1 products. My question is why does it not have any SN1 products? The carbocation intermediate is formed so what’s stopping SN1 mechanism from occurring?
Is it because the conjugate base formed during the acid base reaction in the first step is not a good nucleophile due to lots of electron withdrawing groups? Thus it will only have the properties of a weak base allowing only E1 to happen?
submitted by LordMonkeyMan to chemhelp [link] [comments]

[High School Chemistry: acid base]

I have a few questions that are on the worksheet I'm doing...
First of all, why is this redox reaction Mn2+ + Cr2O72- → Mn3+ + Cr3+ in an acidic solution? I know what redox reactions are but I don't understand why there's acid and base conditions

Next, in this reaction, HPO42- + H2O ⇌ H2PO4- + OH- apparently water is the acid and OH- is the conjugate base... why not HPO42- as the conjugate base and H2PO4- as the acid?

My last question is, how do you solve this problem?
"A solution of a strong base with pH = 13 is mixed together with a solution of a strong acid with pH = 2. The resulting solution has a pH of 11. What is the ratio of the volumes of strong base solution and strong acid solution added?"

Thanks in advance :)
submitted by rmh_smh to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

I seem to be overthinking Conjugate Acids and Bases

It all made sense to me (Acid donates H, becoming more electronegative, Base accepts Proton)
but then I encountered this problem: What is the conjugate base of H2PO41-?
OH- + H2(PO4)1- > H(PO4)2- + H2O
Isn't HPO42- the conjugate base? Or am I doing this wrong?
submitted by christophalese to chemhelp [link] [comments]

A Detailed explaination of Buffers and Titrations (WARNING: WALL OF TEXT)

So I just wrote this for another comment, but I am willing to share it here as well. just a fair warning: I didn't really proof read it so please notify me if there are any errors.
A buffer is composed of an acid and it's conjugate base. It's function is to keep the pH relatively the same. HOWEVER, a buffer can run out. The Henderson Hosselbott (totally butchered that name) equation/process can help us figure out the pH of a buffer and when it is going to run out.
Equation: pH = pKa +log(B/A) to calculate pH
pOH = pKb + log(A/B) to calculate pOH.
yes, you can just do Kw=Ka * Kb and figure out the Ka from Kb and plug in that way.
An example of a strong buffer is one with high and similar concentrations of the acid and it's conjugate base.
For example, using Acetic acid (Ka = 1.8x10-5 and its conjugate base, Sodium Acetate):
A buffer with 10M Base and 1M Acid is going to have a log(10/1) = 1. (pKa = 4.76 -- HAc) thus pH = 5.76.
pH = -log(1.8x10-5 ) + log(10/1) = 5.76
Now change that to 9M base and 2M Acid. The equation becomes:
pH = -log(1.8x10-5 ) + log(9/2) = 5.41. Not a very large movement, but still a pH change of .35.
Now watch this:
Let's make the concentrations equal.
10M base and 10M acid.
In this case, the pH = pKa because log(10/10) = 0. thus pH = pKa + 0.
therefore the buffer using equal concentrations of base and acid will always have a pH = pKa. (In this case pH = 4.76.)
Now let's take some Base away and add it to the acid.
9M base and 11M acid
pH = -log(1.8x10-5 ) + log(9/11) = 4.67. Only a pH change of .09!
Really the thing you should take away from this is the closer the concentrations of acid and base, the less of a pH change there will be.
TITRATIONS (because they are so closely related)
Usually a buffer is used in titration questions because essentially a titration is what happens after a buffer runs out.
For this problem we are going to be working with the titration of 25mL .5M of HAc with .5M NaOH. HAc is in the beaker originally. Equation: **HAc + NaOH NaAc + H2O
The general formula for these problems is the following:
1. IS THIS A SB SA TITRATION?? If the answer is yes then you cannot use the Henderson hosslebott equation because both the Base and the Acid have a 100% dissociation. The pH = -log([SA]). However, to find the [SA] at that point you must follow the same steps.
2. Write the net ionic! For our case the net ionic is HAc + OH- - AC- + H2O This will help us later. (Note: SA and SB does not have a net ionic because it always forms a neutral salt and water, thus the equation is H + OH H2O.
2b. Calculate the Equivalence point and half equivalence point! Will be a huge time saver for later in the question. Equivalence point = MaVa=MbVb.
(.5M)(25mL) = (.5M)(xmL) . X = 25mL thus when 25mL of NaOH is added, we will be at equivalence point. I will solve for this pH later.
The 1/2 equivalence point is then 1/2 of the NaOH added at equivalence! Thus our half equivalence point is 12.5mL of NaOH added. Why is this helpful? Well, at 1/2 equivalence pH = pKa! Saves a couple minutes.
3. Calculate the pH BEFORE any base is added.
This is pretty easy. We only have HAc in the beaker right now. Set up the equilibrium expression: Ka = [H][Ac-]/[HAc] and plug in. (H and Ac- are unknown). 1.8x105 = [x][x]/[.5]. X = .003. Thus the pH = 2.52
4. Calculate the pH after 1mL of NaOH is added. This is where it gets tricky. Pay close attention.
  1. Find MOLES of HAc. (.025L)(.5M) = .0125mols HAc. <--- hold onto this. We are going to be using it a lot.
  2. Find MOLES of Ac- (NaAc -- the conjugate base) (.001L)(.5M) = .0005mols Ac-.
  3. Find how many moles of acid are left after the reaction and how many moles of the conjugate base are created.
.0125molsHAc - .0005molsNaOH = .012 moles HAc .0005 (NaOH) = .0005mols NaAc (AC-).
Now divide those concentrations by the total volume. (.025L + .001L = .026L).
.012HAc/ .026 = .46M .0005NaAc / .026 = .019M
Now lets plug into the Henderson hosslebott. pH = -log(1.8x10-5 )+ log(.019/.46) = 3.35
This is the EXACT SAME process for any concentration of base added as long as it ISNT the equivilance point. (You can technically do this for the 1/2 eq point but it will turn out to be pH = pKa, so just save time by memorizing that shortcut.)
5. Calculate the pH after 12.5 mL NaOH added
Hey! That's half equivalence point, like we calculated earlier. Now we don't have to waste 5 minutes doing all the work from part 4.
pH = pKa .Thus pH = -log(1.8x10-5 ) = 4.74. simple as that.
6. Calculate the pH after 25mL NaOH is added
Hey! That's equivilance point, like we calculated earlier. Now I know that I cannot use the Henderson hosslebott here.
  1. Mols HAc = .0125 (still)
  2. Moles NaOH = (.025L)(.5M) = .0125mols.
  3. .0125 mols HAc - .0125 mols NaOH = 0 mols HAc left! See? this is why we can't use the hosselbott because we can't find the concentration without Acid!
  4. .0125mols NaOH = .0125 mols NaAc. divide by total volume (.025L + .025L = .05L) .0125/.05 = .25M. *All the acid reacted with the base to create a salt. However, unlike in a SA SB titration, the salt is NOT neutral. Thus the salt will effect the pH. That is what we will calculate now!.
  5. Earlier, we wrote the net ionic (HAc + OH- - AC- + H2O) now we can flip this to figure out the dissociation of the Salt, because all that is in the beaker now is H2O and NaAc,thus the salt will dissolve (partially depending on Kb).
the equation becomes. Ac- + H2O < OH- +HAc. From here, we now see OH- is being produced! (see how useful the net Ionics can be?) Thus we are technically finding pOH.
Now lets set up the equilibrium expression to find out how much OH is produced. Be careful to not use Ka, but Kb because OH is produced and not H.
Thus, lets find Kb using the equation Kw=KbKa. 10-14 =(1.8x10-5 )(Kb) Kb = 5.56x10-10 . <--- very small, so the equilibrium most likely lies towards the solid salt.
Now the expression: Kb = [OH][HAc]/[Ac-] -- 5.56x10-10 = [x][x]/[.25M] X = 1.18x10-5M OH. Now, the pOH = -log(1.18x10-5 ) = 4.93. Lastly, the pH = 14-pOH. Thus, pH = 14 - 4.93 = 9.07
7. Calculate pH after 50mL NaOH is added. - At this point, only OH ions are in the beaker because all the acid is the limiting reagent.
(.05LNaOH)(.5M) = .025mols NaOH .0125mols HAc - .025mols NaOH = -.0125 mols HAc. This really means there are .0125 mols NaOH left over. Thus, divide by total volume (.05L + .025L = .075L) .0125/.075 = .17M.
Since NaOH is a STRONG BASE it has 100% ionization thus .17M NaOH = .17M OH- and therefore the pOH = -log(.17) = .77. Finally, the pH = 14-.77 = 13.22. VERY basic. Which makes a lot of sense because its a lot of a strong base in a little of a weak acid.
Check my work
Note: the reason why I included this with buffers in because the region before the equivalence point is the buffer region, where the pH doesn't move that much.
I really hope this helped. I wrote this all just now because I too am studying for my acids-bases exam.
Please PM if you have any questions!
submitted by TERMONATORKILLER to APStudents [link] [comments]

Understanding the relative acid strengths of methanol, water, ethanol and tert-butanol

Hello everyone, I am trying to learn how to figure out how to figure out the most acidic molecule/substance when given a choice. My post has a question but also I'd like your wisdom in validating/refining my understanding of acids/bases as they relate to organic chemistry.
To my understanding so far, Water is more acidic than all alcohols except methanol. The relevant pKa values:
CH3OH 15.54
H2O 15.74
CH3CH2OH 15.9
Tert-Butanol around 19
While I appreciate that all have similar acid strength, there are subtle differences and I would like to understand why (relating back to the structure of the molecule) that causes it to be more acidic. Can anyone explain nice and cleanly why the order of acidity (from strongest to weakest) is methanol, water, ethanol then tert-butanol?
Possible reasons that I have seen on the internet (that I either don't understand or were poorly explained) mention: inductive effect, solvation effects, something about being a better nucleophile, CH3 being an "electron releasing group", ethoxide being a stronger base than hydroxide, something about linearity
My current understanding of deciding acid strength is: The stronger acid has the more stable conjugate base, due to:
I am also aware that lower pKa values mean stronger acidity and that the stronger the base, the weaker its conjugate acid.
I am trying to obtain a simplified (first year uni level) conceptual understanding so as to be in the best position to make educated guesses about what is the stronger acid, ultimately to help me predict reactants/products of complicated biochemistry reactions.
Please let me know if there is anything I wrote that I completely misunderstood. My apologies for the long post!
submitted by Rhinofrog to chemhelp [link] [comments]

If the pKa of carboxylic acid is 3, then what is the pKa of the resulting carboxylate anion?

