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[OT] Two years ago I responded to a prompt “You're a powerful dragon that lived next to a small kingdom. ... As the kingdom fell to invaders, a dying soldier approaches you with the infant princess, begging you to take care of her. Today, the Dragon’s Scion book 1, Dragonflame, is a published novel!

Hello everyone!
To repeat what the title said, (and get the full prompt, since it wouldn’t quite fit), two years ago I responded to this prompt:
[WP] You're a powerful dragon that lived next to a small kingdom. For centuries you ignored humanity and lived alone in a cave, and the humans also avoided you. As the kingdom fell to invaders, a dying soldier approaches you with the infant princess, begging you to take care of her
Well, I took that idea and decided the “invaders” weren’t of the “Across the mountain” kind and instead were the “from another world time,” and thus was born The Dragon’s Scion, a trilogy of books dealing with the the dragon-raised and empowered princess’s war against the alien invaders. Book one, Dragonflame, is out now, with more to follow in the coming months! Read the blurb below!
Tythel thought growing up under the wings of the last dragon, Karjon the Magnificent, would be the most unusual part of her life. It was only the beginning.
Finally, she’s come of age to begin her transformation into a half dragon. But just as the ritual completes, a steel ship bursts from the clouds, killing the dragon and tearing her world asunder.
The attack leaves Tythel alone and on the run from the alien invaders. The same ones that conquered her world and killed her parents sixteen years ago. The rightful heir to the throne and the last draconic being, Tythel must use every tool at her disposal to survive and teach the aliens a lesson forged in flame.
They should have let sleeping dragons lie.
Dragonflame is an epic science-fantasy adventure.
Audiobook/Print Copy?
Print Copy is coming soon. For audiobook, nothing yet announced, but I’ll update if there is one!
Is this science fiction or fantasy?
Both, but in a different direction. Most science fantasy deals with science fiction tech and space wizards, and while I love me my space wizards, this goes the other way - the technology is powered by magic, the aliens use their own magic that isn’t just Sufficiently Advanced Technology, and the entire story takes place on a single fantasy world that the aliens invaded.
Dragonflame clocks in at just about 95k words, which makes it about 300 pages in print.
Elves and Dwarves?
Not exactly. There are the Sylvani and the Underfolk. Sylvani are woods-dwelling people, but they also have the ability to alter their skin appearance and texture and have mysterious origins, and the Underfolk don’t appear in book 1 but will in book 2, and they share “lives underground” with dwarves but take it in a vastly different direction.
I read this on your subreddit, what’s different?
In addition to a completely new introduction/prologue, I’ve applied many of the lessons I’ve learned writing Dragon’s Scion and other books over the last two years, and the prose is cleaner and better fleshed out, as well as some minor changes to fix early installment weirdness.
Age range?
The Dragon’s Scion deals with mature themes and has some racy jokes, but also has no real-world swears, no sex, and injuries are not described in overly-graphic detail. It’s PG-13 in movie land, and acceptable for ages 14+.
This book is part of a trilogy, and I'm looking to have book 2 - Ghostflame - out in mid Feb, early march.
Purge the xeno!
Not a question and not quite the right tone, but I like the enthusiasm. You can pick it up here!
Amazon US Link - UK | CA | AU | DE | MX | JP | IN | BR | FR | ES | IT | NL
I want to sample before I pick up?
Well, good news for you - Check out the first two chapters below!


On the path between a dying city and a mountain, a dying guardsman rode with a precious bundle in his arms. This was not the first horse the guardsman had ridden since leaving the city. The others had perished on the journey. He hadn’t even purchased this horse. Having long ago discarded his tabard and armor, this guardsman wore thick furs to keep out the bitter cold. Between that and the wild look in his eyes, he looked less like a guardsman and more like a bandit. It was fitting, in a way, that the third and final horse he rode was stolen.
His name was Comber, and he had been part of the troop assigned to protect the royal family against all threats. For ten years he had stood his post, alongside the royal family’s Umbrists. Comber didn’t have the Shadow-infused powers of the Umbrist. He had armor that had been forged with steel mixed with light, and a sword that had been blessed millennia ago with a dragon’s breath.
That was in the past.
He had a vow to protect the royal family against any and all threats. He’d fought when the minions of a necromancer had snuck in through the sewers. He still had a scar on his thigh from an assassin’s crossbow bolt meant for the King. He was not a coward, and he had thought himself beyond fear.
That was also in the past.
Comber looked over his shoulder. His pursuers weren’t there. He was alone here. There was nothing but a path through the woods, a path that had been cleared by game hunters who would head this way. It took a bold man to hunt in these woods, given what guarded them. The same being that drew Comber deeper within. His last hope for salvation.
The skies darkened, and Comber risked a glance upwards. There it was. That hole in the sky. The sun had passed behind it, casting a momentary shadow across the world. It was like the eclipse Comber remembered from when he was a child, but there was still light coming from the center. Small points showing stars unlike any he had seen before.
A few tiny dots broke off from the main circle. Comber shuddered at the sight. He’d seen what those dots could do when they got lower.
The bundle in his arms stirred when he shivered again, and looked up at him with bright green eyes. Awake now, the child’s face was placid for just a moment, those beautiful eyes flickering about. Then hunger set in, and the child started to wail.
“Shhh, little one,” Comber whispered, stroking the side of the child’s face. “Shhh.”
Still the child cried. She was just old enough to eat mashed food. Comber grimaced and looked around again. There was no one present. “Shhh,” Comber said, pulling on the reins of the horse. He reached into his pack. He still had some berries from the last town, and got to work mashing them into a paste with a mortar and pestle. At her age, the child had just enough understanding of what that smell and sound meant, and her cries turned to excited cooing as she reached towards his hands. “Almost there, little one,” Comber said. Or at least, he started to say. Halfway through the wound in his side reminded him of why he’d abandoned his sword, and Comber hissed in pain. Even the simple motion of grinding berries was too much for him.
He set the mortar down carefully. He hadn’t been able to get a spoon in his mad flight. The child was able to suckle the paste off his finger, and that would have to be good enough. Once she’d been fed, Comber held her with one hand and pulled the other inside his coat. He ran his fingers over the hasty bandage. It was damp. He wanted to look at the injury, but didn’t dare. He knew what he’d find. Black veins sprawling outwards from under the bandage, creeping along his skin. Last night, the veins had been halfway to his chest. Soon they would reach his heart.
He’d die then. Comber didn’t need to be a Physician to know that.
The child reached up and grabbed for his nose with hands wrapped in mittens. Comber let her grab it, then pressed his forehead to hers. “Soon, you’ll be safe,” Comber whispered to her.
Then it was time to transition the child to the straps wrapped around his chest, freeing his hands, and Comber resumed his ride to the mountain.
The horse - Comber had never bothered giving it a name - came to a stop, and the jolt rocked Comber awake. He blinked around blearily. He’d fallen asleep in the saddle somehow. Everything felt like it had been coated in a layer of wool. Comber worked one of his hands free of the glove and pressed it against his forehead. In spite of the cold, heat radiated from the touch. “Fever,” he muttered to the child.
“Bah-bah-bah-bah,” she said, which Comber took as affirmation. He smiled down at her, then looked around again. They’d reached the mountain.
“We go no further together,” he said to the horse. Comber had never been one to speak to his mounts, aside from commands. He preferred to make noises at them, reassuring ones. But in the grip of fever, Comber felt irrationally sorry for abandoning an animal he’d only had for a day. A stolen one, at that. “You’ll be able to find your way back to town, won’t you? Or maybe you’ll be able to run free now, without the need...the need…” Comber trailed off. What had he been doing? Talking to a horse, that’s what.
They were close to the base of the mountain, but not quite there. He could see it. Perhaps he could ride the horse a little bit further? He dug his heels in. The horse let out a huff of air and shook its head, instead backing up a few paces. “Of course,” Comber said, shaking his head. “Of course. A horse. A horse of course.” He laughed a bit. It wasn’t funny, but the child joined in the laughter. He patted the side of the horse’s neck again. “You smell it, don’t you?”
The horse shook its head violently and took another step back. That was all the confirmation Comber needed. The horse would go no further. “You know,” Comber said, getting ready to dismount. “I should have known. They eat you, don’t they?”
The horse did not respond this time, for it was a horse, and all it cared about was that it didn’t need to go any further.
Comber got one foot out of the stirrup, but the world started to spin. Instead of dismounting gracefully, Comber swung drunkenly, and collapsed into the snow. He had just enough presence of mind to turn around as he fell, landing on his back to keep the child safe. Comber growled in pain as the impact lanced through his back. The shock did wonders for clearing his head. The child, jostled by the fall, poked her head up and giggled.
“That’s right,” Comber grunted. “I’m silly, aren’t I?”
The child reached up for him, grasping for him. Comber put his finger out for her to hold onto.
He’d abandoned his station, and he knew he should feel guilty about that, but…the beings that had come from that hole in the sky were beyond anything that could be fought. Arrows bounced off their gleaming carapace. Swords were deflected with swipes from their unnatural hands. He had a duty, and he could only save one person.
He’d chosen her.
Comber rose to his feet and turned the horse around. It only took a nudge to get the horse trotting away from the mountain.
It would live. The child would live. That would have to be enough.
Comber made himself walk towards the mountain. Every footstep was like lead. He spotted a trail in the snow - someone else had come this way and left. They were human, or at least walked like one. It could be an Underfolk or Sylvani. It wasn’t the invaders. That much was certain. No one could mistake their skittering legs for human footsteps.
The mountain, at least, was free of snow. Impossibly free, and impossibly warm. A fire burned in the heart of this mountain. Not the molten fire of a volcano. A living flame. A hungering flame.
Had the fever started sooner than Comber realized? He’d been so certain of this plan. He’d heard tales of the flame that lived in this mountain. The tales had made it out to be one of the ones that did not feast on the flesh of Man or the other Intelligent Races. They said it had stood alongside the forces of the Light and Shadow against dread powers in the past. They said it was not to be disturbed, but would not slay - except for those that came to attack it.
But still...could he trust it?
It was too late now. There was nowhere else he was certain would be safe for the child. Not with that locket, secured carefully in a pouch in the swaddling. Even without it...would anywhere be safe from the invaders? Would anything? They hadn’t been killing innocents. They’d killed armies, they’d slaughtered guards, but any who did not pick up blade or spear against them was spared their wrath. Yet...Comber didn’t trust them to stop there. It was possible - nay, it seemed likely - that they were just starting with those that posed a threat to them.
“Not that we did,” he said to the child, who paused in her attempts to gum his finger to look up at him. “I hope, if you remember nothing else, you remember that we tried. We tried.”
“Burrrbl,” the child said happily.
“We tried,” Comber repeated. And they had. Nicandros, the captain of the royal guard, had commanded them perfectly. However, no strategy could overcome the fact that their weapons did no harm to the invaders. That was when Comber realized the only option was saving what he could. That there would be no victory here. Still, Comber had fought, until his wound. Then...he’d been even more useless in battle.
Time became unstable. Comber kept walking up the warm mountain and its bare stones. It was a gentle slope, which was the only reason he could progress at all. Ahead, he saw his goal.
A hole, high up the mountain. One far larger than would be needed for a man to pass through, and one too smooth and round to be the result of nature. This was not a cave. It was a lair.
Comber stumbled and dropped to his knees. The child started to wail again, startled by the jostling. Comber tried to shush its cries, but he was too late. Something was stirring in the lair, dragging itself forth from the depths. Comber saw golden eyes peering out of the darkness, followed by red scales and immense, bat-like wings.
Comber had never seen a dragon in person. Only flying overhead, and even then, such sights were rare. He’d expected them to crawl across a ground, like a lizard, but this one slunk with a cat’s grace. An older cat, one that was past its prime hunting days, but still possessing enough energy to move about. The dragon flapped its wings and took to the air, circling around Comber once before landing.
“I told Lathariel I would not be disturbed,” the dragon growled, and Comber was certain he’d made a mistake. Tears started to form in his eyes, unbidden.
“Please…” Comber said, but the dragon shook its head.
“I will not fight.” The dragon looked up, seeing the hole in the sky, and its nostrils flared. For a moment, Comber could see it considering...then it shook its head again. “I will not fight,” it repeated. “Leave this threat for younger drakes. Ones that have hotter flames.”
“Please…” Comber said again, then coughed. Flecks of something black came with the cough, and Comber moved with speed he didn’t know he still had, pulling the child free of the path of whatever those were. He groaned in pain and nearly blacked out.
“You are injured,” the dragon said, leaning down. “And you are ill.”
Comber nodded.
“I can heal your injuries,” the dragon said, after considering for a moment. “But my flames will make the disease spread quicker.”
“” Comber coughed again. “Her.”
The dragon looked at the child. “She’s uninjured,” he said.
“Care...protect.” Comber’s vision grew dark. “” Comber’s vision narrowed. “She is...everything....” The dragon was barely visible now. The world was barely visible. The child stirred, looking from the dragon to Comber and back again, starting to make distressed noises. She didn’t fear the dragon. That was good. But she could tell something was wrong.
“I’m sorry,” Comber said to the child. He looked back up at the dragon. His vision was barely there anymore. He’d gone so far. It felt like part of his mind had been set on fire, to hold back death, and now that he was here, that flame had gone out. “Tell her…” Comber said, and then he started to cough again. “She is…”
“What should I tell her she is?” the dragon asked, after Comber had been silent for too long. When he got no response, the dragon Karjon leaned down. The man’s heartbeat had been so faint when he’d approached, Karjon could barely hear it. Now, though? Now there was nothing.
And the child started to cry.
Karjon looked at it. He’d never dealt with human children before. He knew they needed more comfort than hatchlings. Uncertain, Karjon reached out with one claw and retracted his talon, then brushed his scales on the child’s cheek.
Quick as a viper, the child grabbed Karjon’s finger tightly, trying to seek some comfort in a world that had abandoned her.
Karjon sighed. He had not had children of his own. He hadn’t planned on doing so. But...if nothing else, he could not leave this child to starve on his mountain. He carefully bit on the swaddling, making certain to only let his fangs touch the fabric.
Once these invaders had been dealt with, Karjon would take the child to the nearest humans. They would know how to handle her. He’d keep her safe until then. It shouldn’t be long. There had been many threats over his nine hundred years of life. They’d always been defeated.
There was no reason to believe this would be any different.

