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The Ultimate Casino Lookbook for Men

The Ultimate Casino Lookbook for Men submitted by fashionablymale to u/fashionablymale [link] [comments]

400 Titles completed, only playing since PC launch. A few things about title grind (why, how, what, etc)
Finally took the time to finish this before PSO2 day starts. Still have plenty more to grind but I feel like I can slow down a bit as now I'll be able to know the moment the Whitill 12*s come to NA and I'll have 1 of them immediately.
The reason I'm doing this isn't just an arbitrary goal. There are more title rewards past the rather bad but cool looking unit at 250 titles. JP gives the rewards NA does but at twice the amount of title count, so going by that same logic, we should be getting new title rewards of:
Now you might notice my flair on reddit shows I'm going for the whitill units. I believe these were added in EP4. They're mostly the BiS units for summoner specifically until Ep6, with only the rear being replaced before then by something that beats it completely (others are just arguable, like Chalyra arm). They have lower defensive stats than other units including 0 hp, and only 20 attack, but they boast a whopping 20pp. That's 1 way to be ready for phantom sub immediately. It also means that I will be able to grab 15* weapon materials much faster as I have a lot of the grindy shit out of the way.
So lets go over some of the titles and where I still have room to improve. The next section has a lot of "TL;DR" for people that don't care about getting titles so feel free to skip it
Enemy Suppression: 6/9 This is whatever, no point in going out of your way for this. I'm close to 250k enemies now. Everything else past that is going to take forever, but will come with more playing the game.
Class level: 48/48 All classes are at 75. There will be more titles past that point (new classes, new level caps, etc -- including stargems for each class that hits 85!) but yeah. You already kinda want to do level 75 with all the non-successors as it gives you stat boosts all round.
Pet level: 9/11 and Pet Development: 3/3 All pets that can be 80+ are 80+. Synchro and Redran are impossible until higher rarity versions come (which as far as we know isn't until ep4, unless they have a seasonal event that drops higher rarity before then). The other section is basically the same thing.
Sweets: 14/18 A lot of summoner titles eh. I haven't finished 15 and 20 parfait compressions, same with rolls, because they're annoying to get and parfaits also cost lambda grinders. This will come with time.
Rare Enemy suppression: 4/4 If you've done VHAQ and Rainy Day urgent you should have everything here. Mesetan, Umbra, Tagamikazuchi, and Nyau are the ones you're looking for for this.
Boss Enemy suppression: 15/24 This is a category that will be expanded a ton in the future. I'm at 50 kills for every boss in Ultimate (100 on Anga), 50 kills on Magatsu, 1 on Profound Darkness, and probably 3 or 4 on Dark Falz Apprentice. The last 2 are currently STORY ONLY, but count for titles, so technically you could have the 30 PD kill title before PD even comes out (probably next week, unless, again, seasonal). If you don't get 100 kills on magatsu before that leaves rotation you can also get that through story too. Most urgent quest bosses in ep4 and beyond will have 1, 10, and 30 kill titles I believe.
Dance Festival: 1/1 I skipped one before it because its just XH quests. This one is basically, if you missed Miku, you missed this title too.
ARKS Training Facility: 0/1 It's just training quests. I should stop being lazy because it gives SG.
Rare Items Acquired: 3/4 Weapon Compendium Registration: 5/12 (250 out of 600 entries) Weapon Compendium Registration by class: 23/32 Ho boy this one is annoying. A lot of the weapons I'm missing drop exclusively in TD1 and TD3, so there is still reason to do these. You can check your progress by cross-referencing under "Compendium List" on the Visiphone, and comparing to the NA PSO2 visiphone website. Unfortunately we're still missing a LOT of drop locations, so please help out and report drop locations if you find any! - It's also worth noting: BUYING THESE ITEMS ON PLAYER SHOPS DOESNT COUNT. However, BUYING THESE ITEMS FROM NPCS DOES COUNT. This means you should probably spend photon boosters at least buying the 11* weapons from that shop once. Also lets you get weapon registration via unique badges. Also, each one of these titles gives a damage bonus to that class. Here's my list if anyone cares of what I'm working on:
Weapons: 13/13 This one is mostly just a meseta sink where you can resell some of the items, and getting a 120 pet. The augment factor: Just buy a 1* weapon from the vendor right next to the tekker a bunch, grind the weapon by combining it with itself until it hits +35, then affix it with a 1 slot from the same shop 10 times and use the augment factor each time. Done. The 13* weapons, you can shortcut, and A LOT OF THESE ARE MISTRANSLATED. They're asking you to enhance THE WEAPON THAT CLASS USES. You can shortcut this process a lot by using weapons that multiple classes use -- Gunner and Ranger will be gotten at the same time by doing a rifle to +35. Techer and Force will be done at the same time by getting a Talis to +35. Don't think there's anything else, and summoner doens't actually have one for getting a harmonizer to +35. That said, the "Enhanceof 10 types weapons to +35" title which is ... some sort of translation... Is just asking you to get all the specific class +35s done. I'm pretty sure at least because thats when I got it. After you +35 it you can use a cancel owner pass to resell it if you'd like.
Client Orders: 5/14 You'll get titles and star gems for every class you get the 4 extra class excube points on (overleveling that class 10 times as of right now). I have only done Summoner and Fighter so far. I also don't have the 2500 client orders title yet.
PSE Burst: 3/3, PSE Burst Combo: 2/2 The PSE Burst Combo is basically luck in getting 5 "one mores" but if you do VHAQ enough with a good 4 man you'll get it. Easy enough outside of that.
Advance Quests: 60/60 Basically, just complete every VHAQ with a +50 risk once and you'll get 4 titles for each one you do. There's nothing extra for doing it on SHAQ as well as far as I know.