In general, what is the pKa of an acid's conjugate base? If HCl gives away its hydrogen, does Cl- have a pKa at all?
I understand that pKa is used to measure the acidity of a molecule, but theoretically do all molecules have a pKa, even if they don't have hydrogen? Or do they not? Or is it infinite?
I ask because I know both H2O and H3O+ have significant pKas, as well as NH3 and NH4+. But no one has ever explicitly taught me how to consideignore pKa of other conjugate pairs.
submitted by spacepunkk to chemhelp [link] [comments]

My book says carboxylic acids are more acidic than alcohols as the negative charge of the carboxylate ion is conjugated so it is more stable. Isn't O=C-O-H already conjugated?

I'm trying to teach myself chemistry and I'm reading why chemical reactions happen? First of all I'm assuming it referring to thermodynamic stability, as in ΔH for HA + H2O -> H3O + A- is lower for the carboxylic acid and that is why it's the stronger acid as per this diagram.
Here is a screenshot of the book pg.1 and pg.2 see 10.4. The explaination says
The origin of this stabilization is that the lone pair of electrons on the oxygen (formally the neagative charge) becomes involved in the carbonyl pi system. If we concentrate on the p orbitals of the carbon and the two oxygens we can draw up a simple MO scheme.
and I can see from the MO diagram below that the carboxylate anion is lower in energy due to the conjugation than if the O-H bond was broken and that was it. However my confusion is that can't the carboxylic acid (before it disacossiates) already be conjugated. If consider it through hybridization, wouldn't the oxygen from the O-H group be sp2 hybridized with a 2p orbital from that oxygen interacting with the carbon and other other oxygen atom to form three MOs, two of which would be filled (bonding and non bonding)? The other O-H lone pair would be in an sp2 orbital. Unlike the book which supposes no interaction between C=O and the other oxygen?
I would really appreciate any help as I'm really confused and just want to figure out what's going on. I hope I phrased my question so that it makes sense. Thank you
submitted by UnadvisedApollo to chemhelp [link] [comments]

All Scientists should be Skeptics, No Scientist should be a Denier

I recently listened to a talk by a climate skeptic, or was he a climate denier? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lOsmfAO2Gs&feature=youtu.be) It was a mix of factual information, confused information and left out information. Most of the experiments presented in this talk supported the idea that more carbon dioxide can make plants, and some animals, grow bigger. While some of his points were interesting, overall I found his talk selectively misleading. The speaker frequently conflates carbon dioxide levels with other climate change factors.
It’s always good to begin a talk with points that everyone can agree on. Everyone agrees that carbon dioxide is necessary for plants to survive and grow. It seems reasonable that more of this important building block, carbon dioxide, could make a plant grow bigger, and maybe faster too. Carbon dioxide is plant food and if there isn’t enough, plants will starve. Not only that, the earth would freeze. But, that’s a problem for a different time. Currently, there’s plenty of carbon dioxide to feed the plants on earth.
Now, throw in a little water, and in return plants make oxygen and glucose (and cellulose from the glucose) for the rest of life on earth. That sounds like a fair trade. Glucose also supplies energy for the plant and anything that eats the plant and anything that eats anything that eats the plant. Glucose is also in equilibrium with many other bio-molecules that are essential for life (glycolysis, TCA cycle, ATP, NADH, electron transport and more). These are all good things. So, does that mean we would benefit from more CO2 in our atmosphere?
I offer this analogy. Human beings need glucose since our brain cells do not store any and they pick it up from the circulating blood. In fact, the brain requires about 20% of our daily calorie needs to keep itself going. If our glucose levels drop too low, we can become hypoglycemic, possibly lose consciousness, even to the state of death. When brain cells recognize glucose levels are falling they start switching to ketone bodies, which build up during times of fasting or starvation in order to keep the brain alive. This is ok for awhile, but not good long term.
How do we know this? Well, many, many dedicated scientists studied very complicated biochemistry over the past century, wandering through a maze of mysteries. There were many false leads and corrections along the way, where scientists debated competing hypotheses. The end result is that our knowledge of the biochemical world is vastly more certain than ever because of science. Our knowledge is not complete, and it never will be, because biochemistry is too complicated. But that doesn’t mean we can’t find useful predictors of health and disease from an imperfect blood panel.
Plants need carbon dioxide and our brains need glucose. According to the talk, the speaker’s main point seems to be “if a little is good, more is better” (repeated over and over with every example of bigger and bigger plants with higher and higher levels of CO2). We can apply the same logic to glucose in the blood, also necessary for life. If we continue our usual diet and add one large candy bar each day, our blood levels of glucose will be higher and we will start to get bigger. Let’s add 2, then 3 extra candy bars each day. Our blood levels of glucose get even higher and we will get even bigger. This is a good thing, right? If we were deficient in calories, that might be true.
But wait, too much glucose in our blood can lead to obesity and diabetes, which leads to inflammation of blood vessels leading to blindness, periodontal disease and loss of our teeth, kidney disease, pregnancy problems, nerve damage and diabetic foot (often requiring amputation). Maybe there are other factors besides getting bigger that have to be considered.
For example, in global warming, there is also increasing temperature to consider when CO2 levels go up. When the levels of carbon dioxide are just right, about 280 ppm over the past many thousands of years, they help keep earth’s average temperature around 15C/59F, which is good for much of life. It is claimed that without our greenhouse gases, earth’s average temperature would be more like -18C/0F, too cold for many life forms. The earth would be a big ice cube and growing enough food to feed life on earth would be a major problem. On the other hand, too much carbon dioxide causes the opposite problem, and the earth cooks. For humans on earth, we need the ‘Goldilocks amount” of carbon dioxide: ‘just right’.
The speaker presents a simi-quantitative graph showing different levels of carbon dioxide and water. He argues that when there is more carbon dioxide in the air, the stoma of leaves can be smaller and retain more water, but there is nothing on the slide that mentions anything about leaf stoma and water retention. Stoma are openings on the bottom of leaves allowing carbon dioxide to be absorbed. Both water and carbon dioxide are incredibly small molecules that have absolutely no problem diffusing in and out of leaf stoma. If water is present as 1% of air, it concentration would be about 10,000 ppm, while CO2 is just over 400 ppm. It’s likely that the size and number of leaf stoma is more related to the levels of carbon dioxide, than water. The main conclusion from the qualitative graph appears similar to his initial comments, that more carbon dioxide makes a plant grow better, no matter what the water level.
The speaker emphasizes that trees and sweet corn continue to do well, even up to 100F. Maybe some plants can adapt to 90+ F temperatures, but not everything is able to do so. To emphasize his point he uses Phoenix, Arizona as an example of how you can grow sweet corn anywhere in the US at high temperatures, and what could be higher than Phoenix in the summer. .
So, how does corn grow in Arizona? I’ve listed the top 5 corn producing states below, and Arizona’s ranking and production and the total amount of corn produced in the US. Maybe growing corn in Arizona isn’t quite as great as the speaker implied? Also, the very small amount of corn grown in Arizona was grown in late spring and early fall, not in the summer.
State/ranking (2016) millions of bushels percent of US production
Total corn produced: 15,148 bushels 100%
  1. Iowa 2,740 18.09%
  2. Illinois 2,256 14.89
  3. Nebraska 1,700 11.22%
  4. Minnesota 1,544 10.19%
  5. Indiana 946 6.25%
33-35. Arizona 11 0.07% (3 way tie with New Jersey and Wyoming)
Additional research on plants and carbon dioxide may find useful exceptions that provide greater insight about what factors are most important. Maybe special genes can be introduced or modified to make a plant more heat tolerant, able to live with less water and/or more salt in the water. There are many factors that can affect the way plants (or we) grow and many variables that can be affected by carbon dioxide (or glucose) in their own unique way. The outcome of one variable (size of a plant correlated with CO2 levels) does not necessarily correlate with all other outcomes (heat of the atmosphere, melting ice, acidification of ocean waters, etc.).
Even if some plants can live at higher temperatures, maybe other life forms have a hard time living at high temperatures, like us, for example. If the temperature gets up towards 105F, and there is very high humidity, we are cooked, literally. Our enzymes begin to denature and quit working in the vicinity of 105F. If the air is dry we can perspire and the evaporation can help keep us cooler, but if the humidity is high (> 90%), then we will succumb to heat exhaustion, and can die because we have no way to cool down. As long as one of the two variables is ‘lower’ we can survive, but if both get too high, we can’t.
If I took the speaker at face value with respect to high CO2 and temperature, I would expect these conditions to provide lots of green vegetation, thriving with the extra carbon dioxide and heat. However, when I hike through the Southern California foothills on hot summer days, I do not see green as the dominant color, I see brown everywhere (not to mention occasional smoke and fires). The brown is partly due to the other critical molecule, water (or lack thereof). While all of this seems reasonable, I’m certain we don’t understand every detail. Pretending none of this makes any difference can lead us to a dead-end, literally.
The speaker makes an emphatic point about the greening of earth, which shouldn’t be too surprising since plants are getting more carbon dioxide to munch on. This is a good thing for plants, but is it the only thing? The following comes from a web page on Popular Science titled: “Satellite Data Show the Earth is Getting Greener” (2015). Once again, we find there is more to the story than the speaker told us.

[ "It isn't often that environmental scientists get good news. But a new study in Nature Climate Change found that for the past few years, the earth has been getting a little bit greener, accumulating an additional 4 billion tons of biomass (vegetation) between 2003 and 2012. That's a good thing, because plants take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, locking harmful greenhouse gas away in the new growth.
Now to burst your carbonated bubble; this study wasn't looking at a direct connection between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and plant growth. Even if the extra plants make a difference, the fact is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been rising steadily for decades.
The additional green came from a few places: In former Soviet countries, forest started to grow back over farmland, while in China, massive tree planting campaigns seemed to do the trick. The researchers also found that more arid areas had a lot of vegetation as well, including shrubs in savannas in Africa, Australia, and South America.
The researchers used numerous satellites to look at changes in vegetation over the years. They looked at microwave radiation bouncing off the Earth's surface, and by pulling together data from the different satellites, they were able to get a month-by-month idea of how much living plant matter was on our planet for the past 20 years.
While in recent years it seems like things are looking up, the prognosis isn't entirely rosy. The team still found huge amounts of deforestation in the rain forests of South America and Southeast Asia. Those findings line up with another report from earlier this month that noted that deforestation in rain forests seems to be increasing. Not only that, but the areas where vegetation is spreading (like the savannas) are highly sensitive to changes in climate. A particularly dry year (or years) could kill off the new vegetation and put us right back where we started." ]