Chapter 1

“I have lived for centuries,” Karjon growled. “I dueled the Necromancer Gix and his army of undead. I was on the Council of Twelve, battling the Lichborne. When the mad Lumcaster sought to blind the world, I doused him in my flames. How is it that nothing has vexed me as much as you, little one?”
Tythel looked up at the dragon with eyes wide in feigned innocence. Sixteen years had passed since the mountain and the snow. She didn’t remember it, of course. Just as she did not remember what her name had been before coming here. Tythel was a dragon’s name, not a human name. For all Karjon’s bluster, she was not worried. In sixteen years, Karjon had never raised a claw in anger. “Father, have you considered that it is just because you love me so dearly?”
Karjon huffed and shook his head. “That cannot be it. I think it must be because I did not know how vexing your unique subspecies of humans can be.”
“Subspecies?” Tythel asked.
“Yes. Those strange beings humans call ‘adolescents.’ Or perhaps it is just a trait unique to daughters.”
Tythel beamed at him. The expression only came through with her eyes. In her books, humans would use their mouths to do things like smile and frown. Tythel understood, in theory, what those were, but the expressions didn’t come to her naturally. From what Karjon had said, she’d smiled and frowned at first...but with time, those had stopped. Now, she blinked rapidly to show her excitement. “Which would only matter because you love me. Therefore, I am still correct. And, since I am correct, I see no reason I should not be allowed to go.”
Karjon sighed heavily. “Tythel…”
“You said I could,” Tythel reminded him, trying her best not to sound sullen.
“I told you that, yes,” Karjon said. “I said you could go when it was safe.”
“I want to see other humans,” Tythel said. “Why can’t I go?”
Karjon sighed again, a sound that filled the entire cave that was his lair and their home. “When, exactly, did ‘because I said so’ become insufficient?”
“When I stopped being a child,” Tythel said. “You said when I was sixteen, I could go and see other humans.”
“I said that you could go into the village when you were sixteen, Tythel. I did not say you could do so the very next day.” Making that promise, back when she was nine, had been a mistake. He’d done it to get her to cease her incessant questions. He didn’t think humans of that age could remember things for so long.
“You’re splitting scales and you know it.” She folded her arms across her chest and glowered at him.
Karjon, who weighed in at just over six tons and had battled some of the greatest foes the world had ever seen, broke the staring contest first. Tythel tried not to blink when she realized that meant she was getting through to him. For all his fury and might, Karjon had always struggled to deny her anything. Still, he was not caving like he usually did. “Tythel, there are reasons for the choices I make. They are for your safety.”
“You always hide behind that, father. Are you planning on keeping me here the rest of my life? What are you hiding me from?
“There are those out there that would see you dead. Is that not enough explanation?”
She glowered at him again. “You know I can’t do anything if you don’t tell me. But if you want me to leave it alone, you’ll need to give me more than that.” Her expression softened. “Please, father.”
Karjon settled down onto the pile of coins that made his seat. Tythel took the cue and walked over to her own, smaller pile. She didn’t have a hoard of her own. Not yet. But she would one day, although she was less than eager for that day. Dragons did not share a hoard. She’d have to leave that day, never to live here again.
“Perhaps…” Karjon started to say, then held up a claw to forestall her before she got too excited. “It is time you know of the dangers beyond this lair. Why I keep you hidden here. And tomorrow…” he studied her critically for a moment, then nodded. “You are old enough.”
“To go visit?” Tythel asked hopefully.
“Not yet,” Karjon said, shaking his head. “But tomorrow, I think you are ready for the one thing I know you want more than to leave.”
Tythel sat up straighter, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “You’ll finish the adoption?”
Karjon nodded, and Tythel leapt up to run over and wrap her arms around her father’s neck. “Thank you thank you thank you!” There were tears forming in her eyes, a human reaction she hadn’t shed with age, but these were tears of joy and not sadness.
“It’s past time,” Karjon said. “I just worried about how your body would react to the transformation.”
“I know,” Tythel said, although deep in her heart, she’d worried that he wouldn’t do it. That she wasn’t good enough. She’d never told Karjon that. If it wasn’t true, it would have broken his heart. If it was true...she couldn’t have handled that. Now, though, she was practically vibrating with anticipation.
Karjon put one of his claws around her, in his version of a hug. From what he’d said, dragons did not engage in touch the way humans did, but one of his books had told him a lack of touch and affection could kill human infants. Deep down, Tythel suspected he had grown to like it himself. “Now. Will you listen, and will you wait?”
Tythel nodded firmly.
“Then do so,” Karjon said, and Tythel settled back onto her coins. “Sixteen years ago, just days before you were brought to me...the skies let loose monsters.”
“Monsters?” Tythel asked.
Karjon nodded. “I do not know if they have a name. I know what Lathariel told me they were being called ‘Those From Above.’ They had weapons that sucked in light and spewed forth their own unnatural energy. Unlight, she called it.”
“And you fought them?” Tythel asked, excitedly.
Karjon shook his head, and in his eyes Tythel could see sorrow she’d never imagined from her father. “I am old,” Karjon said. “I thought they could be defeated without me. Even when I was told dragonflame was all that would harm them...I still thought they could be defeated. There were other dragons. By the time I was too late. Those From Above had secured power over humanity. They rule down there now. As far as I know, they only fear dragonflame.”
Tythel held up a hand and focused. A ball of flame formed between her fingers. “They fear this?” she asked. Dragonflame was similar to normal fire, but more vibrant. The transition from white to yellow to orange to red that happened in a normal flame was marked by clearer lines. Hers was weak. Not close to the true power of a dragon. She could barely call upon it, and couldn’t even touch the greater fires of ghostflame or heartflame. But it was not nothing.
“Yes,” Karjon said, and there was a somber note to his voice that Tythel couldn’t ignore. “By healing you when you injured already formed the gift. They will hunt you. For that and...for other reasons.”
“What other reasons?”
Karjon shook his head. “Not yet. There is much I have kept from you. You are old enough now, but...before that there’s something you need to understand.” He put one claw carefully on her knee. “Tythel...tomorrow, after the Ascension, the number of dragons in the world will go from one to two.”
Tythel stared at her father for a long moment, processing his words. She’d never met another dragon, but the idea there had been other dragons out there...she’d just assumed it. Realizing they’d been hunted down, there was only one thing to do.
She hugged Karjon again, and her father hugged her back. They sat there for a moment, before both of them could steady themselves enough to speak. “Tythel,” Karjon said. “I…have kept something else from you.”
“It’s so much,” Tythel whispered.
Karjon cocked his head. “Do you need time before the rest?”
Tythel considered for a moment, then shook her head. “A scholar’s first duty is to acquire all information before passing judgement,” Tythel said, repeating one of her father’s lessons back to him.
Karjon gave her a slow blink of amusement. “You listen too well sometimes. Very well. Your locket.”
Tythel’s hands went up to the chain around her neck. She’d worn it as long as she could remember. It was the one piece of her own hoard she had. “You said it was my parents.”
Karjon nodded. “That locket is the other reason you will be hunted. It is the locket of the royal family.”
There was a moment of silence as Tythel stared at her father. “The…the royal family. But they…I mean…that’s…” Tythel sputtered off into silence. She couldn’t say it. “I’m…”
Karjon nodded, the motion oddly gentle. “You are the heir to the throne of your family. The throne of the kingdom of Dretayne. You are the next queen of this realm. And for that, you will be hunted as one of the barriers to the rule of Those from Above.”
Tythel took a deep, ragged breath, then nodded slowly. She couldn’t think about it right now. She could barely understand it. So she fell back on the lessons of her childhood. A scholar's first duty. “Tell me everything.”
Tythel did not sleep well that night. She tried to, doing every meditation technique Karjon had taught her over the years, but she spent the entire night tossing and turning. The bed she slept on was one Karjon had gotten as a trophy from the Underfolk, those strange underground folk that were in Karjon’s stories, and it had been perfect for her when she was a child. But for the last two years, she’d been forced to scrunch up on it, leading to the impression the Underfolk were likely quite small.
In truth, Tythel was taller than most humans. Sixteen years of eating a diet of meat cooked in dragonflame and lifting and moving gold on a regular basis had left her with a build that was less princess and more warrior, but since the only humans she’d seen had been in her imagination, she’d had no idea how imposing a figure she could cut when she wasn’t comparing herself to a dragon.
She’d never complained to Karjon about the small bed. Other things, sure, but never that – or any of the other things he’d provided to her over the years. Tythel had known how lucky she’d been to have a dragon for a father. Karjon’s stories were full of tales of the legendary heroes of the past, Calcon the Brave and Rilan the Just and Brigith the Nobel and all the rest of them. All of them had started their lives as humble folk that had heeded the Call, which meant their lives had been the humdrum work of farmers and blacksmiths and other folk, and the stories all made that life out to be terribly dull.
She’d always imagined Karjon had rescued her from that sort of suffering.
Now she knew differently. She would have been a princess, daughter to a king and queen, living a life of luxury and wealth and, if the legends were any indication, would have either ended up spoiled rotten or kidnapped by someone to later be rescued. Other than that her life would have been one of formality and circumstance until she was married off to secure an alliance or to whoever had been strong enough to save her, regardless of their other qualities.
Tythel decided that, small bed aside, she still felt lucky to have been raised by Karjon. That feeling was quickly followed by shame at even considering an alternative.
She got out of bed and pulled her blankets and pillows to the floor, arranging them in a pile like the gold Karjon slept on. It wasn’t as comfortable as the bed, but it did allow her to stretch out, and that was preferable to being cramped into the bed at the moment.
The problem was, it wasn’t the bed keeping her up tonight. It was her mind.
Tythel had been on top of the mountain a few times every year, under Karjon’s careful eye. He had explained that if she didn’t get to see the sky every now and then, she’d probably go mad. The village had always fascinated her, and her entire life she’d wanted to go there, just for a day, to explore and celebrate. She wanted to see horses and soldiers and blacksmiths and maybe even a lumcaster if she was really lucky. Karjon had taught her some magic, the barest flicker of dragonflame, but it was not magic meant for humans.
Of course, that would change tomorrow. Well, her being human – she didn’t know if she’d gain any proficiency with her meager powers in the process. She’d have Karjon’s power running through her veins, becoming half dragon and half human. For most of her life, it had been the one thing she’d wanted more than going to the village.
The village. She turned over again.
From the mountain, it had been hard to make out details. She’d filled in those details in her head with ones stolen from her stories – thatched roofs covering star-crossed lovers, barns harboring hard working folk with wisdom gained from years of honest toil, scholars in cramped quarters trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe, chimneys smoking with fires that were roasting chickens or beef. Never in her life had she imagined the people out there were being subjected to tyrants that had more power than she could imagine. Never, not once, had she imagined that she was their ruler by a mere quirk of birth.
That thought got her turning again. Karjon’s stories had talked about something called “noblesse oblige,” the responsibilities that the nobility had to their people. Protect them, help them, guide them, and care for them. If she was a noble – a royal – didn’t the same thing apply to her?
Stop it, Tythel. Stop it.
But the thought wouldn’t go away. If she stayed here with Karjon, she was failing in her responsibility. The sixteen years leading up to this had not been her fault; she hadn’t known she had duties. After a moment of reflection, she decided they weren’t Karjon’s fault either. They were the fault of the mysterious Those from Above. Now that she knew, however…well, Karjon had always taught her that inaction was still a choice, the choice to do nothing.
Tomorrow, then, after the Ritual. She’d leave, no matter what. And if Karjon tried to stop her…well, then she’d have to do it alone.
And that thought, more than any other, caused Tythel to burrow as deeply as she could into the blankets before sleep finally claimed her.
Want to know what happens next? Check it out - Amazon US Link - UK | CA | AU | DE | MX | JP | IN | BR | FR | ES | IT | NL
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submitted by Hydrael to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