Abductions: 1/10 Haha I got this one by accident while trying to get a partner card. This is... it comes with a lot of stuff. Basically the best way to do this is to speed through Harukotan Time Attack on SH. You will not get any loot or XP which sucks, but yeah (also as of the time of this post, this is the current TA ranking for the week). It's a good idea to bring partner characters with you for those titles for every time you fail to get it, explained in a bit. Eventually you'll get abducted... spoiler: If you've ever done Cradle of Darkness, or story, this place will look very familiar. At the end, you'll get a unit called Boost aura, THIS HAS VALUE IF IT HAS THE AFFIX VETERAN'S RESOLVE 1. 24 of them, if successful, can eventually combine into the affix "veteran's resolve 5" which gives +30 all attack, defence, dex, hp, and +5 pp. It still remains one of the best affixes in the game on JP to this day, but is stupidly expensive to make and realistically theres no reason for you to be making this right now -- but don't get rid of it, unless you're selling it for some good meseta (I've seen veteran's resolve 1 going for as much as 2.5m right now, all depends on who's making ridiculous units). This is by far one of the most time consuming and obnoxious ones to do and you really want a build that blasts this TA fast (Force seems to be the best for it by a mile). Example speedrun here although its 85 with photon flare shortcharge and gigrants type-0 and good luck reproducing this: -- my best time on summoner is 1:50ish but I know I can improve it with better optimizations and more candy.
Extreme Quests: 6/14 (most of these titles are hidden by default) This is an excube/casino coin/other method of getting extreme pass drain. The default 3 XQs have titles for clearing stage 40/50/60/70, Heaven and Hell (thats what the title calls it, thats what JP calls it, idc if its heaven and earth in the quest screen) is 5/10. You'll need 50 Extreme Passes as of right now to be able to get all 14 of these.
Stage Orders: 6/20 (also mostly hidden by default) This goes even further beyond on the sinks, and is part of the reason you should do your 5 runs of Heaven and Hell per week as it will take at least 6 weeks to complete that one. The default 3 have titles at 10, 50, 100, 250, and 500 (!!!) stage orders each, meaning a MINIMUM OF 100 EXTREME PASSES FOR THOSE PER EXTREME QUEST. I would either recommend trying to farm Flict/Alter affixes while doing this if you can clear all 5 stage orders through that course (Stage 46-50 tundra by hitting chrome dragon to 75%, 50%, 25% and killing the darkers each time; stage 31-35 forest 33 has good rates, and then ruins is kinda eh -- 61 is the best there but meh, shit stage orders). I'd also suggest a class that isn't summoner because doing the stage orders on that can be obnoxious. You can also do some meseta farms here but I haven't looked into that.
Challenge quest stuff: 0/4 Impossible because we don't have Challenge quests.
Datapod: 6/6 Every time you see one of those ! symbols on your map walk to it and you'll get another datapod. If the datapod has a mic symbol over it you've already discovered it. You'll get these through free fields or arks quests really really fast. Easy.
Story Quests: 32/32 I don't know if there's a hidden one for Dark Falz Apprentice S rank but that one is obnoxious and as mentioned before the AIS has low damage right now. The annoying thing here is the translations are inconsistent. But do story on Hardcore and get S ranks and you'll get some nice star gems. This will get bigger with Ep4.
Partner Cards acquired: 29/29 I think 29 is the max right now. Ho boy, this one is fun. You need to find all the partner cards you can get, a lot of which you have to get by completing their client orders to a certain point before they offer you their card. A lot are also obtained through story. Here is the list: A few examples Lottie and Rubert I think are around 15-20 client orders. Saga and Kotori just require doing their boot camp missions and such. The worst one is Lavere, which requires 112 Client orders before you can get her partner card. Yeah, that's right, you can't do it in 1 set of client orders. A lot of her missions, however, are cleared through some of the Urgents running (Drawn to Darkness, TD1, TD3, also Harkotan TA covers a few). If willing to waste meseta, buy recycle badges and swap shop to a client order reset to get this faster.
Collaboration with Partners: 30/58 Did I mention fun? Yeah take those partner cards and do 100 missions with each partner. I have pietro done because of support roll farm but the others are only at 10 each. Subdue Za Udan or Harkotan TA SH recommended if you wanna knock this out as fast as possible (recommend hunting+breaking red lootboxes if you do udan to try to get top100 for the SG weekly reward)
Casino: I suck at casino I will gladly take tips on the casino stuff. Also the friends title is bugged. Casino Hours of Operation requires you to actively be playing in the casino, not just afk in there. This is mostly just grinding out casino over time and getting lucky. I'm missing a ton of shit there because I'm not lucky. I usually come out negative on Arkuma slots because I fail the first set of elder hands like 50% of the time. I also haven't done any group shit in there which helps things so yeah. Probably missing at least 20 titles from casino so far.
Lookbook: 5/8 Anyone for a like4like? :^) Working on this one for the SG and for the titles now. This is one of the reasons you'll see people doing Like4Like stuff.
??????: coming soon YOu might be wondering why there's question marks in between 5 and 7. That's the crafting achievements. So come EP4 we'll have that.
Gathering: 2/3, 3/4, 4/4 Buying dishes (jerky counts, btw), eating dishes (jerky counts, btw), and the other 4 are easy.
Skill rings: 6/12, 0/3 First one is just grindy but you can also sell these +20 rings, be prepared to need lambda grinders though. Just remember, there's always a market for lazy people. Second one we can't do until they let us put ring skills on 12* units (seriously come on why can't we do this yet aaaaaaaaaaaaa)
That should sum up stuff. If anyone has any questions about title grind or whatever lemme know. I'm honestly not even sure if 500 titles is possible right now on NA but whatever, it certainly should be later. And this is kinda all predictions now, who knows what else we'll be getting for the grinds.
submitted by theuberelite to PSO2 [link] [comments]