Almost all of our heat on earth comes from the sun light (electromagnetic radiation = EM). The regions of the EM spectrum that are most important to earth are the high energy ultra violet (UV = dangerous), visible (the colors that we see) and lower energy infrared (IR we experience as heat). It is estimated that the sun puts out a tremendous amount of energy, 4x10^26 Watts (joule/second), but only about 2x10^17 Watts strikes the earth. About 30% of that is reflected back to space and about 70% is absorbed at the surface. If we could capture and store a fraction of that energy, we wouldn’t ever need to worry about fossil fuels. But we haven’t completely solved those problems yet, so fossil fuels are still part of our equation. There are some good ideas out there, solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, possibly nuclear and others. Deniers will tell you none of these ideas can compete with fossil fuels, but nothing ever competes in its early days of discovery, even fossil fuels. New ideas in science always take time, and trial and error to work the kinks out.
I am not a climatologist, I am a chemist and I have been for over 50 years (recently retired). In my job I took thousands of spectra (IR, various types of NMRs, MS, UV) and did lots of other experimental stuff. I looked at the IR spectra of water and carbon dioxide almost every day from 4000 cm-1 (2.5 mm) to 500 cm-1 (20 mm). It was the background IR spectrum of air that was subtracted from all routine organic IR spectra. Anyone reading this can Google “background IR spectrum” to see what one looks like.
The main IR energy absorbing bands in air are from H2O and CO2, and mostly, they do not overlap. This means that all the bands have heat absorbing potential from molecular vibrations (stretching and bending modes), as long as none of them have been maxed out by other greenhouse molecules (nitrous oxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, are all present in much lower amounts, though they are stronger absorbers). Water bands are around 3500+/- and 1500+/- and carbon dioxide are around 2250+/- and 800+/- cm-1. Once CO2 and H2O are excited by background heat (IR), those molecules quickly relax by transferring their energy via collisions with other molecular substances, and do it all over again and again and again for as long as they are in the atmosphere because the sun shines on earth every single day. By the slow process of convection, the heat is distributed throughout the atmosphere. It’s like a “bell” that can be rung over and over forever. It is this property that helps the atmosphere retain heat. As mentioned above, in the right amount, this is a good thing and helps make life possible.
Water is actually a stronger heat absorbing molecule than CO2, but since 70% of the earth’s surface is water, there’s nothing we can do about water. The variable that affects water the most is temperature because the vapor pressure of water increases as temperature increases. The more water in the atmosphere, the more heat retaining potential it has. The partial pressure increase is pretty small for a 1C increase (25C à 26C increases water vapor pressure by 23.8 torr à 25.2 torr, delta = 1.4 torr). However, the atmosphere is so large that even a small increase in vapor pressure, adds a lot of water. I estimate about 1.5x10^15 moles of water (3x10^16 grams) added, assuming a 10 mile deep atmosphere. That calculates out to about 10^17 joules to heat the added water 1C. Each 1C increase in temperature adds to this effect.
Because liquid water has a large heat capacity, it can absorb a lot of heat. In the short term, the temperature of the atmosphere does not go up as much as it might if the oceans weren’t there. This is an advantage when earth’s temperature is going up because it provides a long time lag for increasing temperatures. But, it also means that the oceans retain heat better and are slower to cool down. Oceans act like a giant heat reservoir that can affect our environment (like melting ice), and delay the consequences of increased heat for decades, or even longer.
You don’t have to take my word for it, test it yourself. Take two similar size ice cubes and put one in a medium bowl and at the same time put the other ice cube in a similar size bowl about half full of tap water. Start your watch and see how long it takes them to completely melt. When I did this, the ice cube in the bowl with water melted in 8 minutes, while the ice cube in the empty bowl took 92 minutes. This will give you a feeling for how fast a glacier on land takes to melt by absorbing heat from air compared to an ice berg out floating in the ocean absorbing heat from water. I didn’t actually do it, but try the same experiment with hot water. Make a prediction before you try it and see what happens. I bet you will be right. This is how science works and helps us to make decisions using the best information available. Believing in people who denigrate science and its methods will lead us back to the dark ages.
Yet another problem with glaciers is when the melt occurs at the bottom of glaciers it allows them to race to the ocean much faster, because of the reduced friction. Once the ice hits the oceans, the melt rate greatly accelerates and adds extra water to our oceans.
Even though water has a larger capacity for retaining heat, carbon dioxide is the key, because carbon dioxide is the factor that can throw off our balanced, comfortable world that we have enjoyed for almost all of humanity’s existence. In fact, this comfortable world is probably what allowed us homo sapiens to rise to dominance over the past many thousands of years. We owe a world of gratitude to those two little molecules, H2O and CO2, but we have to recognize when there is too much of a good thing, just like glucose in our blood.
Now, one little CO2 molecule hardly does anything by itself, but I calculate that there are about 10^40 CO2 molecules in the atmosphere. None of us know what that number is, but if you keep multiplying by 10 at some point it will start to have a significant effect, and If you multiply by 10 again and 10 again, it goes off the chart. But, is the amount of carbon dioxide large enough to do everything the climate scientists say it does?
It’s time for another analogy. Microwaves are lower energy than IR radiation and provide an everyday heating example that occurs much quicker than IR heating of the atmosphere. Because microwaves have longer wavelengths (lower energy), they can penetrate deeper into the food item cooked and heat everywhere at once, unlike IR radiation, which heats our atmosphere by convection. Lower energy microwaves tend to excite rotations of water molecules, which then continually relax by slamming into other molecules and transfer their kinetic energy (heat) throughout the sample. Just like the carbon dioxide “bell” that can be rung over and over, the water “bell” in a microwave sample can be re-rung (re-excited) over and over and over, with a result that our food gets hotter and hotter, until it cooks.
The energy source for a microwave oven isn’t the sun, but typically a 1200 watt (joule/second) energy source. Pretty quickly things heat up because the sample is so small and the radiation is focused. But, leave your popcorn in 1 minute over the required time and most of us know what happens: charcoal. IR energy is 100 to 1000s of times greater than microwaves, so it seems reasonable that IR radiation can also do some serious heating.
Because the world is so big (atmosphere and oceans), rising CO2 levels usually take 100s to 1000s of years to heat up instead of 2 minutes. We aren’t looking at a large temperature increase to cook food, we are looking at a small temperature increase that melts ice. And, we are heating 10^40 CO2 molecules, 5x10^41 water molecules, 5x10^37 methane molecules, etc, over and over and over. It seems reasonable to consider that higher CO2 levels can overcook the world, if we wait awhile. The worry for our time is that we are adding CO2 so fast that it may only take decades to centuries to do this instead of centuries to millennia. Do we have a choice?
Humans started recording an average world temperature in 1880-1889 (13.71C/56.71F). It’s hard to know what those early average temperatures mean, considering the state of the world back in 1880. Temperature measurements today are more reliable and more spread out, including satellite measurements. The most recent complete decade, 2000-2009 recorded average temperatures of 14.51C/58.12F. Those are pretty small increases, for the entire earth over 130 years (delta = 0.78C/1.41F). However, about 0.51C/0.92F of that increase occurred since the 1970-1979 decade. Even more disturbing is that above 64N latitude the temperature increase from 1880-1889 to 2000-2009 was 2.5C/4.5F, with most of the increases coming in the recent decades, 1.8C/3.24F. Overall recent decades show temperature increases of about 0.2C/0.36F per decade. If that were to continue for the entire 21st century, average world temperature would rise about 2C/3.6F. The flooding resulting from such a temperature increase would cause colossal problems for coastal cities, fresh water tables and food growing coastal deltas. Our current decade is not finished (2010-2020), but the 4 warmest years on record have all occurred since 2014. That means the last 4 years are the hottest yearly average temperatures on record! Deniers will tell you it’s a fluke, climate change scientists will tell you it’s a trend, heading in the wrong direction. It won’t be surprising if 2018 makes it 5 out of 5. (You can use the mouse scroll wheel to expand or shrink the graph.)
These higher temperature readings come with major consequences such as sea level rise and climate effects. Any sort of positive feedback mechanisms could make things worse (like increasing methane and/or changing ocean currents). Of course there is a big IF in front of all of this, because this is an experiment humans have never done before. The problem is we only get one chance to do it, and if we screw it up, too bad for those future humans. Deniers, such as the speaker in this video, advocate higher carbon dioxide, because the plants are hungry for more. However, to ignore the dire consequences of global warming would require iron-clad, 100% proof that there are no dangerous consequences. Considering the down side possibilities, this is a dangerous gamble. So far, deniers haven’t offered that iron-clad, convincing proof.
The speaker also discussed ocean acidity, which increases when atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans (lowering the pH). At first this was thought to be a good thing because it slows down the increase in temperature of the atmosphere. However, carbon dioxide reacts with water and makes carbonic acids, which makes the oceans more acidic. In a research paper, mentioned by the speaker, hydrochloric acid was used to adjust the pH of the solution. The speaker dismissed the use of hydrochloric acid and the research that used it as something totally different than carbonic acid. Once again, the speaker misled us.
First off, there is no hydrochloric acid in aqueous HCl. Since HCl is a strong acid, it dissociates completely to hydronium ion, H3O+, and chloride, Cl-. Chloride is in every living life form on earth, including us, and is essential to all cellular function. It is also present at significant levels in the oceans, so it is not really anything different than what we already see in our world. Hydronium ion is just a solvated proton on a water molecule, whether it comes from hydrochloric acid or carbonic acid.
The reason scientists use HCl to adjust the pH of acid solutions is because it only affects the balance between another acid (carbonic acid, a weak acid that does not dissociate completely) and its conjugate base (bicarbonate, the other part that forms when a proton is lost). The pH is just a number that helps determine the balance (ratio) between a conjugate base and its conjugate acid. The other variable to consider is the actual concentration of the acid, itself, in solution, independent from the pH. This too can go up when more carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans. It is a moderately complicated equilibrium when considering all of the molecular species, and looks something like the following. The < arrows indicate equilibria and H (+1) represents hydronium ion.
H2O + CO2 < H2CO3 < H(+1) + HCO3(-1) < H(+1) + CO3(-2)
The same hydronium ion (H3O, +1) that forms when HCl dissolves in water also forms when carbonic acid (H2CO3) dissociates to bicarbonate (HCO3, -1). The bicarbonate can also dissociate to another hydronium ion (H3O, +1) and carbonate (CO3, -2), which is necessary for shell forming organisms and plankton. Plankton are clearly important and use carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and much of earth’s oxygen via photosynthesis. Plankton also form the base of the ocean’s food chain. More carbon dioxide can allow more plankton to grow (good), but is that the complete picture? Plankton also need other nutrients, and calcium, phosphate, nitrates, silicates and some, even fix nitrogen gas. They are also affected by water temperature, salinity, water depth, wind and what kinds of predators are around. The effect of all these variables can only be determined by laborious scientific experiments, something deniers detest and discourage at every opportunity.
Surprisingly perhaps, from the emphasis in the talk, plankton (and plants too) do depend on more than “just carbon dioxide”. So, once again, the logic of the talk “If a little is good, more is better,” is flawed. Too much acid (too low of pH) is bad for CaCO3 shells, because it drives the above equilibrium equation backwards, towards carbon dioxide and water. Does that mean that every single organism will be adversely affected the same way by lower pH? Of course not, but some might be, maybe even most. How do we find out? We do the research and scientists are doing just that. Deniers don’t want results, they want ignorance.
You can check this effect out yourself at a faster rate than decades or centuries. Next time you go to the beach collect a little shell and add a few drops of HCl solution to see what happens to it (remember, you are really adding hydronium ions). Another name for HCl is muriatic acid which you can find at a pool supply store because it is used to adjust the pH of a pool. (Just be careful if you use it because it a strong acid. It’s a good idea to wear gloves and wash off your skin if you get any on you.) You will probably see little bubbles on the surface of the shell, which is carbon dioxide forming from the reverse reaction of when the carbon dioxide dissolved in water.
Too much hydronium ion pushing the equilibrium back in the opposite direction is not good if part of your outer structure is made of CaCO3. Too much acid also throws off the many complicated equilibria in living organisms. Our blood pH needs to stay in the range of 7.40 +/- 0.05 pH. Each organism has its own special pH range to survive. Deviate from that tiny range and cells start to die. Ocean pH doesn’t affect humans’ pH, but animals and plants that live in the ocean can be greatly affected. To find out, we have to do the science, which scientists are doing. Just saying pH doesn’t matter is a misleading denier tactic. Being a skeptic means additional experiments to find out where it counts and where it doesn’t.
Clearly this speaker is talking out of his comfort zone. His agenda is not to present honest science, rather he seeks to discredit climate scientists by presenting very selective results that have nothing to do with what he is really attacking (If A is good, then B must also be good and everything else must be good.) He even throws in a cute shrimp and a crab making the crab bigger (more carbon dioxide) and smaller (less carbon dioxide) with a smug chuckle, getting the audience to laugh along with him.
Listening to this speaker, gives the impression that carbon dioxide helps all animals in the crab study. In the actual experiments, all of the animals in the crab study were observed in tanks (not in the wild) fixing all of the variables except carbon dioxide. In all, 18 benthic marine organisms were studied. Blue crabs grew the biggest of any of the animals (up to 4X bigger!) and lobsters and shrimp also grew larger with higher CO2. So, the point is proven, correct? No. What the speaker did not mention in his talk is that higher CO2 levels (lower pH) inhibited the growth of 10 other animals, including oysters and corals and one animal did not show any change. In some cases higher CO2 (lower pH) actually led to dissolution of the shells. The mechanisms for these different results were not discussed and are probably very complicated. That wasn’t the message the speaker wanted us to hear.
This would be ok if the speaker’s misinformation only affected him, but it doesn’t. It affects everyone listening to him talk. Seeing bigger trees and bigger crabs with more carbon dioxide and coming to the conclusion that everything else he says must be true: that carbon dioxide is the greatest thing around, and all the thousands of scientists of the world, getting “biased” grants, are conspirators trying to take away our freedoms and ruin our economy is the message deniers are shooting for. Skeptics, on the other hand, say “I don’t know. Let’s find out.”
In reality, this whole climate change problem is hugely complicated. Very dedicated scientists are working hard to find real answers to get us out of this potential predicament. Simplistic arguments that put us all in danger are not useful. We need solutions, not pretend information that makes fossil fuel companies richer at our expense.
It is the fate of the earth that we are contemplating over the next 100-1000 years. Are you betting pocket change, or are you betting the future lives of the generations to come? Do we just eat, drink and be merry, or do we care to make a better future?
So, I did enjoy parts of the talk and found it interesting how the plants and crabs got bigger with extra carbon dioxide. I’m pretty sure they were grown in some sort of sealed off environment, like a greenhouse or water tank, where the CO2 levels could be controlled. That’s ok because that’s the way science is usually done, one variable at a time. The speaker should have told us there were conflicting results and that there are other factors to consider, but he didn’t. He should not have pretended that his very limited points cancel out all of the other climate change research, but he didn’t. I, personally, don’t want the entire earth atmosphere to have that much carbon dioxide present, considering the current status of what we know. Who cares if blue crabs are 4 times larger, if sea levels are 3 feet higher?
For someone who is science-phobic, this is scary stuff and it’s hard to know how to sift through all of the complicated details. Deniers are counting on that. Even scientists can’t tell exactly how things will play out. It’s not surprising that people become very alarmed, or even hysterical. They are hearing consequences that will happen 100 years from now and thinking it will happen in the next 10 years. There are exaggerators on the alarmists’ side too. Exaggeration on the alarmists’ side leads to paralysis, while distortion on the denial side leads to inaction. Either result puts life on earth at risk, whether it be 10 years, 100 years or 1000 years.
From the YouTube talk, it seemed like the speaker was fine with CO2 levels over 1000 ppm, or even higher. I think anyone seriously considering this problem would have major reservations about having their family and friends live at such high CO2 levels, and probably wouldn’t want to treat them like a tree or crab experiment. We don’t get to do this experiment over and over in our nice little greenhouses. This is a one-time experiment and the greenhouse is earth, our house.
We all need to be more honest in how we view and present the facts. Where there are conflicting results, we need more research. We don’t need science-ignorant leaders trying to squash valid scientific research. We need leaders who believe in science and are willing to confront the problem of climate change head on. It is a very reasonable assumption that we are facing some tough climate change problems that require some cutting edge thinking, right away.
Cheap energy raised humanity above subsistence living and allowed us to live like kings and queens. However, we never thought ahead to more than the next moment and the problems snuck up on us. Society is more fragmented than at any time in my memory. Democracy is in peril in many places. Yet, there is only one way out of this dilemma that affects us all. The world has to come together if we are to have any chance at solving this problem. We did it with chlorofluorocarbons, but that was a relatively trivial problem compared to the energy problem of climate change. Unfortunately, it may take a few more monster disasters to convince humanity of the existential threat to our survival. If climate change scientists are correct, humanity will have to pay a little extra ‘late fee’ for the delay.
What we really need are alternatives that only require moderate sacrifice to switch over to. Forcing change on people won’t work, so we need something else. We need incentives that encourage us to do the right thing. Money is a powerful motivator, but maybe there are other approaches. The power structure is another huge problem. Fossil fuel companies do not want to give up their privileged positions. They have known for decades about the problem of climate change but have only recently acknowledged that fact. They are the most powerful source of denial and we all have to pay the price of that denial.
There are many other serious problems, such as increasing population, declining resources, pure drinking water, poverty, food distribution, global conflicts, mass migrations, nuclear weapons and more. Climate change will compound many of these. From all of the arguments I have looked at, on both sides, I would say climate skeptics and climate advocates are all pretty smart. We shouldn’t be wasting our time and energy demonizing one another. Denial is a dead-end road for all of us. We need to immediately start working together to search for every possible solution to the many problems we face. We have to start decreasing our use of fossil fuels. Immediately eliminating use of fossil fuels would be best, but clearly, that’s not going to happen. Possibly, we could reduce 5% a year for 20 years, as we substitute in alternative solutions. Reductions would have to be strictly enforced to do any good. There’s too much at stake to do nothing.
I’ll leave you with what seems to me to be a very hopeful alternative. If we could make hydrogen gas (H2) from water (bacteria do it and, on a small scale, we can too), we could take that H2 and burn it with oxygen to make energy and water, which we could remake into hydrogen gas as a never-ending, nonpolluting source of energy. No CO2 in the equation. There are some storage problems of this highly pressurized, explosive gas, but that sounds solvable. We already do it with propane. Also, the energy content of hydrogen gas is lower than hydrocarbons, such as octane.
There are always unforeseen problems, which is why we need to throw resources, money, creative minds and everything else we’ve got, to develop these ideas. We need to educate ourselves about what the problems are and what the possible solutions are. No more being ostriches, burying our heads in the sand. No more denial. Instead, eyes wide open now!
submitted by philthechemist to climate [link] [comments]