Covid-19 Update for February 9: 195 new cases, 548 recoveries, 12 deaths

Data is taken from the Covid-19 portal and today's media availability by Dr Deena Hinshaw. Dr Hinshaw's next availability will be tomorrow.
There are currently enhanced measures in effect for the province of Alberta. This link provides a quick summary of which ones are in effect for the province. Alberta is currently on Step 1. The target for Step 2 will be at least 3 weeks from Step 1's launch (earliest date: March 1) and has a minimum requirement of <450 hospitalizations.
Top line numbers:
Value Current Change Total
Total cases +195 127,231
Active cases 5,831 -365
Cases with "Unknown source" 856 (34.5%) in last 7 days -30 (-0.3%)
Tests +7,022 (~2.78% positive) 3,257,539
People tested +2,145 1,777,620 (~406,685/million)
Hospitalizations 427 -5 5,579 (+15)
ICU 78 +2/+1 based on yesterday's post/portal data 903 (+1)
Deaths +12 1,722
Recoveries +548 119,678
Recoveries and Deaths
Age Bracket New Recoveries Total Recoveries New Deaths Total Deaths
<1 +3 659 +0 0
1-4 +21 3,782 +0 0
5-9 +29 5,266 +0 0
10-19 +77 14,110 +0 0
20-29 +67 22,591 +1 9
30-39 +92 23,113 +0 8
40-49 +88 19,162 +0 22
50-59 +76 14,356 +1 57
60-69 +42 8,733 +0 171
70-79 +25 4,018 +3 337
80+ +33 3,850 +7 1,113
Unknown -5 38 +0 1
Value Change Total
Vaccinations +3,968 124,325 (~28,443/million)
Albertans with 2 vaccinations +3,699 32,690 (~7,479/million)
Reported UK and South Africa Variants
  • The value is updated by Alberta Health twice a week
  • Last update: February 9
Variant Change since last update (February 5) Cases
United Kingdom (B.1.1.7) +26 97
South Africa (B.1.351) +0 7
Effective Reproductive Number (R, or Rt)
  • The value is updated by Alberta Health on Mondays
  • Last update: February 8
  • What % the confidence interval represents isn't stated
Zone R Value (Confidence interval) Change since last week
Province-wide 0.87 (0.83-0.90) +0.04
Edmonton 0.82 (0.76-0.89) +0.08
Calgary 0.82 (0.77-0.87) -0.01
Rest of Province 0.96 (0.90-1.03) +0.06
Spatial distribution of people tested, cases, and deaths:
  • All other values are compared with respect to yesterday
Zone Active Cases People Tested Total New Cases Total New Deaths Total
Calgary 2,335 (-128) +889 719,184 +85 48,921 +4 536
Central 656 (-33) +268 158,750 +33 9,280 +2 99
Edmonton 1,748 (-122) +542 588,818 +60 52,271 +2 892
North 758 (-76) +147 167,168 +3 10,590 +3 120
South 325 (+6) +203 109,749 +23 6,051 +1 75
Unknown 9 (-12) +96 33,951 -9 118 +0 0
Spatial distribution of cases for select cities and regions (cities proper for Calgary and Edmonton):
City/Municipality Total Active Recovered Deaths
Edmonton 42,638 (+48) 1,384 (-88) 40,507 (+134) 747 (+2)
Calgary 41,120 (+69) 1,978 (-119) 38,664 (+186) 478 (+2)
Red Deer 2,086 (+46) 281 (+5) 1,783 (+41) 22 (+0)
Lethbridge 1,828 (+16) 189 (+12) 1,626 (+4) 13 (+0)
Fort McMurray 1,720 (+1) 59 (+0) 1,658 (+1) 3 (+0)
Brooks 1,365 (+0) 5 (+0) 1,346 (+0) 14 (+0)
Grande Prairie 1,275 (+4) 153 (-13) 1,101 (+17) 21 (+0)
High River 680 (+0) 3 (-2) 671 (+2) 6 (+0)
Mackenzie county 585 (+0) 41 (-11) 529 (+11) 15 (+0)
Medicine Hat 535 (+1) 14 (+0) 507 (+1) 14 (+0)
Cardston county 516 (+2) 63 (-3) 445 (+4) 8 (+1)
I.D. No 9 (Banff) 444 (+0) 42 (-1) 402 (+1) 0
Wheatland county 235 (+0) 6 (-1) 229 (+1) 0
Warner county 158 (+1) 1 (+0) 155 (+1) 2 (+0)
Wood Buffalo municipality 131 (+0) 4 (-1) 127 (+1) 0
Rest of Alberta 31,915 (+7) 1,608 (-143) 29,928 (+143) 379 (+7)
Other municipalities with 10+ active cases is given at this link
Schools with outbreaks are listed online.
Quick numbers (change since yesterday):
  • 154 school are on alert (2-4 active cases) (+0)
  • 36 schools are on outbreak with 5-9 active cases (+3)
  • 7 schools are on outbreak with over 10 active cases (+0)
Spatial distribution of hospital usage (change as of yesterday's post):
  • Hospitalization zone are where the patient is receiving care, not zone of residence
Zone Hospitalized ICU
Calgary 152 (-2) 34 (+2)
Edmonton 159 (-2) 23 (+0)
Central 31 (-2) 5 (+1)
South 33 (+2) 10 (+0)
North 52 (-1) 6 (-1)
Statements by Dr Hinshaw
  • 315 schools (~13%) have active cases (866 total since Jan 11)
  • In-school transmission has likely occurred in 77 schools, 61 with only 1 new case (115 cases total since Jan 11)
  • 4 weeks since schools reopened. The week before it did, ~131 cases/day for Albertans aged 5-19. It has declined since (~58/day last week)...highlighting a positive trend
  • Suggests cases in youth fluctuate with the community level and are not a primary driver of spread
  • 1 case identified, 104 total
  • 97 are B.1.1.7 (UK variant)
  • 7 are 501Y.V2 (South African variant, identified on portal by its lineage: B.1.351)
  • Knows there are questions about potential for variants to become dominant strain
  • Important to keep the numbers in context
  • The first case was identified retrospectively from December 15th
  • Since then, there are 104 positive cases identified out of 43,000
  • Variant cases make up about 0.25% of call cases
  • Currently, it is ~1.4% of all positive tests (between January 30th and Feb 5th, 38 variant cases out of 2741)
  • Does not minimize risk of variants. However, it appears it is currently rare and will try to keep it that way
  • To that end, must follow public health measures
Q&A - Variants
  • Update on variant cases in schools?: 6 classes in 5 schools with potential exposures. AHS has followed up all classes and offered two tests to all. No reported cases of in-class transmission. Believes precautions in schools are preventing spread in class
  • What % of variants not linked to travel?: Estimates a bit less than half. Notes that while some are not linked to travel, links between non-travel cases are being found (e.g. - daycare centres). Working to identify commonalities in variant cases
  • Variant cases in hospital (followup from yesterday)?: Don't have specific number as status of cases changes frequently. A couple have been reported while in hospital
  • Why is variant data not publicly available?: Will be posting breakdowns by zone this week and will begin updating every weekday starting this week
Q&A - Restrictions
  • Alberta Federal of Labour calls restriction easing "reckless". Response?: Dr Hinshaw did not answer. This question was asked in conjunction with the one below and the moderator noted only one question can be asked at a time
  • How many variant cases will put a halt to relaunch?: No specific number. Watching primary metrics (e.g. cases). Variants can cause cases to rise faster, increasing hospitalization and other
  • Is there an update on what benchmarks will set stages?: Will mostly look at trend in benchmarks. Wants to remain "nimble" to respond to the situation
Q&A - Vaccine
  • Response to Health Canada moving to 6 doses/Pfizer vial?: Able to get 6 doses more frequently with 1cc vial. AHS and Health Canada have been able to acquire a "low dead space" syringe which should be able to more consistently get 6 doses
  • How many 1cc vials does AHS have?: Defers inventory and timeline questions to AHS. Knows that AHS and Health Canada will be planning training to ensure 6 doses/vial is possible
  • Have any Albertans missed the 42 day window for second dose?: Not aware of any
  • What % of the time will we get 6 doses/vial?: When using low dead volume, it is much more reliable. Doesn't know %, but will imagine it'll be closer to 100% based on Heath Canada's tests
Q&A - Other
  • Lessons learned in hospital outbreaks?: Examples include restricting multi-bed rooms because of in-room transmission from patients in room, not relaxing PPE usage around colleagues
Additional information will be logged below:
submitted by kirant to alberta [link] [comments]

You know those AskReddit threads that go "What's worth spending the little extra for" and someone always mentions socks?

Sock wearer here. There are dozens of us.
Over the calf and just below the knee. Gentleman in the UK.
During Christmas I was epidemiologically stupid but mental-healthily clever by staying over with the parents rather than being holed up alone in a new area. Having brought several pairs of socks along, I foolishly stuck some in the black hole that's known as everyone's mum's washing machine.
I think a couple of my finest pairs went. The kind that hold onto their elastic, stay smooth, don't bobble, are thick enough to stay warm and robust enough to not grow holes while being thin enough to clip onto sock suspenders not feel restrictive. Great socks. Perfect socks.
Can we ever remember where we got our socks? I mean, half the time they come as Christmas presents but not this year sadly. Half the time they come from TK Maxx, a mixed bag in a very depressing shop where I'll choose a decent looking yet cheap set and gamble on whether they'll last, or whether I'll tolerate any of their shortcomings for long (quickly failing elastic, calf slip, etc).
Which leads me back to memories of reading these "What's expensive, but worth it?" threads on AskReddit. I've seen a few in the past, and besides people recommending good headphones, mattresses, and bedding with high thread count, there's usually someone who vouches for a good pair of socks. A comfortable pair that lasts.
I think I'm a bit crap at searching subreddits as going for vague terms like "socks + worth it" isn't yielding results on AskReddit, and by first searches this subreddit seems a bit freewheelin' so there aren't people like me spending half their weekends wondering what their perfect sock would look like. You just go out and flaunt it.
So here's mine: size is 6–7. Preference is less for cutesy patterns (unless they're tortoises or squirrels because that's different), neither for depressing black/farty-corporate every day of the week (love a bold red sock, a modest pattern or even a little texture). I don't like the elastic around the top unravelling within the year (who does?), holes in toes (who does?), or unstretchy socks that aren't interested in being held up by suspenders (seriously). Should work well with slim trousers for work and non-work, either being muted or giving a flash of colour. Socks with days of the week stitched onto them = NO. Can have texture, as said, but too thick means they won't fit on the suspender and may not stay up. And to reiterate, UK available. That firm in Colorado may do an amazing pair, but would it be worth it arriving on our Vitamin D-less plague island?
submitted by shaymenfists to socks [link] [comments]

Realising the teenage dream: My experience working as an F1 strategist

As part of a series of posts from people working in F1, I've been asked by the mods to write something about my time as a strategist in F1. Hope you enjoy, and I'll do my best to answer any questions :)
At the age of 14, I decided I wanted to work in F1. I spent the next 7 years working towards that with a lot of focus. This is the story of how I got there, what I found when I did, and why two years later, I left.

What I did

I was part of the Race Strategy team at Mercedes F1 between 2014-2016. The strategy team was (is, I guess) responsible for:
  1. “Running” the race. When to make pit stops, what tyres to fit, what lap times to target, how to approach qualifying, and the plan for unexpected circumstances (safety car, VSC, red flag, puncture, etc)
  2. Doing the preparation work before each race to select the amount of tyres of each compound the team brings to a given race, and to understand what the likely race strategies are going to be, what the remaining question marks are and hence what needs testing on Friday to get answers.
  3. Orienting the rest of the race team and the drivers on a given race based on the results of the simulations and historical races at that track.What is likely to happen? What are the key characteristics of this race going to be? Are safety cars going to be key? Is the undercut something we have to worry about? Is there a warm up curve on the tires that means in fact we have to worry about overcut? What will be the competing strategies?
  4. Doing the post-race analysis of all strategy decisions taken by the team and by all other teams and understanding which decisions were correct and which weren’t.
  5. Competitor analysis. The strategy team is the only “outward looking” department of a Formula One team. Everyone else is trying to make the car quicker. While I’m sure the aerodynamics department spend a lot of time looking at the competition visually, the strategy team were the ones mapping relative performance, setting the team development targets based on this and advising when to switch resources to developing the following year’s car, for example. One of my initial projects was trying to understand the amount of electrical energy various teams were able to recover by studying their GPS traces.
  6. Developing tools to make the job easier. Almost all the work above was much more manual than you’d imagine. When we weren’t preparing for a race or wrapping up from one, we would be writing bits of code to make those biweekly tasks easier. There was very little time for this.
  7. Rule changes. When anything changed (VSCs were introduced during my time for example, or the knock-out quali format at the start of 2016), the strategy team had to figure out the impact and how we should deal with it. We would also be the ones to liaise with the creators of the strategy software to adjust the tools so they could do the job.
  8. Random stuff. From creating a system that allowed us to automatically take pictures of the competition, to writing tools to analyse and compare GPS traces, to counting pixels on pictures to understand competitor ride heights, there was a lot of random stuff that was thrown to us. I even got pulled into a project to assess the effect of different types of success ballast for the Mercedes DTM team.
At the time, the strategy team was based in the UK, with only the chief strategist travelling to all races. The rest of us would rotate around on travelling. In the end I travelled to 2 races (Austria 2015 and China 2016) and quite a few tests (few in Barcelona, one in Austria I think). All of the other event support was done from the “Race Support Room” in Brackley. While you of course have live pictures and intercom to everyone at the track, it obviously isn’t the same being back in the UK. Especially during the races that aren’t on European time, you’d spend a week living on completely the wrong time zone, waking up at midnight and going to bed at 2pm for each race. Race weekend activities took up Wednesday - Monday of the race weekend, and that is excluding all the pre-event and post-event stuff discussed earlier. We would get one extra day off on the non-race weekend following a race weekend to compensate for the previous race weekend. With a race every other weekend at best, you can see how there is very little time for anything other than just keeping up. We’ll get to that later.

How I got the job

I studied Aerospace Engineering at one of the top UK universities, thinking that would be the obvious way into F1. During my final year I worked on a project with Mercedes, which I got because of Professor’s connections. While I was good at it and enjoyed aerodynamics, during my degree I realised that I didn’t want to be somewhere tucked away thinking about a front wing element and still having to go home and watch the race on TV. I wanted to be in the action, as close as I could get to driving the car. So when I was about to graduate, I was on the lookout for something a bit bigger picture than aerodynamics. I applied to Red Bull for a vehicle dynamics position and then saw a position come up at Mercedes in the strategy team. I got offered both, but strategy sounded like exactly what I was looking for, so I went for Mercedes. Halfway through my interview (which was in one of those glass meeting rooms), they started doing a photoshoot with Lewis in the adjacent room. I still wonder whether they scheduled the interview in that particular room knowing that was going to happen as some sort of power move. Of course I acted as if it didn’t faze me at all.
I’m sure I’ll get many questions on advice on getting into F1, etc. Generally I would say the UK probably does help a lot. But a lot of people seem to talk about the “motorsports engineering” degrees you can get in places like Oxford Brookes. I would be very careful with things like that. I would try and get into the absolute best university you can and do as well as you can. Then try to get a year out/summer internship with a racing team or performance car company of some sort. To give you an idea, when I was there Mercedes were only hiring graduates out of Imperial, Southampton, Oxford, Cambridge and Bath/Bristol if I remember correctly. At F1 levels, especially for the top teams, they want to know you are smart, and that you have a dedication to racing. You can catch up on the knowledge on the job. So go to the best university you can, do it in the UK if you can, and do something else that demonstrates your passion. I did an internship at an endurance racing team in GT3 and then a summer internship at McLaren Automotive. That said, I know teams like Racing Point have dedicated places for people that come out of Motorsport Engineering programs so it is a legitimate route in. But as a general piece of career advice, keep your options open. I was obsessed with F1, probably more than any of you on here (quite a statement I know). When I joined Mercedes, I knew more specifics about races in the last 10 years than anyone I ran into. I still decided to quit after 2 years. Had I done a Motorsports Engineering degree from a very average university (good universities don’t do them), I would probably still have gotten into F1 but my career afterwards would have been seriously compromised.