Augmented Alt Character Farming for Independence Day as Summoner

Credit to Maple_'s original post on the profitability of Independence Day farming with alt characters but I believe that you can augment the original process to keep weeklies and summoner loot in mind. The reason why summoner mains would want to spend some more time per burner alt is because of one French bitch named Pietro being the sole source of repeatable support rolls, but only when you reach MAXIMUM friendship with him once per character. Finally, this guide also accounts for the fact that Weekly ARKS quests give a massive bonus to level 50 characters and will provide additional steps for your alt farming to account for weekly missions.
By farming alts, you can stand to gain the following every day
Step 0 It pays to prepare
Step 1: Talk to NPCs and get ARKS rewards
Step 2 Preparing for subclassing
Step 3: The Cafe saga: we go to the cafe first to get a major funds injection and to give your harvest/fish meters time to top off, as well as to unlock the Urgent Quest arks mission earlier
Step X: Urgent quest
Step 4: Shopping plaza and your auxiliary
Step 5: Gambler's paradise
Step 6: the home stretch to mag devices and independence but not the end
Step 7: Fuck you Pietro, my best friend
Step 8: Why are we here, just to suffer?
Sorry for posting this the day before weeklies reset but there should be another weekly reset before this event ends too
submitted by CaptainAeroman to PSO2 [link] [comments]

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