Hydration of Alkenes Mechanism

1) Why doesn’t water react with alkenes without an acid catalyst?
I get that the acid (say, H2SO4) gives the proton that breaks the weak Pi bond, and it can do that because the O-H polarity makes it easy to take the hydrogen off. But why doesn’t it do the same to water’s O-H bonds?
From what I’ve gathered it’s because the resonance of [HSO4]- makes it more stable than [OH]- due to the distribution of the negative charge. Is that right?
2) Why is [HSO4]- negatively charged but not preferable as a nucleophile over water?
Is it because the charge distribution of the conjugate base makes the charge less concentrated in specific locations than the partial negative charge of the H2O?
Thank you!
submitted by TheGloriousHole to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Permanganate synthesis gone wrong!!

Hi, i have a question regarding the synthesis of permanganate from pottasiumperiodate and a manganese solution.
This reaction takes place in an acidic environment and when done right produces a purple liquid(because of the permanganate), we did this by adding phosphoricacid to the manganese solution, then we added and dissolved the potassiumperiodate, and we got the purple permanganate. But when first adding and dissolving the potassiumperiodate into the manganese solution and then adding the phosphoricacid, the solution went a brown rusty redish colour. Why did this happen? What is the reaction that took place to produce this brown reddish colour? Does it maybe have something to do with a reaction between the phosphoricacid conjugated base and the manganese ions? I posted the reaction that takes place to actually produce the permanganate if it is to any help(sorry super and subscript didnt work on here)

Oxidation reaction:
Mn2++ 4H2O(l) → MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e-
Reduction reaction:
IO4- + 2H+ + 2e- → IO3- + H2O(l)
full redox reaction:
5IO4- + 2Mn2+ + 3H2O → 5IO3- + 2MnO4- + 6H+
submitted by giertank to chemistryhelp [link] [comments]

Confused about electron discharge at anode during electrolysis of water

  1. So I understand that at the anode there is a net positive charge because the anode itself is connected to the cathode of the battery. So in acidified water, there is the conjugate base of the acid as well as OH- anions. What prevents the the conjugate base of the acid (say Cl-) from being discharge at the anode instead of the OH- anion? Are both discharged?
  2. And a slightly related question, even in acidified water, only a tiny fraction of the H2O is successfully decomposed into O2 and H2, correct? I mean even at a very low ph of say 0 or 1 M of HCL, there are still far greater units of intact H2O molecules than H+ and OH- ions, correct? So is a typical yield of H2 and O2 from water electrolysis very low?
Thanks as always reddit!
submitted by ReadTro to Mcat [link] [comments]

Fairy Tales : A Narrow Escape (part 1)


Fairy Tales: A Narrow Escape!***

(Subtitled: Of Balls & Playfulness)

October 30, 2017 Draft

(Yes, yes, it needs to be edited down)


Anthony Steyning

"Modern art is what you can get away with," Andy Warhol told us, and his work took the cake. He also paraphrased McLuhan suggesting 'artistic' works get approved not just by the few acting out of sometimes perplexing conviction, but by all those who dutifully tag along. The point at which credulity starts taking it on the chin and the word 'travesty' enters the mind.