Some memories

I’m guessing a lot of you will want to know about interactions with the drivers specifically. They came into the factory every couple of weeks and being part of the race team meant that they would hang out around our area as those are the people they know best. The rest of the team really has very little interaction with the drivers other than team-wide speeches after race wins. I was very lucky to be right in the action. As many of you will remember, the 2014-2016 years were quite spicy between Nico and Lewis. While they were quite careful to keep the serious politics and drama behind closed doors with the inner circle of Paddy/Toto/Niki, if you were part of the race team you definitely felt it in an indirect way. Even after some of the most controversial incidents, driver debriefs were always very civil and were more of a checklist of things to go through rather than addressing any elephants in the room.
They (and probably most F1 drivers) are a very special, curious breed of people. They’ve grown up with teams of people around them doing everything to help them win and get to the top. If that starts from the age of 8 you’re going to turn into a pretty strange person, and you definitely sense that around them. They are single-minded, focused, are extremely quick to form a judgement on people, and have a very short attention span for absorbing information. Nico and Lewis didn’t seem to like the fact there even was another driver in the team so they avoided coming to the factory on the same day if at all possible. They would even avoid mentioning each other and would talk about “the other car” or “the other guy” if they had to. When they were in the same room, the interactions were just quite childish. Like one of them being overly disgusted if the other sneezed or smirking if the other complained about something in the car they have no issue with.
While I saw more of Nico in the factory and he felt more like a “normal” member of the team than Lewis, I actually thought Lewis was the “nicer” guy. He always had attention for people while Nico was happy to look past you if he didn’t know who you were or you weren’t “useful” to him. On my second day at the team, I was reviewing some old races, mesmerised by now being able to hear all the radio comms of these races I had seen as a fan, when someone grabbed me from behind, scaring the shit out of me. It was Lewis, big smile on his face, welcoming me to the team and asking what I do. Seemed very genuine. Later on in the year he took the whole race team paintballing after he won the championship, where I had a few chats with him that were equally down to earth and just chilled out. He described the start of the 2014 Abu Dhabi race to me and how indescribable the pressure was to have to make the perfect start but also not jump the start. How with a twitch of his thumb he could have thrown it all away. Was really cool to see that human side.
Later that day someone shot him in the balls during the paintball which was also pretty funny (he had arrived late and had missed the part where we shoved some cardboard down our trousers to avoid this issue).
I probably had more interactions with Nico than Lewis over the two years I was there. He would come in more often for simulator work. While at the time he was more involved and probing on the engineering side of everything than Lewis was, he’s still not an engineer of course. Information would have to be presented very succinctly, with confidence, and by a person who he trusted. He came across a bit like a super focused robot if I’m honest. He was extremely driven, very determined and didn’t have time for any distraction. His humour was really difficult to place because he would give you shit with a really serious face as a joke. But then he would quite often also just give people shit with a serious face not as a joke. From an engineer’s point of view he was interesting to work with though because nothing would get past him and he was more able to talk “your language” than Lewis. Doesn’t mean he’s not an F1 driver though! I remember during the Austria test of 2015 I was in the garage and had left the wikipedia page of the F1 season open after compiling some numbers. He came over to me and started looking at the table race results and championship standings. He just stood there for a while and then said something like “it makes no sense does it? I don’t understand how he is ahead”. I didn’t quite know how to reply because we were looking at a table of race results that pretty clearly demonstrated why Lewis was ahead. The way he said it really made me understand how these guys have such a belief in their own ability that they just can’t really compute how someone else can beat them.
Monaco 2015 and 2016
Two of the most memorable races for me are Monaco 2015 and 2016. In case you don’t recall, in 2015 we (the strategy team) threw away a Lewis win by pitting him under a late safety car that dropped him from the lead to P3. In 2016 we won the race by transitioning Lewis from full wet tyres to slicks, skipping over intermediates (with a little help from a messed up RIC pitstop).
Only the chief strategist was at the track for both of these races, while the rest of the strategy team was back at the factory. In both races, the strategic decision came down to a few seconds where we’d have to call into question a pretty direct decision from the pitwall. This is incredibly difficult to do. Despite the direct link to the circuit, there were many conversations on the pitwall we didn’t have visibility of, and so it feels extremely risky to jump into the main radio channel from the UK questioning a decision we’d barely have time to reverse. This is why, in 2015, when Lewis was called in for a pit stop in the last few laps leading under safety car, we all pretty much thought there must be a strong reason we hadn’t heard about for this call to have been made. It couldn’t really be a mistake, it was clear to all of us that Lewis would drop to third and finish there. But with GPS being unreliable in the streets of Monaco, all of us back in the UK were looking at predictions based on car positioning from sector times, while those at the track had left their software in GPS mode. In GPS mode, it looked like Lewis had the gap, while in reality he didn’t. We didn’t question the decision, Lewis came in and that was it.
The next year we somehow found ourselves in a very similar position. Lewis was leading the race with a very fast Ricciardo behind him. The track was wet, transitioning to dry. RIC ended up pitting for intermediates before HAM and immediately started taking chunks out of HAM’s lead. HAM got called in, and again in the race support room in Brackley we were pretty convinced we were throwing a race away. All everyone talks about ahead of Monaco is that you can’t overtake and that track position is everything. And now we were called HAM in to put intermediate tyres on, which mirrored RIC’s strategy too late and hence would lead to us being undercut. This time we did intervene. We only had about 5 seconds. My friend jumped on the radio and said “We are throwing the race away, the only way to win is to stay out and go straight to dries, if we are ahead on track RIC will not be able to get past”. We immediately got shouted down, but a few seconds later the call to box was cancelled, I presume after an exchange on the pitwall. We won the race off the back of that call, pulling off the switch from wets to slicks.
Why I left after 2 years
So why did I leave after just two years? There’s quite a few reasons, among which:
I really, really enjoyed the intensity of my time at Mercedes. It was a dream come true. But I’m even more happy that I was able to realise that dream in the first two years of my career, before moving on to something that I can actually build a life around, something I can do for myself.
It’s also nice to be able to watch the races as entertainment again, even though I have to admit I miss the millions of timing screens, the radio traffic and the split second decisions.
submitted by PetrifiedFire to F1Technical [link] [comments]

Fit diary 36yo F NW UK

36 yrs old, NW UK, trying to lose weight... and this is my diary.
Location: NW UK
Household: Me, my husband H and our dog
**Reasons for wanting to get fit: I unfortunately need to lose around 30kg. I’m hypothyroid and my weight goes up very easily. I do enjoy exercise though and would like to feel fitter and healthier again.
Fitness Goal: I’d like to get into my size 12 (UK) clothes again. Would like to be a bit less tired too and less out of breath when riding my pony.
Workouts: Walking, horse riding, and Les Mills classes at the moment. When the gym is open I like yoga and swimming.
Diet: I don’t follow anything specific, but am trying to not drink at all during the week (this week not included as we are on holiday) Also trying to stick to 1500 calories on the MyFitnessPal app.
Lifestyle: Currently working at home most days. We have a dog and horses so are outside a lot and I enjoy walking, swimming and group exercise. I also love cooking and wine however.
You get a couple of bonus days as I started this Christmas Day! I obviously didn’t do that well food/wine wise as we were on holiday but we did try to exercise best we could.
Christmas Day
5am- It’s Christmas! I wake up at 5am needing a wee, and decide to turn off my 7am alarm. I then wake up again at 8.45am! Eeek. I go downstairs and return with a cuppa for H and the dogs stocking (yes we are those people). He gets 10 tennis balls, 3 toys, 2 bones and a nice fleece blanket off us and his dog sitter so he is delighted.
9am - We make coffees and open our presents. We have a massive haul and I feel so incredibly spoilt. My highlight was a brand new fancy bridle for the pony I acquired in the summer from H, and I bought him a canvas print from a gallery we often walk past when we visit the coast.
10am - H goes outside to take the dog to the farm to do the horses, and it’s frozen solid. He finally leaves after a few false starts, and I crack on with the cooking. I make cauliflower cheese first, then assemble pigs in blankets, make Yorkshire pudding batter and then peel lots of potatoes, carrots and parsnips.
12pm - H and the dog return just as the chickens are about to go in and I shower, get dressed and pour a glass of champers. I find Turkey dry, and too big for 6 so I always roast 2 chickens. We are having H’s family round for lunch (the 4 live together). Unfortunately we had to cancel seeing mine as it was planned for Boxing Day!
2pm - Our guests turn up, H carves the chickens and I quickly knock together some gravy and boil some broccoli. We sit down and it’s all really good, we have a nice chat, and they head off, they really are easy guests.
4pm - H drives us down to give the nags their Christmas dinner of haylage and a few carrots. I check on a horse that belongs to a friend who had colic the other night and he seems fine, so we head home, it’s freezing!!! A Christmas evening of watching Sherlock, picking at roast chicken and slobbing out. Last dog wee and I’m in bed just after 10.
Boxing Day
9am - Good morning from tier 3! Typical as I take time off to spend with H whose shop is closed for the period everything else closes too. We get up but can’t face breakfast so it’s coffees and a muesli bar then we head down the farm. We arrive to the incredibly sad news that the horse was found colicking again on a later check up (we all staggered our nightly feeding). The vet came out in the night and tried treating it 3 times but then had to call it a day. We are all so incredibly sad as he was a lovely kind boy, and I hide in my stable hugging my pony whilst he is collected.
12pm - I decide against riding but H helps me fit my bridle, and we head home to drop the dog off and heat up a bit of leftover cauliflower cheese. I bought H a months membership to the gym I go to whilst he is off, and I am so glad I did as it’s one of the only things that’s partially open now. We grab our togs and have a swim, followed by a very long soak in the jacuzzi. On our way out MIL rings to say that they have done the horses, so we head straight home.
4pm - I put on the fake oodie I got for Christmas, and we open a bottle of Lanson. We eat our body weight in nuts whilst watching the Hunger games.
6pm - A quick sandwich, and we follow it up with Catching Fire. Such good films. Whilst watching I browse Facebook and see that my favourite yoga instructors from the gym are back offering zoom classes as group classes have been cancelled in tier 3. I got into yoga in lockdown 1 as the gym offered it outside and I found that I didn’t hate it after all. I know the self employed gym instructors are really struggling right now, so I donate £20 to a charity class going ahead, as well as signing up to every class I can currently make.
Ridiculous squabble about the tv volume of all things, followed by bed.
27th December
8am - Wake up and scroll my phone for a bit whilst waiting for H to wake up, he brings coffee to bed and we let the dog up for a cuddle. We don’t bother with breakfast so head down to sort the horses. We feed, muck out and both ride, I have a lovely ride on my pony, whilst H rides his big event horse. Once done we head home before we freeze to death.
12.30pm - I quickly poach some eggs on toast for all of us, H and I eat them and I save the dogs for his tea! Afterwards we head back to the gym for a 30 min swim and a soak in the outdoor jacuzzi. On the way home I stop at Lidl just for some milk, cheese and crisps. We’re off pony duty again tonight so straight home in the warm for us.
4pm - Once home I do 30 mins of yoga; and H watches the end of a film, then it’s pj’s, champagne and nuts/crisps whilst watching the first part of the Mockingjay film. During this my phone pops up with a reminder and it turns out that one of the yoga classes I signed up to is tonight. Funny thing is that H told me it was, but I was adamant it was tomorrow. Apparently it is indeed Sunday today. I’ve had half a bottle of champagne and I’m full of crisps; so I message the instructor to see if there is going to be a link to access. She saves my bacon and laughs at me a lot.
8pm - We don’t bother with a proper dinner again, just get out a cheeseboard we were bought from a friend whilst watching the last of the 4 films. I’m now totally over sitting on the sofa, so the dog gets taken out, and we’re in bed pre 10pm.
28th December
8am - I wake up needing a wee again and it’s snowed! I pinch H’s dressing gown and his crocs and take the dog out for a quick play as he’s barely seen snow before. He’s a bit unsure then jumps around like a loon. When I can’t feel my feet anymore I come in and turn my laptop on to check my emails. It’s a bank holiday today but I have stuck to my resolve of leaving it off so far (I’ve done a lot of hours lately). There is only one email to sort so I sort it, everyone else is clearly managing to take a break too.
9am - I take H a cup of tea and tell him we best go, snow and horses unfortunately do not mix well. We quickly make some toast, knock the snow off the car, drive down very slowly and arrive to the news that the weight of the snow has pulled down an old canopy roof over where the horses are shod, so we secure the area best as we can with barriers and cones, and I feed and muck out whilst H shovels snow in case it freezes again. A quick chat with his parents who have arrived and eat a few too many Haribo that someone has bought down, but it’s too cold for hanging around outside today!
2pm - We get home and make a sandwich each, and just have an hour to warm up, then we’re back down whilst it’s still light with a boot full of rock salt. Even the dog looks aghast at going out again so soon but needs must. H spreads this whilst I feed and water.
4pm - We decide as its still early to head back to the pool AGAIN. It’s really busy inside so even H who is a terrible wuss with a cold pool heads outside. Well it’s absolutely beautiful, I only get 25 mins out of him before he wants the jacuzzi but it’s stunning in the dark in a heated outdoor pool. We poach in the jacuzzi until I feel slightly lightheaded then shower, change at home.
6pm - Home James. I feel vegetable deprived, and also deprived of my favourite hobby - cooking. I have a simply cook pack of Sicilian roast chicken spices so I roast chicken breasts, mash potatoes and roast some leftover carrots and parsnips to have with sweetcorn and the left over Christmas stuffing (for H). We stick on a Sherlock and eat away! It’s lovely. I made enough for leftovers for lunch but H ate them! We watch tv for a bit longer but are really tired so a last quick dog walk and then to bed.
29th December
8am - So i’m not actually on leave today technically, but I’ve agreed I’ll log the hours worked and sort it out later. Check my e-mails but only a few bits to sort so do it right away. Scrambled eggs on toast and coffees and it’s off we go. It luckily hasn’t snowed further, but it’s very cold so very icy and slippy. All the family are down helping this morning so not loads to do. H rides his horse but the rest of us try to stay warm.
12pm - It’s time to do the supermarket shop, thankfully everything is in stock. I buy far too much stuff including tulips, toilet roll, beer for H, loads of chicken and as there are discounts on washing powder and cleaning products those too.
3pm - Once home and unloaded I do an hours work, then download the yoga class I got the link for the other day. When done I heat up some quiche. I did the yoga on our bedroom and the floor is really grotty so I grab H and we dust, hoover, change the bedding and put laundry away, looks so much better afterwards. H fancies a nap and I read my book.
6pm - We scrap the pool today, and I check my work emails again then potter about chopping veg for dinner. I’m making a SimplyCook recipe of linguine with chicken and veg. It tastes far more decadent than it is, as the sauce has reduced fat creme fraiche but tastes like cream!
8pm - We eat and watch Sherlock. I search on line for new lululemon leggings. I love them, and I can do everything in them, but I struggle with the nulux fabric as they slide down, so I have had rubbish luck lately (hence my PayPal balance from reselling). I ask a couple of questions and make a couple of offers on eBay, but I spot what I think could be the perfect pair on the lulu sale, so I pop in an order £64.99. I also book tickets for a local winter light walk that was recommended by a friend. To bed we go!
30th December
8am - Wake up naturally again. Going to struggle to bring this forward by 90 minutes before too long. Dog wee and check e-mails, still quiet. I got a counter offer off a pair of leggings but decide to hold off as I bought a pair yesterday. It’s my charity yoga class this morning so I set up in the bedroom, and H heads down for breakfast with the dog.
10.30am - Was a lovely class and for a great homeless charity. I make a coffee in my to go mug and grab a muesli bar and off we go. It’s snowed again and the yard is frozen solid. It’s the glamorous side of horse ownership when the taps freeze and you have to shovel horse poo all over the concrete to stop people slipping everywhere. Wouldn’t have it any other way but it’s rather cold! Not really safe to get the horses out on the ice so neither of us ride, and we come home for a warm up.
12.30 - I heat up a bit of the leftover chicken and veg from last night and H has cheese. We watch a Sherlock and are intending on doing very little. However, up pops Matt Hancock and we’re in tier 4 from midnight. That means no gym. And whilst it isn’t really swimming outside kinda weather, we are stupid so do it anyway. Half an hour swim then to the jacuzzi.
6pm - Get home and potter about doing jobs. End up accepting the offer on those Lulu leggings as it looks like I’m going to be living in them. £50. Also book onto another special yoga class, £7.50 and see that a Les Mills presenter is doing combat classes on zoom so book onto 3 of those next week £11. I do need to stop doing this now and use my Les Mills app but I do like the classes and know the instructors appreciate the income.
8pm - I heat up some chilli from the freezer, and we rent the new Roald Dahl Witches film on Prime. We really enjoy it (nothing beats the original though). I text my best friend and brother who use my Prime, to see if they want to watch it. Straight to bed, read for a bit and then sleep.
31st December
8am - Hello from Tier 4 (FML). I had a terrible nights sleep last night, just felt really flat. Emails checked. Dog taken out (he has access to our yard 24/7 but does he choose to wee there?! Of course not.) Toast and marmite for me (jam for H) and coffees from the nespresso machine. To the horses we go, bit easier today, we have a working tap. On the way past we see a car gone into someone’s front garden in the village. What a rubbish day they all must have had.
1.30pm - Home and a microwave pizza for me, and a sandwich for H. I do a little bit of work as what I have been waiting for has come through, and then just really feel the need to start cleaning. The dog moults a lot and us being in and out from the farm doesn’t lead to clean floors.
3.30pm - I mop us out of the house as we are on pony duty tonight. We’re done in record time and then it’s back home in the warm. We open a bottle of Laurent Perrier that work got me! Very nice indeed. Watch some more Sherlock.
7pm - We order Pizza Hut £30, and play cards. Make some resolutions including dry January (from Mon 4th) and fitness and weight for me. Make it just until midnight, then straight to bed and sleep. Happy new year!!
1st January
6am - Wake up desperate for a wee and then just can’t really get back to sleep so just toss restlessly. H goes to the shop to buy milk and bread and comes home with crumpets so I have 2 of those and a coffee. Head down to the horses. Lots of people down this morning so we’re able to chat whilst H rides, still very cold though.
12.30pm - Maybe chatting outside wasn’t advisable. We are so cold. We make some lunch, just another microwave pizza for me, then finish off the last episode of Sherlock. We go and huddle in bed for a while shivering.
4pm - Back on pony duty for us so we grab the dog and head down, get it sorted in record time. Come back and plug my car in ready for work next week.
5pm - H does a bit of painting around the house whilst I prepare chicken tacos. We rent the original Roald Dahl witches film this time. I order some second hand yoga equipment off an instructor ready for some classes ahead. £28 for a bolster, strap and mat (she’ll deliver Monday). We have done nothing today but are still tired so bed and reading by 10pm
2nd January
8am - Wake up slightly earlier, again for a wee and come back to bed. H wakes up shortly after and goes downstairs for a wee for him and he takes the dog out and brings coffee to bed! Down to the horses, it’s still cold but I decide to ride. She’s very fresh and it only goes ok.
12.30pm - Back home and put the heating on. Cheese and biscuits for lunch for both of us, and I start the Bridgerton series on Netflix whilst H does some admin.
5pm - We aren’t on horses duty tonight so open a bottle of wine and watch an episode of Bridgerton together (he was sat near so got the gist). I take a break at 6pm to roast a spatchcock chicken with some baby potatoes, roast parsnips and carrots, green beans and red cabbage as I have a fridge full of veg and I hate food waste. We watch Bridgerton all night, then just after 10pm H does the last dog wee and we tidy up and go to bed.
Day 9 - 3rd January
9am- Wake up to an alarm and snooze. I have a Combat class booked for 9.30am. I have mentioned before that I’m very uncomfortable exercising solo in front of H, so I suggest sacking it off but he tells me I should do it, and clears the bedroom floor for me whilst I go get dressed. So glad I did, a cracking 50 minute class.
10.30am - Bundle up and go to get the horses done. H rides his sisters horse for her then she gets on, then I ride my pony and H rides his horse. So we are there ages but it’s dry and sunny even if it is very cold.
2pm - Get home and have some left over chicken from last night, Brie and cranberry sauce in a wrap each. We both then go to the supermarket. I buy a few bits for the house, but we don’t need much. H goes to get his shop ready for next week, I tidy the house, have a bath, and do a few hours of work.
6pm - H gets home and jumps in the bath I ran, whilst I make sausages and mash for dinner. We finish Bridgerton, and chat for a while and then bed. Unfortunately it’s 28 days alcohol and sugar free coming up from tomorrow, plus back at work for us both so we cuddle up and go to sleep!
submitted by Mitchlou84 to FitDiaries [link] [comments]