The same manifestation affects conventional philosophy and religion, man's most venerated cerebral and spiritual enterprises. Unchallenged by multitudes thirsting for reverent fantasy and reassurance by way of meticulous analysis and explanation, their self-satisfied proponents taking themselves as seriously as contemporary art's high priests do.

But does something represent an absolute truth, just because people no longer question it?

Enough's enough said Buddha about thousands and thousands of Hindu gods; it's man who has to count for something! With Antonin Artaud repeating his notion stating it all when he wrote Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu, asking us to stop this nonsense with our imaginary friend, the subject of our manicured dreams. For if man needed to create myths or fairy tales to deal with his own mind and to step out beyond himself so he could look down upon himself and heal himself or give himself that extra bit of courage and strength in the face of mostly cruel and often endless setbacks, then for a time and despite almost immediate, built-in and mostly silly taboos, this was fine. But superstitions and allegories are usually endless, while the truth, even when complex always turns out to be relatively short. And by beginning to believe his lengthy, embroidered fantasies, his fictions, imposing them as if they were the truth, protecting instant orthodoxies as precious property, he created the beginning of his own degradation. Because fables or myths are dreams, or better still a series of pretty fibs and an elaborate lie however well meant, however well told, represents the seed of destruction that every grand falsehood carries within itself.

Similarly, what's found at the opposite end of the scale is immodest pride as for its part formal western thought is built on the implication, its point-de-départ, that should we not be there, well, then nothing's really there or worth discussing. That unless a person can give birth to him or herself, our collective death would be the death of meaning. As if this planet had none of it long before we arrived, accommodating millions of years of different life?! And as if all of this doesn't imply carpe diem, that what we see is what we get!

Philosophy's sole function should be the removal of all nonsense from the world when all it does is confound and compound, never ceasing to create rather than dismiss exquisite, endless, near lyrical examinations and rivalling conjectures! I know, no Sein no Zen, but notions like Heidegger's forever doctrinaire Sein and Dasein or Descartes' Je pense, donc je suis, I think therefore I am, both essentially flawed as deprived of our consciousness 'being' obviously doesn't necessarily and by itself cease to be! Plus that this very Sein sadly also constantly reminds us of our own forthcoming demise and in this capacity represents no life force whatsoever, in a certain way killing one hell of a party. And in Descartes' case the most that we could let him get away with: I think, therefore I am what or who I am (i.e. as opposed to others or animals). Better still what André Breton exhorted: I think, therefore I disturb!, though I obviously prefer Unamuno's simple I am, therefore I think. And what's wrong with I have foresight, therefore I am?

When re-reading so many hallowed texts then, consider the self-indulgent hokum too often meriting some sort of stage direction saying: STOP! Here Mind Disappears Up Rectum! Because, one more time, after close scrutiny nearly all established conventions ultimately point in one single direction---they confirm our pre-eminence and successful continuity with a mind set far more interested in bunker consolidation and arid preservation than in keeping structures open to further thought and experience. Man still secretly convinced he's the measure of all that matters, that there's some sort of finality to the scheme of things and this finality is him, when most likely there's not even a scheme and the earth not the center of anything, merely the third and most beautiful be it somewhat obese bauble from our sun. For so called nothingness and the absence of human existence or awareness are not synonymous. Eons simply episodes in which nothingness arising from emptiness is not only a non sequitur but a non plus, though the answer to the question 'What is is??' admittedly remains a tempting and elusive one.

Or those ultimate ones of course 'Where does the Universe itself originate? Why is there some cosmic fabric, this cloth full of glittering mirror balls spinning, spinning like Jacques Brel's La Valse à Mille Temps including not only all the planets, but according to him our minds as well. (On the other hand I'm glad they spin or in our case we'd slide right off, and then what...?)

-About the Big Bang theory: First there was nothing, and then it exploded... If you can figure that one out, give me a call!

So what really are electromagnetism, temperature, light, gravity and all their waves? Not only capable of making us and nearby things move, but also matter and mass millions and millions of miles away? All of which we eloquently note, describe, and measure and by the grace of which we live and die, but still cannot factually explain?'

In the meantime the body of modern western thought mainly deals with the mechanics of thinking and formation of action in thought, called will i.e. to be, is to do. It mainly provides some sort of indexation and supplies comfort through carefully constructed theoretical truths no more real than those large, inane and inanimate wax figures in morbid musea staring us in the face. Something like Gustave Courbet's The Origin of the World, a portrait hyper grotesque and equally self-absorbed. And yet with ultimate intellectual perversion some brazenly suggesting that we're not here at all, that everything is an illusion. Even though, and after the onion soup a toilet door regrettably left ajar pretty well kills off this notion. Yet with all of this there's absolutely no doubt that the mind stays undernourished and utterly useless without developed senses, except for the cerebellum of course, the electric impulse controlling our muscles so we can move and ingest to stay alive.

Therefore goodbye cognition without sensory perception, but, except in Plato's Cave and in the form of allegory, where are the dissertations which include references to the brain itself, our touch, our ears and our eyes, our neurology? The stuff bottled-thought custodians still ignore, but of which these days entire populations are aware? Those curators who will react to a massive overhaul of modern thinking only if imposed by some Deus Ex Machina, which never seems to come about. For in established philosophy and academically speaking is the nose not glamerous enough? And what is it exactly that sounds created by Schubert, Rachmaninoff or Prince make us cry or shiver with joy? Unleashing emotions that affect our reasoning...!? Not even phenomenologists touching on the flesh and the blood reality of sentience? Yes, which Kant's or Schopenhauer's internal and external paths coincided in each of them, their neurons, neurotransmitters and hormones, to make them arrive at their thought? And should we not first and foremost accept the absolute primacy of certain objects and conditions: a rock, it rains, this gravity, oxygen, you know, details like this? Far removed from human interpretation, memory and Gutenberg tooled retention in order to once and for all prevent the damned tail from wagging the dog? But one never reads any references to them.

Q: Umberto! Why oh why didn't you write: The Name of the Nose?

A: Ragazzo, watta are you talking about!?

At any rate, it did and does always come down to the same and unfortunately remains the canard: I know, who else's, but our take on the world and beyond rules all only because no tangible 'outside' condition prevails showing or teaching us anything clearer or superior. But should it exist it would in all likelihood try to patronize, ridicule us, and then what? Who wins? Anyway even this is strictly academic.

My point then, with ultimate wisdom, can't we shrugg it off for now? Does there absolutely have to be a 'take'? Has the foul, this different whiff of reckless certainty and learned self-importance not become quite unbearable? Even dangerous in places? Doctors of Divinity and Philosophy at one point having to be dragged out of their sanctum sanctorum, their Prius car or own mind so something like their mirror may help them get over themselves? To get shocked into reality the way I was by a quick but sobering look at my own skeleton, through a revealing X-Ray? Reminding me of our total nakedness and all of us too often forgetting that most of our convictions are linked to moments of structural self-assurance, timeless only in our head?!

Yes, why not send the tenured and the ordained alone and naked into the Kalahari? While there re-igniting unbiased curiosity and uncertainty, for instance noticing an animal's hide or plumage perfectly assimilating the colours of surrounding? Pure trickery, for defence or for offence, by optical, mimetic, non-tactile transfer, and nature's way of deceiving, the place where we too must have first learned to lie and pretend through our teeth?

No, I won't get into the kinetic force of it, other than to say this is not contact osmosis. But only one example of somewhere along the line a different, invisible perception/awareness between the animate and the inert occuring that we can't explain and must have included some sort of primal recognition factor. Colours and fake shadows turning into stunning camouflages far, far removed from old parchments, dead idioms, sublime theories and notions. Enough to reject stolid pontification over the excitement of discovery, and also to see how long our desert dweller's severe thirst for certainty outlasts the need for a simple gulp of H2O. For up to now are they, nay, most of us not mere well-fed, self-immersed loungers, owners of self-pleasuring speculation and abstraction instead of acknowledging that our only legitimate possession is the sensuous, the strictly local bearing witness to it all? Even if such down to earth love and admiration goes unrequited, life a beautiful but lousy lover only interested in itself, not persé in us?

Ah, yes, I can picture it now! A mostly naked body wearing purple socks in burning sand passing by but some elephant shouting 'Man, how can he breathe through his ridiculous little thing, or pick up a peanut with it on the floor!' Or if he were an uncovered she, some wayward, roaming camel roaring 'Hey Joe, dig those puny humps!'. Though probably, and after having cleansed him or herself of all jaded assumption, our nude and two-legged walker starting those fabrications all over again. Amid apparent earthiness still seeking applause and confirmation: finding a tall monolith, sitting down on it to come up with brand new dreams or extravagant explanations and expectations, the way old Simon of the Desert did. But why, for as soon as we stopped building altars and temples and started building hospitals we became so much better off? What a bad habit all this. For the salient question is not how or why life, but why the question itself! Everyone always asking what is the meaning and destiny of man, but unless you're someone like Kafka and his impossibility of crows, nobody simultaneously asking what is the meaning and destiny of elephants. Unless of course it is precisely the meaning of elephants not to have a specific purpose and unable as we are to accept that yes, indeed, we're those elephants with the only real difference between us that while they can't... we sometimes don't question nearly enough. Keeping the field unnecessarily even, maintaining ourselves as the silly beasts we shouldn't be, only smart enough to lock the others up inside a Zoo! What kind of victory is that?! And raising that other immortal question, the one of... What exactly is the purpose of purpose?

Though on another level when standing before a masterpiece we shouldn't question it as its beauty or ingenuity are understood, self-evident, mystery and answer intertwined! So that while it comes to daily existence yes we must constantly and courageously ask all the pertinent questions with one exception, that last, that final, the big Why?! Because those obsessed with it and in a certain sense, are they not already mostly dead... killed by fanciful fantasy?!

- Notre Appétit-d'être doit surmonter notre Raison-d'être, it's the only solution!

It's a fact, there has been only one animal to ever tame itself, uncaging his like only to start caging his mind. This animal, later known as man, simple jumper become ringmaster, after breaking loose from the food chain spoiling it all by trying to place the entire universe on his minuscule shoulders unable to accept that in the end sentience changes so very little! In the process accumulating and piling up real but also spurious wisdom to towering heights while learning to preserve it and permanently pass it on. For contrary to frivolous lore it's not prostitution, but philosophy that's our oldest and most painful profession, though certainly not as well paid. And significant the day we discovered we could even invent 'knowledge', and nothing would strike us down. I'm speaking here not of the so-called original sin, but again, of the original lie. Yes, in classical Greek the word philosophy meaning "love of sophia, knowledge", but isn't it a fact we loved it so much that we started manufacturing it? Simultaneously mystifying and sanctifying it as time went by? Received and soon revered wisdom beefed up more than anything to cater to something deep inside our human psyche, namely our extraordinary vanity, our unquenchable thirst for survival, our need for order, but mostly our dual addiction to certainty and the still deeper emotional need to feel wanted? Knowledge manipulated the way a child closes its eyes pretending it's no longer there, or makes believe it lives in a world with which it feels more comfortable? The formal study of which the pious investigation of old innuendo, of half truth and fantastical conjecture with all recent doubt quashed practically before these studies are undertaken in places where anything new always gets barred?

Ah, yes, isn't it wonderful..... Everything certain, everything definite, everything definitive even if none of this can be found anywhere under the stars. Just close your eyes and mind and simply forge it the way you've always managed! Plus the Messiah's on his way anyway so you can celebrate once a week and pop his balloons. Even better if on top of this you can self-induce some sincerity; though hundreds of mostly man-child soothsayers of the cloth will by example teach you how to fake even this! In other words an excellent variation on the adage No Sex Please, We're British: Absolutely No Doubts, Please, We're Humans! A set of circumstances and states of mind leading directly to official fantasies, dogma, endless theory and the often terrible powers of possessive suggestion.

What mastery! What control! King of the hill, top of the heap, are we? Yes Sir! But perhaps more like a fantasizing ostrich sticking its head and neck deep into the sand proclaiming it's the Sovereign of the Savannah, forgetting its feathered arse sticks out and subject to laughter or savage attack. Plus speaking of darkness, unlike the momentary closed eyes of that child, a child eventually snapping out of it, what if we had all been born moles, subterranians, eyeless, yet somehow still with the same ingenuity? How would 'knowledge' have evolved? For there is no molecular reason there cannot be intelligent life without the same old exterior reference points. And would we then have 'imagined' light, days, mountains, oceans, still have invented our gods, our Virgins, God, heaven, the heavens, never even having seen daybreak, seen a bloody thing but darkness? Or no eyes, no skies, and so no pies....? At any rate, for those deriding this playful notion, perhaps they should be more generous. It's doing what they've been doing for centuries, and that is... labouring under assumptions and accepted suppositions a lot. The kind of mental rigidity that has made man earth's such disastrous tenant, eyes firmly fixed on convenient appearances, his brains when possible suspended, as opposed to the child's mind meandering in a small, dreamy playroom, always chasing new worlds.

-Don't touch that sky, don't touch that mountain, don't touch that theory, it's Sacred, it's Holy, Grrrr, IT'S OURS..!! Better still, and individually, IT's MINE, MINE..!!

Let's face it, to a blind man all the world goes naked. Affirming that human perception and intelligence are pretty circumstantial and by definition conditional. And what about wisdom, knowledge's incidental step-child, isn't it also bewilderingly relative, particularly in the additional light of everything written in and around us having been so blatantly self-rigged? Oh dear, does this a sinner make, the refusal to be that submissive, ever following, ignorant Agnus Dei? (Thou shalt not eat from the tree of knowledge: Genesis, to which it's proper to respond Sapere Aude: Dare to Think.) Or a positivist and an irascible polemicist? A reductionist? An objectivist? A well-meaning, doubting relativist then? And so on, and so on. Well, no, no, no, no and no again because laborers in the sagacity, veneration or dignity trade measure elevated speculation against elevated speculation, and what is being attempted here is to remove beautiful irrelevance gently in its entirety from its august but withering plinth. Placing it in the playroom, away from that addiction to deterministic promise --- the battle between reason and desire, between fact and fancy having been uneven far too long.

For hasn't the time come to cease inventing certainties covering that arse? Because I once saw an exhibition of aquarelles produced by Down Syndrome children and they were the most unusual and unimaginably beautiful works of art that I have ever seen. Pointing towards a beguiling world all their own, not one beneath us, but one rivalling ours. And by saying the body perishes and cleverly suggesting the spirit is immortal, in other words that death is birth, where in religion and for that matter in philosophy can this hidden world be found? What happens after our chemicals happen to settle into a different mixture and texture, altering gods, playing fields? Do established disciplines really have any idea what such a person sees and feels, presumably no less real to him or her? And will their 'soul' forever carry on this way: where will 'it' end up? 'Truth' and 'relevance' only to be found in quantity, in volume, because fewer of these people at stake? Yes, what and where is more real, decided upon by whom, especially when the choice is not between onion soup reality or illusion, but between reality that for one reason or another... is multiple? Like with sophistry and its many respectable guises, by implication presenting soothing definitions, yet mostly suitable nonsense and not much more. Or mysticism, escapism of the highest order, though happily mystics don't murder much. Alchemy and black magic then, treated with contempt these days, but not the rest of the hocus-pocus--- collective rationality somehow stopping half way down-road, turning itself inside out, rolling itself into a ball before getting kicked anywhere it wishes to go. Reason turning surreal, or at least slipping into the skin of irrational notions with few noticing or volunteering to admit what's going on.

Most of this evolving in the epoch between Euclid and Copernicus, when we were visited upon by a thousand years of darkness, a time of reason lost when most of the damage was sustained; the birth of insidious intellectual perversion. And the reason Greek and Roman thinkers such astute theorists mainly because they were free-thinkers, unburdened by intellectual straight-jackets, checks, dogmatic halls of mirrors, double curtains and traps or having to worry about Christmas coming up. Though let it be noted that for all their democratic ideals they also owned slaves so that these chaps were not all genius, far from it, just healthy, free-but-privileged and consequently imperfect otherwise well-adjusted debaters who within Amor Fati believed more in civility and community than in immortality, when after a millennium or more of monotheism all we have to show for are murder, deceit and oppression in massive attempts to corner fluid, free thought. And even now this persisting twilight, these lingering fogs in so many quarters on this planet including these New-Agers who are already quite mad or the truistical notions of Intelligent Design which are nothing more than yet another determinant 'truth' job. All this by people's primal need for someone or something to look after them and leading up to a kind of lethal childishness at times, especially when some start dropping a few bombs in order to make if not prove their point. Unable to accept spontaneity in any shape or form, the smarter completely undesigned part of existence in particular when it comes to the emergence of a variety of ingenious procreation mechanisms signalling death yes, of course, but always accompanied by natural renewal through sexual desire, by itself this naughty trick of chemistry. These folks incapable of simply wondering and marvel, addicted to explanations with built-in, ready-made life-vest theories as always enforced by way of threat and terror as in 'holy' punishment, like the preposterous hanging of poor 'witches' in Salem not that long ago. The beauty of randomness, of never ending natural eruption and chemical combustion escaping those who make sure that absolutely nothing interferes with their convenient but crutch creed. The attempted elimination of certain ideas to them akin to some sort of spiritual lobotomy in the face of which they jump on a horse, draw monstrous swords, howl ferociously and fearlessly attack disagreeing strangers. When strictly speaking 'we' can't 'know' anything, a savage but beautiful gnosis never to be entirely ours for the simple reason that the real truth is both condensed and enormous and often quite beyond us so that it can't be copied, caught, bought, contained or otherwise domesticated; not for private use and hovering above us only for its own magnificence.

Delusion making religion so addictive, even to a paleontologist and scientist like Teilhard de Chardin who despite millions of years of overwhelming natural evidence to the contrary, managed to remain a Jesuit priest and thus a cake eating, fence sitting creationist, and for some apparently a way to legitimise themselves. Manifesting underpinnings of near sexual connotation, sex so much more than the physical, orgasmic, the blind drive of multiplication, at a deeper level confirming, making man feeling not just accepted, but wanted, needed. With religion, while itself not in need of man, falsely I feel, seen to protect and thereby confirm and so, identical to sex, making people feel so very wanted. And then of course whoever is wanted must be SAFE? Right? Sex and religion, both of them strong and completely irrational sentiments, sharing an irrepressible desire for belonging, a lair for which many will kill if threatened by eviction. Or from where to prudishly divert eyes from what really happens to be the case.

- Q: Sir, do you believe?

- A: Man, I believe my ass off!

So that it is just as derisory for the gullible to claim all is well, that we're needed and looked after purely on the basis of fairy tales, as it is an extreme form of arrogance to shut all doors to mystery, suggesting we already know everything there is to know.

In other words we should exclude nothing, but believe in very little and also admit that centuries of mainly self-stroking musings have not been a complete waste, far from it. That they were extremely useful in making ethics systemic and having us understand the structures and mechanics of language and thought, never mind the hundreds of immature conclusions which in this process were arrived upon: it was all part of our moral teething, of our growing up. Works, even though radiant, considering the primitive times in which they were conceived, never to be taken as an end onto themselves. As in the case of Spinoza's dozen or so formulae first 'proving' there is a single creator and telling us that God is everything, then concluding in his Ethica that on the contrary, everything is God and thereby to all intents and purposes becoming a free-spirited naturalist atheist, nobly turning his back on constructed belief, on constructed meaning, and in this respect pre-dating Kierkegaard and his 'accompanied' existentialism by a couple of centuries. 'Accompanied' because of the continued attempt by magnificent but gutless fence sitters to have their cake and eat it, too! Unwilling to let go of religion's convenient but false comforts...

Like Kant's de facto sticking to some abstract God's codes, some God-figure, but still called one of our first modern rationalists. Or someone like Sartre incongruently defining individual sovereignty and freedom for us while an unapologetic Stalinist and having the audacity to denigrate freedom delivering America and its allies in order to laud the lunatic keeper of that vast prison, called Cuba. A typical case of obstinate thinking and erroneous loyalties inevitably leading to concrete betrayals and a more recent example of not only spurious but even duplicitous reasoning and by all accounts a lecher, the reason I call him Jean-Paul Satyr... As with de Beauvoir's political side, in 1939 naively proclaiming that all fear of Hitler was grossly exaggerated, on top of this repeating her stunning moral and political insight when it came to Mao, ten years on. Or Heildigger's lowering his antisemitic Bavarian Lederhosen to get into Hannah's pants, unless this is the tale of a cunning Jewish piglet bagging the big, bad butcher, but either way a man who's still taken seriously merely because his massive, deliberately impenetrable lithurgy reads like a Jackson Pollock drip painting, offering consistent symmetric density by the m2 to please philosophy's strivers. With one big difference, in that stepping back from a Pollock work, like his Number 21, or Mural, it becomes unmistakenly beautiful.