r/Neoliberal elects the British Prime Ministers - Part 11: James Callaghan vs Margaret Thatcher vs David Steel in 1979

Previous Results

1945 – Sir Archibald Sinclair (Liberal)
1950 – Clement Davies with 50% of the vote
1951 – Clement Davies with 58% of the vote
1955 – Sir Anthony Eden with 67% of the vote
1959 – Harold Macmillan with 75% of the vote
1964 – Jo Grimond with 73% of the vote
1966 – Jo Grimond with 70% of the vote
1970 - Jeremy Thorpe with 53% of the vote
1974 (Feb) - Jeremy Thorpe with 62% of the vote
1974 (Oct) - Jeremy Thorpe with 63% of the vote
Last week the results were: Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal) 63% Edward Heath (Conservative) 25% Harold WIlson (Labour) 12%
The Con vs Lab result was, Harold Wilson (Labour) 37% Edward Heath (Conservative) 63%
The Actual results from 1974 (Oct) were:
Labour: 319 seats, 39.2% of the vote
Conservative: 277 seats, 35.8% of the vote
Liberal: 13 seats, 18.3% of the vote
SNP: 11 seats, 2.9% of the vote
Plaid Cymru: 3 seats, 0.5% of the vote



  • 1974 (Oct) – The second election of 1974 resulted in a slim Labour victory, with a majority of only 4 seats. This was a blow to Harold Wilson who had expected a much more comfortable margin, but with both parties exhausted and the country having little appetite for more elections Wilson accepted his victory. The Liberals who had hoped for “One More Heave” saw the loss of a seat, and Billy Wolf’s SNP saw a gain of 4, but he once again lost his own attempt to enter Parliament.
  • The Iron Lady:
  • Well it’s been a while since a leadership position last changed hands and here we have the first of three. Margaret Thatcher rose to prominence as Heath’s Education Minister, having been chosen as a hard-working and intelligent backbencher worked her way up as spokeswoman for various departments, she was then chosen by the US for its Foreign Leader Program - an exchange program which saw her tour the US and meet with various notables such as Nelson Rockafeller, and the IMF. Thatcher created a favourable impression on the Americans and gained a position on Heath’s Shadow Cabinet. As Education Secretary Thatcher was hard working and stuck to her remit, although she was perhaps best known for cancelling the programme of free school milk for children (she herself argued she was continuing a Labour policy as they’d cancelled the programme in secondary schools). After the Feb 1974 loss Thatcher was downgraded to Shadow Environment Secretary - perhaps a reflection of her and Heath’s frosty relationship. But what was meant to be a downgrade caused Thatcher’s star to rocket. Thatcher proposed a new policy of abolishing the rates system which was a property tax, and for it to be replaced by a new tax based on income (although the latter part was sometimes left out).
  • Thatcher unveiled this policy during August when the rest of Parliament was on holiday and hoovered up the media’s attention with little else going on politically. As I discussed last week she also notably tore into Dennis Healey’s budget, which gained her great acclaim as Healey was seen as a formidable debater. Thatcher was aided by the fact that she never believed she'd be leader. The contest after Heath had already seemingly been set in stone: WIllie Whitelaw vs Keith Joseph. I’ve touched on Whitelaw previously but he was seen as a consensual centrist, whereas Joseph was the leader of the Conservatives’ right. However, after the October 1974 election, Joseph torpedoed his budding campaign in a series of controversial interviews, during one of which he argued poor people should stop having children because it diminished the British racial stock. The fact that Thatcher stood despite not being considered a forerunner for Leader meant that she avoided accusations of scheming or being power-hungry despite her political manoeuvring.
  • Thatcher’s policy of scrapping taxes during a dismal campaign where 2 parties fought over who was the least unpopular brought her great acclaim and she was heavily featured in the Conservatives TV broadcasts (see my last post). This fame allowed her to take the unprecedented step of challenging Heath in 1975. Heath had assumed he’d stay on as leader, and most of his cabinet fell in line out of loyalty to him, but after losing 3 out of 4 elections most Conservative backbenchers were itching to get rid of Heath who as discussed previously could be unbearably haughty and arrogant. The contest with Thatcher brought out the worst of Heath as he failed to hide his disdain for the (as he saw it) annoying woman with right-wing views. Thatcher could sense the backbenchers had enough of Heath however and her image shown in TV broadcasts of the wife and mother cleaning up in the kitchen before whipping off the apron and dashing out for a business meeting struck a chord with many people along with her previous fame for scrapping taxes and coming across well in party broadcasts. Thatcher also managed to channel the anger of the right of the party who had stuck with Heath after he sacked Powell and then been disappointed by Heath’s u-turns while in power, and his shift to the left in the contests of 74. The heavyweights of the Conservative party dutifully fell in behind Heath and were stunned when he lost the first round of voting in a surprise upset. Heath withdrew and other candidates such as Whitelaw piled in but Thatcher had the momentum on her side, and for her courage in challenging Heath she won the second round and became Leader of the Conservative Party.
  • But what does Thatcher believe, and how is she as a leader? Those within the Conservative party saw her as a figure of the right due to her monetarist policies and sympathies for Enoch Powell but the larger public had little idea of what she stood for. Thatcher embarked on a series of lengthy political interviews with journalists and commentators to advocate for her positions. Thatcher loved debating commentators so much she extensively appeared on the American show Firing Line, hosted by William F. Buckley. The show was only broadcast in the US so it had no political advantage for Thatcher but she enjoyed honing herself in TV debates. In this way Thatcher is totally different from Wilson, Heath, and Callaghan. Heath loathed TV appearances and could go a whole year as Prime Minister without ever giving an interview or putting himself on TV. Wilson disappeared after the 1970 election and tried to fade into the background of the referendum on the Common Market because he despised journalists and knew how much the public were sick of him. Callaghan did not avoid the press as much but was known to be a quiet figure who rarely made appearances. Thatcher’s outstanding quality during this period is her abilities as a political communicator and teacher, and her ability to frame issues. The policies she advocated for were radical, and are very different to the manifesto’s we’ve gone through before (briefly the “Post-war consensus” consists of a “Tripartite” agreement where managers represented by the CBI and trade unions are consulted before economic decisions are made, full employment is maintained through Keynesian economics trade unions are regularly consulted by the government on policies and are given widespread powers, and a strong welfare state is maintained through high taxes. Thatcher in effect opposes all of this), but Thatcher was able to frame her policies in a way which seemed completely normal, and appealing.
  • Her economics were not just about numbers for example but freeing the people and giving them power. When asked if she was a pragmatist she replied ‘I’m a pragmatist in the true sense of the word… putting your principles into practice.’ When asked if she was right-wing she replied ‘Define what you mean by right-wing… you can’t look after hard-working people unless you create enough wealth to do so… My views don’t differ very much from Iain Macleod/ If you want lower taxes it’s called right-wing… If you support the police it’s called right-wing… If you want to sell council homes it’s called right-wing… If you want to uphold standards in education it’s called right-wing… If you call that right-wing, I’m right-wing.’. When discussing her housing policy she declared “property is freedom”, when discussing the economy she claimed Britain’s economy was struggling because something had “gone wrong spiritually and emotionally”. She declared she would not suffer disagreements from her cabinet. Heath and others scoffed at Thatcher for being overly simplistic and ignoring the realities of governing, but over the inertia of the political scene, Thatcher’s policies were seen by the public as bold and exciting. But Thatcher could only pursue these policies because at the time the British economy and political system were in total crisis and so a rethink made sense to voters. Elsewhere Thatcher was more careful, her cabinet, for example, contains more “wets” and “Heath-men” than natural allies. I should also note that by this point Margaret Thatcher is not seen as “The Iron Lady” or a particularly strong, or tough woman. At the announcement of her victory, she pulled out a feather duster and cleaned the stage to laughter, and when first called “The Iron Lady” she mocked the term and pointed out her done-up hair, her expensive dress, and her make-up. Thatcher’s image will change over the next few years. In summary, Thatcher is a bit of an unknown quantity but is seen as representing a clear break from Heath, and as someone with very clear principles, but also perhaps inexperienced.
  • In or Out? - As promised after his victory Wilson eventually held a referendum on Britain staying or leaving the Common Market. This had been devised by Wilson to help keep the Labour party together which was split almost 50-50 on the issue. Both sides, however, saw a referendum as a way of solving the issue, and Wilson believed it’d let some of the tension out of his cabinet. Wilson largely took a backseat and let his cabinet members appear on TV to fight one another, intervening sparingly in favour of “Yes” (or remaining within the Common Market). Wilson had held off on a referendum until every available poll showed “yes” would win and in the 3rd election in 11 months the British public voted to stay within the Common Market
  • Big Jim - Wilson then rather abruptly stood down as Labour leader. It’s still unclear why exactly Wilson stepped down. It may have been because his wife was ill, he developed colon cancer, or the realisation he was developing Alzheimers, and there are other reasons as well. As I’ve mentioned before Wilson’s cabinet was one of the most stacked in history and there were several candidates to succeed him the Labour party was split into 2 main ideological camps with the “soft right” being the largest. The left were split between Tony Benn and Michael Foot. Benn was a young charismatic maverick, and the darling of the hard left, whereas Foot was seen as a figure of the left who could still unite the party and therefore won the first ballot. On the right, there were 4 candidates although Anthony Crosland is pretty irrelevant. The main figures were the Chancellor Dennis Healey who was busy writing a budget and had just had a public spat with the left-wing magazine “Tribune” who were one of the main voices behind the “No” campaign which tarnished him. Roy Jenkins was one of the favourites to win, Wilson’s modernizing Home Secretary who legalised homosexuality a few posts ago. Jenkins had been the right’s standard-bearer but had voted against a Labour whip to vote yes to entering the Common Market when Heath was Prime Minister, and then resigned as Deputy Leader when Wilson committed Labour to re-negotiating Britain’s entry. Jenkins was therefore seen as disloyal and divisive among the party. Callaghan was a steady, safe pair of hands. A figure of the right but one who’d opposed British membership into the Common Market and led the trade unionist charge against “In Place of Strife” making him a figure the left could fall behind, and as the oldest candidate was seen as someone who’d maybe lead Labour into another election but would resign relatively soon, giving the other contenders another crack at leadership anyway. He had also been unofficially endorsed by Wilson, so when Jenkins withdrew after the first round of voting Callaghan hoovered up his support and went on to win.
  • Thorpe to Steel - And finally we have the bizarre case of the Liberals change in leader. During the 60s Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe had a homosexual affair with a man called Norman Scott, then a criminal offence. MI5 tracked the two but took no action. When Thorpe became leader Scott resurfaced and tried selling his story but was turned down by newspapers due to the story being difficult to confirm and old news, but these rumours distressed Thorpe. Thorpe took money from a Bahaman millionaire to help cover his party’s election expenses and then gave the money to an airline pilot who promised to assassinate Scott. The pilot bungled the attempt however and ended up shooting Scott’s Great Dane. In court Scott testified that he believed the shooting had been motivated by his affair which made his relationship with Thorpe public knowledge. The pilot then sold his story the next year when he was released and the pressure made Thorpe step down as leader, although prominent Liberal figures defended him. The case eventually goes to court in 79 but the case is handled poorly, with Scott also bizarrely claiming that Thorpe infected him with the lifelong disease of homosexuality and should therefore pay for his care for the rest of his life. Thorpe is acquitted but is widely perceived as being guilty and the Liberal leadership goes to great lengths to distance themselves from him. The subsequent leadership election was won by David Steel who had been Thorpe’s chief whip and foreign affairs spokesman. Steel was a popular progressive figure, perhaps most notable for writing and proposing a bill which legalised abortion in 1966 but he’s not as charismatic as Thorpe, who after achieving the Liberals’ best modern result has badly tarnished its image.