No, let's just call a spade a spade and brand a lot if not all of this inconsistent, pretentious intellectual and moral posturing, more than enough to temper our natural urge towards hero-worship more than not. At least the way, today, it comes across to ordinary citizens. So with modern language-based deconstruction theories which, pursued to their extreme, lead to a nasty case of decomposition: figure skating all of it, with circles beautifully drawn, exquisite axles and soaring tripple toe loops, just about choking the bishop in mid-air and much coveted medals in the end, seeking, seeking perhaps, but always stuck in the same old ice rink. Beckett stumbling upon it, in Godot, Lucky's soliloquy to be precise, suggesting that massive words don't constitute more life, deliver more meaning or freedom, necessarily deliver anything. And on another level also this simple analogy to ponder: recently Swiss aero-dynamic engineers 'proving' that it's quite impossible for our dear old bumble-bee... to fly!

And what about all those notions of time? Besides the filling in of distance, isn't time mostly the mental space in which we move? Isn't our ontological 'zeit' immaterial in terms of the universe, given that in all our thinking the fatal inhibitor is our own ephemeral fire-fly status, that old three score and ten business, disqualifying us from participating in issues of enormity, making much vaunted relativity theories so relative that to us and strictly speaking, they become null and void? Lost in the endless waters of space and motion, at least as far as physical man is concerned? And if you don't agree, Prof Dr Heinz Zweidrei-Klean and Herr Dr Schneewittchen of the Max Planck Institute of Extra-terrestrial Physics have accepted to investigate my point, but indicate they'll need 1.3 million 'years' to prove or disprove it. Yes, yes, I jest, or do they? Because in biological terms aren't we mere temporary syntheses? In cosmic terms somewhat ingenious, electro-chemical flames? Yes, man the flame, with the earth and all of life a slow burning fire. Even the tree, that bumble-bee extensions of an even larger fire until he, they or it burn out. And yes, yes, life the flame does repeat itself, but never by leaving things the way they were, making our conjugation 'is', very, very relative and tenuous....

And also meaning that in the same way that we must deal with inherited credo much more knowingly, we must equally accept that there are limits to our importance and perception. That there will always be more than that smallest universe of them all: this space behind our eyes and between our ears. Images of galaxies thrust together into clusters reaching us through the arrival of 'old' light, the grand irony of something on the surface of things taking place right now, but having been concluded and changed into something entirely different millions of 'our' years ago, and so, to us, no longer a realistic 'truth'. That this, to us, is a bit of an impractical, nay, futile spectacle at which point it is best to sit down, have a cold beer, relax, and pretend that the red galaxy we saw through our Hubble mirror telescope was a squirt of ketchup on its lens. That astonished as we are to find an atom is in fact another pint-sized universe, or at least a solar system with whirling bodies of its own, and earth, for all we know, a proton in an atom in a molecule of some giant leg of lamb, forcing us to stand back and reflect at levels we never contemplated before. That the cosmos as a womb or a universe inside a universe inside a universe and so on are all distinct possibilities and our 'playing with and inside this space', though all too human, not uninteresting and representative of our remarkable yet volatile intellect, but those Big Bang or Unified String theories not having to become obsessions in that there could be many space bangs and ripples, folds and strands beyond our mental range, imagination or sight: the unknowable dimensions. Allowing that presumably there is a method to the cosmic chaos, given that not all chaos is madness. And that, again, while not having to give up all exploration which is in our blood, man has to remain much, much more philosophical in the truest, purest sense of the word: above all no dogma or doctrine at the end of which particularly, forbidding, supposedly 'wise' men tend to lose no sleep over calling for mass murder and mayhem!?

It's all very well and sometimes entertaining, though what does it all really matter when there's every possibility the human species itself might have disappeared or been eclipsed in say 20.000, 30.000 years in the way that strains of insects were found frozen in time and inside droplets of primordial amber? Man the new fossil, our current collective umbilical cord already stretched to roughly 200.000 years, isn't it going to snap at one point? There being only so much genetic mileage to be extracted from the overly complex human mammal, plus given that as organised societies we've been around a scant 8000 'years' (with our very limited perspective branding the first of these as existing in 'antiquity', though happily one historian, when asked what influence the Roman Empire had exercised on modern western society, retorting that it was much too recent a situation for him to comment on!), and yet not organised enough to suspend the depletion of our planet when looking at its diseased atmosphere, oceans and forests, its festering coastlines?

Of course it can be argued that there's nothing to worry about, that nothing disappears in thin air, the earth 'forever' feeding on itself in the way that forests live on their own fallen leaves, branches and trunks, over the ages pumping up hundreds of thousands of tons of oxygen each day, the very atmosphere and topsoil covering otherwise inhospitable rock. But then also consider that we may be too clever to survive, humanity not that forest, only one among its many branches, one becoming way too heavy for its own good and ready to break. Or put differently, humanity found hanging from its own family tree, done in by natural factors which include itself, a sad case of Omphalos lost...
submitted by Steyning to u/Steyning [link] [comments]

[Chem12] NaOH Dissociation Help

Hi guys,
I am very confused about base dissociation when it comes to NaOH. I know that water acts like an acid in the dissociation. What I am having trouble with is where OH is in the equation. I have seen it written like this:
NaOH <-> Na+ + OH-
But this does not seem right to me. NaOH needs an acid,
NaOH + H2O <-> Na+ + OH- + H2O
Is this right? H2O is not really acting as an acid in this situation.
I have seen here that the equation is actually NaOH + H3O+ <-> Na+ + 2H2O. So what is right??
submitted by chemistryishardaf to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

In 10th grade I asked a question about finding the pH of a solution with multiple weak acids, and the teacher said the explanation was too complicated for me. Five years and half a chemistry degree later, I still have no idea how to do it.

There are various different cases for what happens when you put acids and/or bases in solutions. Everyone learns how to calculate the pH with pH=-log10([H+]) and then courses cover the use of ICE tables for weak acids/bases. Here are almost all the cases I can think of, sorted by difficulty:
If the acid and the base both dissociate completely, or don't but have equal strength, and they are in equal amounts (after multiplying their concentrations if they have multiple H+/OH-), the resulting solution will always be neutral.
Example: 0.05M Ca(OH)2 + 0.10M HCl -> 0.05M CaCl2 => pH=pKw/2=7.00
Very easy:
The acid/base dissociates to produce an anion/cation and leaves hydronium/hydroxide, so the pH is simply -1 times the logarithm of the acid's/base's initial concentration.
Example: 0.10M NaOH => pH=-log10(0.10)=13.00
Easy, with another step:
After you add the quantities together this is simply the same thing as the last group of cases. If you have two strong acids (or two strong bases), add their initial concentrations. If you have a strong acid and a strong base, subtract the concentration of one from the concentration of the other.
Example: 0.15M HCl + 0.85M HBr => pH=-log10(1.00)=0.00
Requires an ICE table. The weak acid/base partially dissociates, leaving some HA/BOH and some H+/OH-. You'll have to do a calculation with the Ka/Kb to predict the final pH.
Example: 0.1M CH3O2H -> (x)M H+ + (0.1-x)M CH3O2-, pKa=4.76 => some handwaving => pH=2.88
Average, with an extra step:
Same as the previous cases, but first, invert the problem: assume the strong acid/base reacts with the weak base/acid and produces water, some irrelevant anions/cations, and the conjugate acid/base of the weak reactant. Then find the conjugate's equilibrium constant: pKa=14-pKb (or for the weak acid, pKb=14-pKa).
Example: 0.1M NaOH + 0.1M HF -> 0.1M Na+ + 0.1M F- => 0.1M F- -> (x)M HF + (0.1-x)M F-, pKb=14.00-3.20=10.80 => use ICE table => pH=11.88
Slightly harder, multi-step:
Assume the first H+/OH- dissociates completely and record the concentration. Then do an ICE table with those ions in the initial concentration, and the second ionization as an independent acid/base.
Example: 0.001M H2SO4 -> 0.001M H+ + 0.001M HSO4- -> (0.001+x)M H+ + (0.001-x)M HSO4- + (x)M SO42- => too lazy to calculate, queried wolframalpha => pH=2.70
Very difficult:
I don't think it's possible to do ICE tables for multiple different reactions simultaneously, where the products of each one influence the reactants of the other. I think you can approximate the solution with a series of small-step calculations, where you assume each reaction progresses a little bit and calculate the change in pH, then repeat the process until it settles around a fixed point. Something similar to the method of successive approximations, but for two processes running parallel to each other and whose products interact with each other. Perhaps you could find an exact solution with Markov chains?
Example: 0.1M CH3CO2H + 0.1M NH3; 0.1M HCN + 0.1M HCO2H; 0.1M CH3NH2 + 0.1M C5H5N
(I checked these in WolframAlpha and it doesn't know how to find the pH.)
Even harder, multi-step:
You can't just use an ICE table for each dissociation/ionization separately because the products of one reaction with water change the concentrations of the reactants in the other aqueous reaction. For acids, the equilibrium for H2A + 2H2O <-> HA- + H3O+ + H2O <-> A2- + 2H3O+ could be literally anywhere between the first reactants and the last products (you don't know where without knowing pKa1 and pKa2) and furthermore, it could have a lot of H2A with very little HA- and A2- (where pKa1 and pKa2 are small), or lots of HA- and not much H2A and A2- (where pKa1 is large and pKa2 is small), or lots of A2- and not much H2A and HA- (if pKa1 and pKa2 are very large), or various other cases.
Examples: 0.1M H2CO3, pKa1=6.35, pKa2=10.33; 0.1M N2H4, pKb1=4.75, pKb2=15.08
Apparently not impossible:
Example: 0.1M H2CO3 and 0.1M N2H4 in the same solution
I can think of others, but they're just combinations of the above categories. Anyway, how do you solve the last two sets of cases?
Edit: my title is wrong. I actually asked about a solution with a weak acid plus a weak base, in unequal amounts. But the two problems are essentially equivalent.
submitted by Linearts to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Ice Ice Baby parody: Show me that Pussy (or dick)

[Intro] Oh, there's a dog, let's kick it!
[Hook] Show me that Pussy Show me that Pussy
[Verse 1] Alright freeze, now assume the position
My dick is back like a lubed up piston I suck dick, and don't fight me I'll crack, like methamphetamine Will the pussy be bad, I don't know Turn off the lights and It'll glow To the extreme all the way to the North Pole Please stick your dick all the way up my asshole Dance my dad's corpse is in the livingroom My wife said it had a dick like a sonicboom Deadly, pathogens and more My dick's done, it feels sore Getting diseases, getting out of fights Acquiring many and sundry parasites Since there is a problem, yes I'll solve it Put on that strapon while this cream resolves
[Hook] Show me that pussy Show me that pussy
Now that my prostate is pumping Alkaline components to get my sperm jumping dick in my ass to my dick makes me clean Eating some dogs, makes you lean Burning them, break their legs like a frog Then shove them into another dead dog And season it with chinese onion and ginger for the sauce, use a Sichuan pepper
Drinking some H2O Gotta to stay hydrated, you should know Lost my virginity to a girl, Trinity "Did you smash?" No, she smashed me She was a transgirl, she had a long cock down She stuck that dick in while she had my cock on lock down It had been a year Yo so I could not, fuck her while my dick was still locked Her dick was small, but it kept getting bigger Remember kids, you shouldn't say the N-word Don't dismiss, get with the times Get a dick straight up your nines Ready for Trump to build a wall China has a very lax copyright law One time, I went to hell I gave the Devil, Shigell Conjugate marriage, conjugate fast Conjugate the Japanese phrase for eating ass Pussy to Pussy, it varies with season I'm sampling the pussy with my Jade Forest seasoning Pussy can be green, you see what I mean When I tell Pink guy that his lyrics are pretty mean If there is a pussy, well I've seen it I have an exceptionally long Penis
[Hook] Show me that Pussy
Show me that Pussy
[Verse 3]
Take heed, I'm a Pussy Scholar Gynecologist straight from Harvard My elves make toys for the children Not in the North Pole, but in Beijing Cause my style comes straight from the heart Even tho it occasionally restarts With ducts, I'm very discrete, glands make me sweat,
wake up on the concrete
Witness. His life fade Die like a soldier, catching a hand grenade
So nasty, other DJs say "Whaaaa?" If pussy was rain, I'd bring an umbrella Keep my composure and get consent Take no for an answer, that's your best bet If they ask for condoms, Yes i'll wear it Coughing up blood is proof of my merit
[Hook] Show me that Pussy
(and dick, and dick)
Show me that Pussy
(and dick, and dick)
submitted by Kusokuso69 to FilthyFrank [link] [comments]

Anion Stability

So I know that there are four factors contributing to anion stability: the atom bearing the negative charge, the inductive effect of the rest of the molecule, the resonance that leads to delocalization in some molecules, and the different types of hybridization on the atom bearing the negative charge.
Am I explaining these problems correctly?
Q: Would ethanol (CH3CH2OH) be a suitable solvent in which to perform the following proton transfer? reaction: 1-butyne + amide makes (the conjugate base of 1-butyne, don't know the name) and ammonia.
A: The conjugate base of ethanol, ethoxide, is more stable than the base amide because the oxygen in ethoxide is more electronegative than the nitrogen in amide and therefore is more stable when bearing the negative charge.
Is that all? I feel like the size of ethoxide vs amide should be a factor but there's no inductive effect, resonance, or difference in hybridization so I'm not sure.
Also, Q: Predict which side is favored under equilibrium conditions.
rxn: H2O + 2-propoxide -> OH- + 2-propanol
I know that the reaction will favor the side that has the formation of a more stable base.
Both the propoxide and OH- have the same atom with the negative charge, exhibit no resonance, and have the same hybridization.
I know that the carbon groups in propoxide have an inductive effect pushing electron density towards the oxygen, which the OH- has no such effect. I would guess that higher e- density around the oxygen would allow it be a better base / attract hydrogen protons better. But does that equate to a more stable molecule?
Also, I've been reading that hyperconjugation is a more accurate explanation of the electron density being moved around when alkyl groups and such push charge around but can someone explain what hyperconjugation is?
submitted by Skydragon11 to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Buffer Systems, Dilutions, and pH

I finished a buffer lab and had to calculate buffers with sodium acetate and acetic acid. There are a couple of follow up questions that I need clarification on what formulas/steps I need to use. For the first question: Each dilution is 20 ml total, and calculating the molar concentration of only the sodium acetate for 4 different dilutions. The first solution is pure equal amounts of each a.a./s.a.(10ml/10ml). The second is taking 5 ml of the first solution and adding 15ml H2O. The third is taking 5 ml of the second dilution and adding 15ml of H2O. And the fourth is taking the third dilution and adding 15ml of H2O. How do I find the dilutions, the original aa/sa solution is 4.7pH. I just need to know what formula/path to get to the answer, I can calculate it myself once I know. The second question is: "List weak acid/conjugate base pairs you could use to prep buffers with these pH values: 1.96, 3.39, 8.70, and 9.21, by mixing equal moles of acid and base in 1 L of water." How do I go about finding this? I feel confidant on most chemistry problems, but buffers seem to throw me off. I have been going through this for a while, trying to use Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, and various dilution/concentration formulas but am positive that I am wrong. Thanks for any help, and I can clarify more if needed.
submitted by ilfs to chemhelp [link] [comments]

[College Gen Chem 2] Diprotic titration--why is this acid behaving as a base in water?

Diprotic titration. First equation is H2CO3+NaOH H2O + HCO3-
Second equation is HCO3-+H2O= OH- + H2CO3.
HCO3- may be a weak acid, but certainly it is more acidic than water. Is it acting as the base because it was the conjugate base in the first step, or is there another reason? And if it is because it's the conjugate base, why would it still act as a base while reacting with water? I mean, the HCO3- doesn't know it's a conjugate base... So wouldn't it just behave like the acid it is?
EDIT: whole question for clarification
It's the answer my teacher gave for a practice test question. If it helps with clarity, we're using ICE tables to find the pH at the first equivalence point. Here it is in its entirety if it helps:
Determine the pH at the first equivalence point of the titration of 100 mL of 1.00 M H2CO3 with 1.00 M NaOH
H2CO3 + NaOH -> H2O + HCO3-
I .1 mol .1 mol -- 0
C -.1 mol -.1 mol -- +.1 mol
E 0 0 -- .1 mol
.1 mol/200 mL = .5 M
HCO3- + H2O -> H2CO3 + OH-
I .5 M -- 0 0
C -x -- +x +x
E .5-x -- x x
1 *10-14 / 4.5 *10-7 = 2.2 * 10-8
2.2*10-8 = x2 /.5-x x=.000149 -log(.000149) pOH=3.82 14-3.82= pH= 10.17
My question is waay back up for the second reaction after the titration. When I first was set up the ICE table, my instinct was to write the reaction as HCO3- +H2O= H3O+ + CO32- , since it's an acid reacting with water and you'd assume the acid to be the acid and the water to be the base. Instead, it's apparently what I wrote above with the acid acting as the base and the water acting as the acid. Why?
submitted by weirdonerdfreak to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

[College Chem II] Calculating PH from Ka

About this time, you may be wishing you had an aspirin. Aspirin is an organic acid (page 756) with a Ka of 3.27x10-4 for the reaction:
HC9H7O4(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ C9H7O4- (aq) + H3O +(aq)
If you have two tablets, each containing 0.325 g of aspirin (mixed with a neutral “binder” to hold the tablet together), and you dissolve them in a glass of water to give 225 mL of solution, what is the pH of the solution?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but HC9H7O4 is the conjugate acid, and C9H7O4 is the base. H3O+ is the acid and H2O is the conjugate base?
Then I use Kw=KaKb to solve for the base ionization constant..? Then..I'm not too sure what to do from here.
submitted by MissShoko to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

what is the conjugate of h2o video

HNO2 + H2O (Nitrous Acid + Water) - YouTube Chapter8Strength Of Acids And BasesConjugate Acids And ... Ionic Equilibria 3 3 Conjugate Acid Base Pair, Amphoteric ... Identifying Conjugate Acids-Base Pairs From a Chemical Equation 001 strength of conjugate acid-Base pair ,Autoionization of ... Conjugate Acids & Bases  Acids, Bases & Alkali's ... How to write the conjugate acid from a formula McMurry CH14 Problem 47 CH3OH + H2O (Methanol + Water) - YouTube Organic Chemistry: Conjugate Acids and Bases Butanoic Acid + Water = ?? (H3O+ and conjugate base) - YouTube

Answer to: The conjugate acid of H2O is: (a) H3O+ (b) OH- (c) H2O (d) H+ (e) H2O is not a base or acid. By signing up, you'll get thousands of... Lancenigo di Villorba (TV), Italy 1-What is the conjugate base of Zn(H2O)^2+ ??? THIS QUESTION CONCERNS IDEAs ABOUT "Conjugated Acid" OR "Conjugated Base". ONCE YOU LOOK FOR "Conjugated Base's Zn(H2O)++" THEN YOU HAVE TO ASSUME THAT "Zn(H2O)++" LACKS SOME HYDROGEN IONs ONCE IT MEETS WATER WHICH PLAYS LIKE A BASE. As a general rule "rough method" , add a proton (H) to make conjugate acid. Remove a proton to make a conjugate base. In water H 2O adding a proton gives you the hydronium ionH 3O. Answer link. anor277. Nov 26, 2015. The conjugate acid is simply the original species PLUS a proton, H +. Solved: What is the conjugate base of H2O? By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You can also... For the conjugate base, simply remove a proton from the parent molecule/species and CONSERVE mass and charge. If I remove H^+ from H_2O, clearly I get the hydroxide ion, OH^-. Mass and charge have been conserved. If I remove a proton from sulfuric acid, I get bisulfate anion, HSO_4^-; thus bisulfate is the conjugate base of sulfuric acid. Conjugate Acid- Base pair are the acid base pair which differ only by H+ (Proton). Acids after losing proton forms corresponding conjugate bases . Bases after gaining proton forms corresponding conjugate acid. E.g. (H2O and H3O+) , (H2O AND OH-) , (NH3, NH2–) , (NH3, NH4+). Simple right? ACIDS FORM CONJUGATE BASES AND BASES FORM CONJUGATE ACID.

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HNO2 + H2O (Nitrous Acid + Water) - YouTube

Learn everything about Conjugate Acids and Bases. We explain this with the real world example of vinegar.At Fuse School, teachers and animators come together... Conjugate acids and bases are usually introduced in organic chemistry along with a review of resonance. Category Education; Show more Show less. Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a ... Chapter8Strength Of Acids And BasesConjugate Acids And BasesSelf Ionization Of Water11th ChemistrtKPK New CourseIn this chapter we will discuss about st... Identify the acid, base, conjugate acid, and conjugate base of acetic acid reacting with water: CH3COOH (aq) + H2O (l) ⇌ CH3COO- (aq) + H3O+ (aq) stoddardtutoring takes you through McMurry 6th edition, Chapter 14, Problem 47. Here we write the formulas for some conjugate acids from the given chemical formulas. The key idea is that conjugate ... In this video we will look at the equation for HNO2 + H2O and write the products. When we add HNO2 to H2O the HNO2 will dissociate and break into H+ and NO... When a weak acid, like butanoic acid, dissolves in water, it gives away an H+ ion to water. This creates H3O+ (hydronium ion) as a product, and leaves a -1 c... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... In this video we will describe the equation CH3OH + H2O and write what happens when CH3OH is mixed with water.When CH3OH is mixed with H2O (water) there isn’... Mrs.Kote V.S. (Jr.Chemistry Department) Yashawantrao Chavan Institute of Science,Satara.

what is the conjugate of h2o

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