  • The Economy Stupid - The economic crisis we’ve discussed in the last few posts as a result of the oil crisis and stagflation continued into Wilson and Callaghan's government, but the resignation of Wilson made things worse as creditors lost confidence in Pound Sterling and it was temporarily pulled from being able to be converted into other currencies. In order to try and restore confidence, Callaghan instituted a program of austerity with widespread government cuts but the pressure continued and in 1976 the government was forced to ask the IMF for a hefty loan to keep going. The IMF agreed on the condition of more cuts which were implemented. Many in the Labour cabinet were opposed to both of these series of cuts and Callaghan employed the tactic of letting his opponents talk themselves into circles until eventually, it became clear that cuts were needed, however, this tactic resulted in extremely lengthy meetings where the cabinet seemed to endlessly debate amongst itself, leading to Thatcher’s aforementioned comments about not allowing much dissent within her cabinet. With the world economy improving, Labour’s cuts, the strengthening of the Pound, and a pay freeze (more on that Labour) inflation began climbing down from a peak of 26% in 75 to 7.8% in 78. Unemployment began falling and the economy as a whole began improving which led to an uptick in Labour’s polling, with polling in 78 showing Labour slightly ahead or a hung parliament likely. But by 1979 unemployment rose to 5.5% and inflation hit 13.39% and the economy began faltering again.
  • The Lib-Lab pact - Although the Labour party had won a majority of 4 seats this was quickly whittled away due to by-election defeats, with the Labour Parliamentary Party elected in Oct 74 being notably older than usual. To combat this Callaghan negotiated with the SNP and Plaid Cymru, Scottish and Welsh nationalist parties, agreeing to referendums on Scottish and Welsh devolution and the prospect of creating a Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly in return for their backing on key votes. In 1977 an agreement was also made with the Liberal Party for the Liberals to back key votes such as the budget to keep Labour in power, an exchange for a joint Liberal-Labour committee which would examine government policies and legislation. It has been suggested that Steel as a new, young leader was naive to agree to this agreement as it didn’t give the Liberals much real power, but after the Thorpe affair, Steel believed close cooperation with the government would help the Liberal party rebuild its legitimacy. The pact, however, was unpopular with activists within both parties. The prospect of an election was growing more likely, and it was believed Callaghan no longer needed the Liberals. The Scottish and Welsh nationalists would wait until their referendums on devolution, and the upcoming boundary review was predicted to give Northern Ireland more seats so the Northern Irish parties would hold off, it’d also give Labour roughly 6-8 seats too so the Labour party wouldn’t try to bring him down beforehand, and MPs in both parties from marginal seats were nervous about an election. Just 15 months after it was agreed to the pact was terminated in August 1978.
  • The Social Contract - In order to prevent the chaos of the Heath years Harold Wilson devised a “social contract” with the trade unions. The Industrial Relations Act was repealed and new protections were given to unions such as protections over picketing and “closed shop” practices where an employer agrees to only hires members of a specific union, and workers are forced into remaining members of that union otherwise they’ll be fired. Labour also agreed to pass legislation which favoured trade unions and carried out social policies which they agreed to, in return the unions would review pay every 12 months instead of just striking constantly. Miners were also given a further 35% pay increase to keep them happy. The unions agreed to this, and then to an “incomes policy” where the government and unions agreed to restrain themselves when it came to giving pay raises. This somewhat surprisingly worked and the trade unions kept to the agreement despite significant drops in real wages.
  • The election that never was - by 1978 Callaghan had caught up to the Conservatives in opinion polls and as mentioned previously was slightly ahead or level with them. This is due to the low levels of striking and industrial actions, the improving economy, Callaghan himself whose calm and relaxed demeanour even during crisis reassured voters who felt as though they could trust him, and also Margaret Thatcher’s unpopularity with voters with her personal polling not being very impressive. By 1978 there was serious media speculation that Callaghan would call for an early election and Callaghan seriously considered one. He consulted widely but opinions were mixed. David Steel actually told him to go for an election, and most of his cabinet agreed, although the more prominent members didn’t want an election. As mentioned previously Callaghan’s position was seen as safe, and he personally didn’t believe the polls that suggested he would gain a majority. Callaghan believed there would probably be a hung Parliament again and that this would lead to more negotiations with other parties which he was exhausted at the prospect of after negotiating with the Nationalists and with the Liberals. Callaghan therefore decided to hold off until 1979 and let the economy improve some more. At the 1978 Trade Union Conference Callaghan was set to give a speech and it was expected he’d announce a general election, Callaghan instead made a joke, telling the conference that the commentators had set the date and the election but Marie Lloyd (a singer) had set the time and the event but that they all knew what happened, he went on to sing the song “Waiting at the Church” in a moment hailed as showing his domination of the political field.
  • The Winter of Discontent - ...But that social contract did not last forever. In 1978 the agreement was due to be renegotiated and with the economy improving the unions believed it was time to loosen the belt. Callaghan without consulting anyone decided on a rather arbitrary limit of 5% pay rises at most for workers. Union leaders refused to accept this, knowing that it’d lead to their members turning on them and the head of the transport union asked who James Callaghan was to tell him he should refuse the pay increases he’d negotiated for his workers. The dam broke when Ford workers went on strike demanding a pay raise of 30% due to the companies growing profits and the fact that Ford’s chairman had just raised his pay by 80%. Ford offered the 5% the government had advised but the workers refused to accept it and eventually settled at 17%. The consequence for breaking government policy should have been sanctions for both the union and the company but when this was voted on in Parliament Labour’s left backed the unions and Callaghan was defeated. This meant that there was no pay restraint for the private sector but that public sector workers pay was still capped, which led to a strike at the BBC with workers threatening to go on strike over Christmas and not play the Sound of Music which BBC had just bought the rights to. A pay freeze only for public sector workers could not hold and limits were withdrawn. What followed were a massive wave of strikes with over 29 million days of work lost from January-February as different unions began striking to secure the pay rises that other unions had secured, culminating in a national “day of action” where 1.5m workers went on strike at the same time. At the same time, one of the coldest winters on record swept the country with temperatures hitting an average -14 degrees celsius or 57.2 Fahrenheit. The UK was buffeted with storms and heavy snows just as the strikes began. Lorry drivers went on strike and demanded a raise of 40% which caused petrol stations to shut down due to distribution issues, and food stores to be stripped empty as people began panic buying. Cities were blockaded stopping all movement in or out and the strike also meant cancer patients could no longer receive chemotherapy. Gravediggers went on strike which saw bodies being dumped out in the open and discussions were held on how they could bury people at sea instead, binmen went on strike so garbage was simply dumped in the streets, hot water supplies were disrupted so people had to boil water instead, nurses went on strike and blockaded hospitals, then ambulance drivers went on strike. Workers walked out en-masse in St. Ormond’s Street Hospital, leaving the sick and dying children to lay inside alone. After this formerly left-wing Labour MPs even began to give speeches in the House saying the unions were going too far.
  • Crisis? What Crisis? - What was Callaghan doing during all of this? Well, he was at an economic conference in the Caribbean where the press took photos of him gleefully sunning his toes and posing with beach babes. Callaghan had no idea of what was happening in the country and when he returned he decided to give a press conference straight after getting off his plane. During the conference Callaghan scoffed at journalists for asking if he should have come home, claiming they were jealous, brushed off a question about mounting chaos and then laughed about it, asking if he’d be able to find a cup of coffee with all the chaos the journalists were braying about. Callaghan’s cool and calm nature had won the public over during previous crises but this press conference seemed beyond the pale for voters who’d had images of blizzards, empty shelves, and cities being left to starve seared into their minds. When Callaghan soaked in the scale of what had happened he told his press secretary he’d let the country down. When told if Labour kept their heads and fixed things they’d still be able to win the next election Callaghan murmured “I’m afraid we might”, and he refused to give a televised statement on the chaos, asking how he’d give an address admitting his policy had collapsed. During the crises, Thatcher appeared on television to put forward a programme of restricting union powers. By the election, 82% of the public believed the unions were too powerful and Labour were 20 points behind the Conservatives. The day after Callaghan’s conference The Sun ran the headline “Crisis? What Crisis?” Callaghan never said the words during the conference although The Sun claimed he’d said them to a journalist afterwards in private. But the headline summed up what many thought of Callaghan’s response and it formed the basis of one of the Conservative’s most iconic political broadcasts which I’d highly recommend watching to understand the narratives at play during this election, and so you can see the images of the Winter of Discontent
  • No Confidence - As the strikes petered out referendums were held in Scotland and Wales on devolution. The Welsh referendum was voted against outright whereas the vote in Scotland passed but did not meet the required threshold to implement a Scottish Parliament so Labour blocked it. This led to the SNP calling for a motion of no confidence in Big Jim, who claimed that they were turkeys voting for Christmas. The motion was a tense affair and there are many stories about how one or two decisions could have changed history but in the end, the motion passed by 311 votes to 310, and a general election was called. With the Conservatives jeering the young Labour MP Neil Kinnock leads his party in singing The Red Flag. Harold Wilson is asked for his thoughts and he murmurs that he thinks his wife will vote Conservative because they’re led by a woman. The Labour party is not particularly happy with his contribution
  • The Campaign - The Campaign itself is relatively uneventful. The Conservative Party employs the advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi who come up with the poster “Labour isn’t working which becomes iconic and is reused in later elections. Thatcher is also trained in lowering her voice to make it sound more commanding, but Thatcher isn’t quite the Iron Lady yet and isn’t a natural at campaigning. Callaghan comes off as by far the most experienced and like Wilson in 74 tries to focus on prices rather than larger ideological debates. One of his advisors told Callaghan he thought they could win it due to Callaghan’s campaigning but Callaghan replied that once every generation there was a sea-change in politics when what people wanted completely shifted and that they were experiencing that now. Before the election Thatcher gave a speech claiming that there was a worldwide revolt against big government and bureaucracy and that now they were witnessing the end of an era, and throughout the campaign the Conservative party focused on promising a radical break from the past whereas Labour promised continuity, flipping the party’s traditional roles.



  • Strengthen price controls, radically reform the European common agricultural policy and work with the trade unions to hit a target of 5% inflation to get prices under control.
  • Setup regional development agencies and plans with companies to increase employment, “work for an international agreement under which all countries are helped and encouraged to expand their economies to the limit of their productive capacity and so stimulate world trade”, continue with job creation schemes, move towards a 35 hour work week, expand the national bank “Girobank” to compete with private banks, protect employees from unemployment due to their companies modernising, reserve the right to nationalise companies who take government aid
  • Increase the nationalisation of the North Sea oil reserves, continue to support coal mining, encourage energy saving schemes,
  • Nationalise road haulage industry, electronics, pharmaceuticals, health equipment and building materials
  • introduce an annual wealth tax on the small minority of rich people whose total net personal wealth exceeds £150,000, reduce the burden of income tax, and raise the tax threshold below which people pay no income tax, increase benefits and pensions
  • End as soon as possible private schools, abolish prescription fees in NHS, phase out private beds
  • Provide a universal scheme of education and training for all aged 16-19, remove barriers preventing poorer students from attending higher education
  • Increase rights of tenants, relax planning laws, help first time buyers with mortgages, increase job security in construction, Encourage the development of building workers' cooperatives, tackle land speculation through land nationalisation.
  • Develop policies for resource conservation, encourage recycling and cleaning campaigns, reduce pollution and lead contents of petrol
  • “encourage recognized trade unions to establish joint representation committees in all companies employing more than 500 people, and place a legal obligation on employers to discuss company plans with these committees. We will establish an industrial democracy commission to stimulate and monitor schemes of industrial democracy in the private sector and nationalised industries.”
  • Introduce a Freedom of Information Bill to provide a system of open government,
  • Continue direct rule and army presence in Northern Ireland but expand the role of the police
  • oppose any move towards turning the European Community into a federation, reform the Community’s agriculture, energy, finance, trade, and industry policies, legislate that British parliament is able to repeal and amend European laws
  • Cut the defence budget
  • Push for peace in the Middle East and Cyprus, detente with the East, opposition to colonialism and racial injustice, force South American dictatorships to repay debts, restore human and trade union rights


  • Monetary discipline with targets for the growth of monetary supply, a reduction in government borrowing, an end to price controls, and the size of government to be reduced in order to control inflation
  • Scrap government programs and further nationalisation to save £1.65bn
  • Picketers to be confined to only picketing their place of work, a review of the immunity of strikers, those who continue going to work during strikes to be free of intimidation or violence, violence and obstruction to no longer be tolerated, an end to “closed shop” practices where workers have to remain members of a specific union or be fired, secret and postal ballots to be used by unions, pay bargaining to be conducted only between employer and employee, pay rises in the public sector to be dependent on what the taxpayer can afford
  • Cut income tax at all levels, raise tax threshold of what people can make before paying taxes, reduce highest band tax rates to European average, sickness benefits to be included in annual income, reduction to investment income taxes, simplification of VAT and reduction of tax bureaucracy, no wealth tax, capital transfer tax and capital gains tax to be merged into a simpler, reduced tax. Amend regulations around small business to be simpler and more favourable.
  • sell back to private ownership the recently nationalised aerospace and shipbuilding, sell government shares in the National Freight Corporation, relax the Traffic Commissioner licensing regulations to enable new bus and other services to develop, encourage new private operators, amend the 1975 Industry Act and restrict the powers of the National Enterprise Board solely to the administration of the Government's temporary shareholdings, to be sold off as circumstances permit.
  • Scrap all import controls but maintain regulations against foreign “dumping” of products
  • Encourage energy saving scheme, make sure tax and licensing policies encourage larger oil production, support for coal and nuclear power
  • Radical change to the Common Agricultural Policy, opposition to discriminatory proposals, implement a freeze on CAP price increases for goods which are in surplus, negotiate agreement with Common Market to protect British fishing
  • Improve pay and conditions for police, reduce procedures which take up police time such as traffic supervision duties, introduce tough compulsory attendance centres for young offenders, free vote in Parliament on if capital punishment for murderers should be legal
  • introduce a new British Nationality Act to define entitlement to British citizenship and to the right of abode in this country, tougher immigration controls, quotas for non-EEC immigrants
  • Implement an elected regional council for Northern Ireland, no amnesty for terrorists,
  • Introduce policies to support first-time buyers, sell nationalised housing with discounts for long-time renters
  • Continue to protect the environment and reduce pollution. Particular attention to improvement and restoration of derelict land, the disposal and recycling of wastes, and reducing pollution of rivers and canals subject to availability of resources. Improve housing insulation to reduce fuel consumption
  • “Repeal those sections of the 1976 Education Act which compel local authorities to reorganise along comprehensive lines and restrict their freedom to take up places at independent schools.”, introduce national standards for education, restore direct grant schools, introduce a parents charter which gives parents right to choice of schools
  • Simplify and decentralise the NHS and cut back bureaucracy. Reintroduce paid beds and end “vendetta against the private health sector”, reintroduce tax aid for health insurance.
  • Simplify social security, reimplement tax credit schemes, exempt war widows' pensions from tax, introduce cash benefits for disabled, allow pensioners to still work if they want to
  • Significantly increase defence spending, increase the pay of servicemen, buy new equipment.
  • Reaffirm Britain’s commitment to the Common Market, integrate each country’s foreign policies more closely, but some reforms to CAP and fishing, national payments into the Common Market budget should be more closely related to each countries ability to pay Support peace in Middle East and Rhodesia, strengthen aid to Commonwealth


  • Because this post is running really long the Liberal Manifesto will be down in the comments:

Read the full manifestos here:

1979 Election coverage (featuring the debut of “Arthur” and one of the greatest openings ever):
Conservative political broadcast: Crisis? What Crisis? -
Thatcher election broadcast -
Thatcher Winter of Discontent broadcast -
James Callaghan interview -

Vote here (All Parties):

Vote here (Labour vs Conservative):

Please try to vote as if you are a British citizen in 1979 without knowledge of what will happen after the election.
submitted by Woodstovia to neoliberal [link] [comments]

🔥🕯️🌼 Imbolc - 1 February 🌼🕯️🔥

Welcome to the latest sabbat informational post! Throughout the year, we will be posting up these threads to share general information about the next upcoming sabbat so WvP's witches, new and old, can prepare for the holiday. These posts will contain basic information about the holiday and open up for the floor for further questions or discussion.

🔥🕯️🌼 Imbolc - 1 February 🌼🕯️🔥

What and When is Imbolc?

Imbolc is one of the eight sabbats of the modern pagan Wheel of the Year. It is a celebration of the Irish goddess Brigid, and one of the "greater sabbats", falling approximately halfway between an equinox and a solstice, which correspond to the early Gaelic Fire Festivals. The others are Beltane (mid-Spring), Lughnasadh (mid-Summer), and Samhain (mid-Autumn).
In the northern hemisphere, Imbolc traditionally falls on February 1st. However, it's also a somewhat variable holiday. To follow old Celtic traditions, you could start on the 31st of January. Witches who prefer to take a more celestial point of view often celebrate it on the direct mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, which is usually the 3rd or 4th of February. From a more nature-based perspective, Imbolc can be seen as the start of spring, and may be marked by certain natural phenomena, such as the blooming of blackthorn or snowdrops.
For our Southern Hemisphere witches, the next holiday is Lughnasadh / Lammas, a celebration of the Irish god Lugh and the beginning of the harvest festival, and its celebrations traditionally fall on August 1st. For more information, check out our earlier Lughnasadh post!

Imbolc: History, Connections, and Modern Practice

Imbolc is an old Gaelic fire festival that traditionally heralded the beginning of spring. It has a few other alternate spellings (eg., Imbolg) and names (eg., Oimelc), but all refer to newly born lambs, with lambing season usually falling late winter.
As a celebration of the earliest parts of spring, Imbolc brought hope to everyday people that the worst of winter's wrath was over. The earliest spring plants were beginning to bud, and weather divination became common as people looked ahead towards planting their crops. This may have been the inspiration behind American Groundhog Day! Fire and purification are important aspects of Imbolc, complete with spring cleaning. Hearth fires were generally more common than bonfires.
The holiday is very strongly associated with the Irish goddess Brigid (also spelled Bríd), a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann and arguably one of the most famous of Ireland's goddesses, associated with the hearth, healing, poetry, and blacksmithing. (Indeed, Brigid was so popular in newly Christian Ireland that she was syncretized with St. Brigid of Kildare, whose feast day is also February 1st.) Houses would honour Brigid by cleaning their home for her and cooking special meals and leaving portions for her as offerings. Some would invoke her for divination, visit holy wells, or make Brigid's crosses. Later Christians would celebrate Candlemas, which also incorporates some elements of Imbolc and Brigid worship as well as Lupercalia.
Check out our section below for some more specific ideas and examples of ways to celebrate Imbolc with yourself, or maybe even a few (properly distanced) family or friends.
As a part of the Wheel of the Year, Imbolc follows Yule, and the worst of the winter is over. The earliest signs of the spring are starting to pop up, burgeoning hope for the months ahead. Soon, nature will be filled with the fertility and growth of spring, and it's time to prepare.
If you look at the sabbats as a reflection of the self, Imbolc is a time to cleanse and prepare for new growth on the horizon. Breathe, reflect, and prepare yourself for the warmth, sun, and renewal that is coming.
Symbols: Fire, Candles, Besoms/Brooms, Lambs, Brigid's Crosses, White Flowers Colours: White, Yellow, Red, Green, Purple, Silver Plants/Herbs: Snowdrop, Violet, Bay Laurel, Blackberry, Rowan, Early Spring Flowers Foods: Milk/Dairy, Seeds, Breads, Winter Preserves

Simple rituals and ways to celebrate Imbolc include:

  • Clean your home! Spring cleaning is 100% in the spirit of Imbolc. Brigid likes a tidy house. If you haven't yet, Imbolc is also the perfect time to set/maintain yearly household protection rituals. Here is one example of an Imbolc-specific house cleansing ritual, but there are many others. For more inspiration, look into local and/or polytheist traditions as well. After all of that work, clean yourself with a nice ritual bath.
  • Cleanse your spiritual spaces as well! Give some extra attention to your altars, shrines, and magickal workspaces. Scratch off those wax drippings, brush up that leftover familiar fur, and banish the dust. Add some seasonal Imbolc flair to your altar as well if it suits you.
  • Make a Brigid's Cross; this simple diagram will show you the basic steps, or go here for a details tutorial. Traditional materials include rushes and willow, but many long pliable materials will serve.
  • Create a Brideóg, aka a Bridey Doll or a Brigid Doll. Traditionally, these were crafted of rushes or straw the same as the crosses, but they can also be made of many other craft materials just like any other doll, so feel free to unleash your inner art witch! This page has a guide for making a simple one, and a link to a video tutorial as well. You can also make a bed for the doll near your hearth and leave an offering to invite Brigid into your home.
  • Craft an Imbolc Rowan Cross Charm.
  • Light a hearthfire if you can, or pull out the candles for an Imbolc candle ritual. Try and incorporate some form of fire into your rituals, if possible.
  • Perform an Imbolc seasonal rite/ritual. Here is a good example of a solitary Imbolc ritual, for practising witches without a coven.
  • Cook some Imbolc-inspired goodies to unleash your inner Kitchen Witch! Here and here here are two no-nonsense websites with Imbolc related recipes for you to enjoy!
  • Celebrate by eating and cooking with seasonal produce.

Tips for New and/or Broom Closet Witches

After the dark and cold of winter, everyone should be looking forward to spring, no matter your religious inclinations. Take this time to focus on nature and make yourself aware of the changes in your surroundings. What are your local traditional "Welcome to Spring!" plants? (Here, it's the daffodils!) Are your trees starting to bud? Showing an interest in nature and the new signs of spring are very healthy and safe ways to celebrate the spirit of Imbolc.
Spring cleaning is also something that everyone can enjoy. With the days getting longer and the sun staying out later, it's a bit easier to get the energy and excitement needed to do some serious cleaning. It's good for you, it's good for your house, it's good for the gods/spirits/energies. Win-win! Don't forget to also cleanse yourself and your space; you're very important too!
Some of the common Imbolc symbols, like Brigid's Crosses, may be acceptable to make and display in Christian homes. If your family is Catholic, you might choose to show special honour to St. Brigid, or other Christian sects can whip out the candles for Candlemas. Otherwise, flowers and lambs are both pretty non-denominational spring symbols, and lambs also get a pass for their connection to March and the upcoming Easter.
Much of the importance of the Wheel of the Year is to really incorporate yourself with nature and the earth's yearly cycles. For most of the temperate, northern part of the world, spring is just starting, and it's time to prepare for the growing season. If you'd like to grow some of your own plants or herbs, now is the perfect time to prep by making sure your planting timelines are in order and that you have everything you need. If you can, take the time to appreciate the renewal of growth in the plants and animals in your local area. Chances are, they're gearing up for a productive spring, just like the rest of us.
Feel free to ask any questions you might have below or otherwise use this post for discussion about Imbolc (northern witches) or Lughnasadh (southern witches)!
submitted by Einmariya to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]

[Lets Build] Things found on an abandoned industrial Space Station

I know it's a little specific but I've always bemoaned the lack of sci-fi / sci-fantasy stuff around here so I figured I'd start with something that would be immediately useful for my Starfinder campaign. My party are getting ready to explore the bottom floors of a decommissioned industrial space station. What strangeness will they encounter?
Imagine an old mining/manufacturing space station, long abandoned and in a slowly decaying orbit around an unimportant outer rim star. In its prime maybe this place was a hub of mining and industry, pulling raw resources out of a local asteroid belt and converting them to purified, usable materials. It's been decades, maybe even centuries since this place was crewed and operational. Now it's just hideout for local space pirates and criminal syndicates... at least in the few still usable top floors. The bottom, far deeper floors however have become the lair of all manner of strangeness... nameless aliens, undead miners, and decommissioned industrial robots. Like any good dungeon, over the years this a station has been played host numerous occupants, each using this place for their own clandestine purposes. What strange going-ons have occured in this forgotten corner of the galaxy? Find out below!
Edit: Here is a link (provided by [u/World_of_Ideas]) to another similar yet different list that might be useful to anyone using an abandoned space station or space ship in their games: Things salvaged from a spaceship or spacestation

  1. Broken Down Waste Recycling Center - A large room filled with silos of sorted waste (rusty metal scraps, long dried organic materials [food and... other stuff], the remnants of cracked asteroids, etc), industrial machinery (shredders, sorters, magnetizers, atomizers, etc), and conveyor belts to transport the waste. The sole working piece of machinery still is a large bridge crane suspended from the ceiling. If the party spends time digging around, they might find a seriously damaged robot (which looks like one of the local races in this sector of space) in one of the trash heaps. The robot is missing most of its limbs, but with a little love might be brought back online to serve the party. [u/solamon77]
  2. Huge cargo elevator - This elevator has seen some better days. It can take the party deeper by a couple floors easily, but struggles to go back up. Runs a serious risk of breaking down and plunging into the depths if not repaired first. In the elevator is a large shipping container filled with rusted industrial parts. [u/solamon77]
  3. Illegal drug lab- Local space-pirates set up an illegal drug Glowdust factory here. It seems abandoned (or maybe not?). The party can gather up the remaining drugs and sell them for considerable profit or just have a couple really great party nights! Searching the lab could result in accidental exposure to the incredible psychedelic effects of Glowdust if the party isn't careful enough. Maybe there is an undead still wandering around down here, left over from when the lab went boom. He's been twisted by the long term exposure to the Glowdust and his bite cause the recipient to immediately trip balls! [u/solamon77]
  4. A strange rhythmic tapping - Every so often the party hears a strange rhythmic tapping echoing off the exposed network of pipes running through the station. It's far too regular and far too intricate to be random. What's causing it? [u/solamon77]
  5. A large fungus filled culvert - A huge culvert runs through the wall here. The culvert once piped radioactive industrial waste and is still minorly radioactive to this day. Inside grows a bunch of huge bushy fungus that might have to be cleared to pass through. The fungus glows and hisses when disturbed and might alert a local creature. [u/solamon77]
  6. Solar (or Void) Dragon's Lair - An old mother wyrm has taken up residence here to hatch her egg. She is large and glows faintly from collected sunlight. She likes how close to the sun this station has gotten and has tore off a wall to let in more light. The wyrm isn't necessarily aggressive, but she is quite hungry. Maybe the party can help... one way or another! Or perhaps if the DM wants, it's an evil Void Dragon who is spoiling for a fight. [u/solamon77]
  7. Assembly Ooze making toy dolls - The party starts coming across counterfeit dolls laying about. As they proceed further, they grow more numerous. The dolls were of a model that was quite popular a couple decades ago, but has now fallen into obscurity. Eventually the dolls are so numerous that they make movement difficult without first clearing them out. In the center of the dolls is a still functioning Assembly Ooze (a nanobot ooze that atomizes raw materials before converting and reassembling them back into a pre-programmed shape) set up long ago to counterfeit these once popular toys. The Ooze was never told to stop and has been making these dolls for decades now. Perhaps it turned on a attacked the would be counterfeiters and converted them into dolls and now it wants to do the same to the party! [u/solamon77]
  8. A large open shaft - The shaft prevents the party from moving forward. A maze of rusty old pipes provides a precarious bridge for which to cross the shaft. The pipes are barely big enough to cross by putting one foot directly in front of the other. A flammable gas wafts up from below preventing the party from using any jet packs or guns. [u/solamon77]
  9. A functioning cryo pod - A still functioning cryopod has someone (something) still asleep in it. [u/disturbednadir]
  10. The homicidal AI - The main AI that controls the facility has gone homicidal, which is why it was turned off, but when activated it starts using the security bots and turrets on the PC'S, and the best part is that the AI is programmed to always be happy and chipper. Sorta like the Heart of Gold from HHGTG, or Yes Man from Fallout new vegas. Due to the homicidal AI, they need to activate the backup AI, F.A.T.H.E.R (Facility Administrator for Total Human Emergency Response). [u/disturbednadir]
  11. Ruptured cooling tanks - The cooling tank for one of the reactors has flooded a couple of levels, so it's time to swim, like from Aliens. [u/disturbednadir]
  12. Weird gravity - The whole facility spins, using centripetal force for artificial gravity, so if they have to go to the core, they're going to have to deal with weird gravity issues. [u/disturbednadir]
  13. Conveyor Belt Ride - To get from one part of the place to another, they will have to activate processing machinery and ride the conveyor belt and have a fight sorta like the factory fight from Phantom Menace. [u/disturbednadir]
  14. Emergency Space Walk - To reach a destination, they have to go on an emergency space walk. [u/disturbednadir]
  15. A perfectly preserved corned beef sandwich - As the party gets to the front of the station, they see an air-tight bag with a squashed corned beef sandwich. This will probably be next to two astronaut skeletons. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  16. A control room with a still-functioning AI - though it can only play music. It's basically a jukebox that can tell you that your music taste is bad. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  17. A large broken airlock door - the doorway leads to the airlock, but it wont work, because one door needs to be closed for the other to open. [u/Turtle-Still-Turtle]
  18. A vandalized control room - All the screens have been coloured over with black permanent marker and the F key removed from the keyboard. A cup of mouldy zero-g coffee rotates aimlessly off to the left of the room. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  19. Sexy Time Observation Room - An observation room showing the station exterior and processing entrance. It’s filled with padded blankets and vision and smells faintly of sweat and sex. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  20. A hidey hole - a small sleeping bag and heater (now broken due to element decay) fill the floor space but some ingenious soul has use the wiring looms as bookshelves there’s more than one hundred physical hard copy books here. Some could be valuable. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  21. Failed water reclamation facility - A water reclamation facility linked to all the waste processing units on this floor. The filter died a long time ago and the stench is quite amazing as the door seal is opened. [u/EarthbinderUK]
  22. Storage warehouse - A maze of stackable crates bearing the logo of the (company, station). There is an automated hoist system built into the ceiling. Most of the crates are empty. However if anyone checks the manifest computer, they might find a few interesting things (raw ore ready for processing, station repair materials, medical supplies, a robot. On a better than average computer check they might find an entry after the station was decommissioned. The mystery crates are (pirates stash, smugglers stash) [u/World_of_Ideas]
  23. A medical station - The medical supplies have mostly been looted. However there is an auto-doc station that seems to be functional if anyone can find a way to power it. If anyone checks the med bay computer logs, they can get data on company employees and they may be a few unnamed entries dated after the station was decommissioned. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  24. An anti-grav push cart - The cart itself ran out of power long ago. It's piled with cylinders containing core samples. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  25. The main refinery - The room is filled with giant machines that crush the raw ore, separate the desired material(s) from the waste, and transfer the various materials to collection bins where they will be purified or melted into ingots. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  26. The cafeteria - To your surprise both the kitchen and dining area are spotless. It seems that there are 2 functional robots in this area, a cleaning robot and an auto-chef. Both the robots have been programed to remain in the cafeteria and will resist being removed from the area. The chef bot can create a variety of interesting meals if provided the ingredients. The pantry and freezer are currently empty. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  27. Crew Quarters - Tiny bedrooms, with a folding bed and work area and a connecting bathroom. Most of the rooms have been cleaned out. A thorough search of the rooms might reveal (odd bits of clothing, a few personal effects, blankets, a few bits of contraband, a data pad). [u/World_of_Ideas]
  28. The Pirates Trap - A room appears to contain several crates with logos from (different companies, cargo ships). The crates are empty or contain useless junk. A very high perception check will reveal an infrared sensor on the door that is not part of the original room. When anyone enters the room, there will be a delay and then all the doors will shut and lock. Then knockout gas will be pumped into the room via the air vents. If the pirates are still on the station the unconscious PCs will be searched, disarmed, and put in a cell in the security rooms for questioning. Pirates will want to know who else is here and where the PCs ship is. If the pirates are no longer in the facility, the PCs will wake up in the locked room and the station will broadcast a signal to the pirates about intruders. (Note: Trap doesn't have to be pirates; body harvesters, hostile faction listening post, infamous criminal on the run, mad scientist, pirates, rebels, slavers, smugglers). [u/World_of_Ideas]
  29. Rupturing Pipes - Without warning, the maze of pipes running along every surface begin to rattle and shake as pressure builds up inside. They creating an awful clanging sound as they clang against the dirty walls. Suddenly 1d6 of the pipes bursts open, potentially spilling their contents upon the party. (Roll a 3d6. The higher the number the more dangerous the contents of the pipes) [u/solamon77]
  30. Meteor Strike - A meteor comes plunging through the wall potentially hitting a character and opening a large fissure in the hallway. Air rushes out the opening potentially sucking characters into open space. [u/solamon77]
  31. Trash Compactor - A perfectly cubic room filled to the ceiling with industrial trash. A perception check might reveal a partially obscured sign in a different language warning not to enter this area while the compactor is active. A path through the trash has been carved over the years by some unknown creature. When midway through the maze of trash, without warning the compactor fires to life. The party has to quickly navigate through the rapidly closing passageways of trash before getting crushed to death. [u/solamon77]
  32. Remains of another adventuring group - The corpses of a long dead adventuring group are found sticking out of a heap of solidified melted slag. Seeing as they are mostly covered in slag, there isn't much to salvage from them, but perhaps an arm sticks out of the slag still holding onto a weapon or a valuable item of some sort. The arm maintains a deathgrip on the item and has to be broken out of the hand to be retrieved. A quick look around reveals a large burst pipe close to the ceiling as the culprit for the parties death. The pipe is now empty aside from melted slag buildup sticking to its insides and could provide a way forward for the PCs. They will have to squeeze their way through. [u/solamon77]
  33. The Elephant's Foot - A highly radioactive heap of corium piled along the walls of this hallway. The corium spilled from a reactor core meltdown some floors above and has spilled through melted holes in the ceiling. The intense radiation seemed to create strange pulsating multi-color will o' wisp like anomalies. They float in the hallways like pollen on a breeze. Are they radiation fey? Are they the spirits of long dead workers? Are they something different entirely? [u/solamon77]
  34. Hull Plates - A collection of meter thick metal slabs of various shapes. A few are held up by cranes and could be dropped for a devastating trap. [u/someone_back_1n_time]
  35. The Monorail - A still functioning monorail system for transporting workers to different parts of the facility or different facilities. PCs will have to figure out how to operate the stations airlock doors to allow the train to leave the station(s). Also care must be taken as to which train they choose as some of the tracks have collapsed. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  36. The Shuttlecraft - A small 6 person shuttlecraft rest on one of the rooftop landing pads. The shuttle was meant as a means to transport people and supplies between the facility and ships in orbit. It will require minor repairs and refueling to get it functional again [u/World_of_Ideas]
  37. The Hanger - A large hangar bay, large enough to hold 2 or 3 medium sized spaceships. The facility has the equipment needed to load and unload cargo, make repairs, and refuel ships. Most of the fuel tanks are empty. There may be a ship already docked here, if so they are: black ops team sent to erase the evidence of "x" / company sent to retrieve "x" / infamous criminal / looters / mad scientist / pirates / rebels / salvage company / ship that had to make emergency repairs or needed refueling / smugglers. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  38. The Crash Site - One of the shuttlecraft suffered a catastrophic malfunction and crashed into the facility. The section is sealed off by airlocks as it is now a vacuum or contains hazardous atmosphere. The shuttle itself will never fly again. However, it may be salvaged for useful parts or fuel. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  39. The Crash Site (2)- One of the shuttlecraft crashed into the facility. All the airlocks are sealed around the damage section. What at first appears to have been a horrible accident, turns out to have been a deliberate act. Underneath the wreckage are the remains of: an alien robot / a war bot / some sort of creature. If the black box is retrieved, it reveals that this was a desperate attempt to kill the thing, that tore through the rest of the facility. Damage to the facility and signs of firefights seem to support this. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  40. The Barricade - PCs come across a barricaded door, that is partially bent inwards. Someone literally welded the door shut and then welded anything metal they could find to reinforce the door. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  41. The Firefight - Your not sure what when down here, but someone got in a firefight. One side of the room is completely covered with (bullet holes, blaster marks). It seems that whoever was shooting was also retreating as the damage continues down one of the long corridors connected to the room. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  42. The Firefight (2) - The room is completely shot to hell. Two opposing walls and anything that might have been used as cover in the room is completely covered with (bullet holes, blaster marks). If conventional firearms were used, the floor is also covered in spent shells. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  43. The Hydroponics Bay - Formerly a large garden meant to offset the food cost of running the facility. Most of the plants are long dead from lack of water or light. However, one corner of the bay still seems functional. All the plants there seem healthy and alive. A successful (science, botany, medicine) check will reveal that about 1/3rd of the plants are illegal drug plants from various planets. The other plants seem to be actual food plants. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  44. Deadly Communications - At first glance the main communications array appears to be broken as it's pointing down towards the facility. Upon further inspection, it looks like someone manually pointed it at a specific section of the facility. When the PCs discover the main communications room, the discover that the system has been tuned to a specific frequency and turned up to maximum, until the system burned out. If the targeted part of the facility is investigated, they discover a horrific scene. Multiple creatures have been exploded and cooked as if being locked in a microwave set on high. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  45. Scary Spare Parts Storage - This low-ceilinged chamber is filled with all manner of disused humanoid robotic parts: heads, arms, legs, hands, tank treads, pincers, torsos, etc. They hand, covered in dust, off of a hundred metal hooks and chains suspended from the ceiling. The only light that functions in the room is a flashing red emergency light. With a successful Perception check, the party can notice strange unidentified lumps laying about the ground (the remains of other unfortunate visitors to this room). Inspecting too deep in the room causes the parts to come alive, grabbing the unfortunate adventurer, and trying to pull him deeper in the room. Eventually the parts try to rip the adventurer asunder. [u/solamon77]
  46. Floor Lines (Blue)- A painted blue line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Once they are good and lost, the Blue line eventually fades to the point where it can no longer be followed. If the party doubles back, they discover that they can no longer find where the Blue Line picks up again. Before long they hear chuckling and an impish voice echoing through the halls taunts the party, demanding some kind of payment to lead them back out again. [u/solamon77]
  47. Floor Lines (Red)- A painted red line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually the line dead-ends into a large break room containing the desiccated corpses of dead factory workers. The corpses look chewed upon. Even with age, the smell of burnt tobacco clings to the yellowed walls and assaults the parties noses. An old CRT TV sits upon a perch near the ceiling and a bank of old vending machines containing all sorts of goods runs along the far wall (rotten food, cigarettes, condoms, a capsule spell machine, etc). If the party searches the room, they find a coat room containing a bunch of gift cards totaling a modest sum of money. Do the corpses come alive to protect their booty or do they just sit there enjoying their rest? Does the TV turn on scaring the party? What does it display?[u/solamon77]
  48. Floor Lines (Yellow)- A painted yellow line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually the line leads to a collapsed hall preventing any further movement forward. [u/solamon77]
  49. Floor Lines (Green)- A painted green line runs along the flooring through this wide industrial hallway. If followed the line leads the party through a branching series of maze-like hallways leading deeper and deeper into the station. Eventually it becomes clear that the line is doubling back on itself at some point and the party is walking in circles. A voice echos out mocking the party for their foolishness. If the party closely inspects the trail, they can eventually figure out where the old line was erased and follow down that hallway. Eventually the green line picks up again. As they walk down the hallway, the voice becomes angrier and more threatening, promising all manner of woes if the party doesn't turn back. If they press on the green line dead-ends into a large closed metal door. Knocking down the door reveals a surveillance room filled with a bank of functioning CCTVs displaying parts of the preceding hallways and a microphone. The room seems to have been converted into living quarters for some smallish creature. The creature is missing, but it's obvious by the presence of burning cigarettes that it was here very recently. The party can loot the room to reveal a bunch of stolen treasures (and anything that was taken from them by the creature earlier [see #46 - Blue Floor Lines]), but it will no doubt piss off whoever lives here. [u/solamon77]
  50. Asteroid Cracking - A massive dome shaped room with without a floor and a scaffolding running along it's curved walls. Below is the vastness of open space. Along the top of the dome is a series of tracks upon which three giant industrial mining lasers are fixed. In the center of the room floats a huge perfectly spherical asteroid, rotating in zero-g. If the party follows the wires hanging from the mining lasers, they will see that they eventually run back to a small shielded control room on the other side of the massive chamber. The party will have to walk along the rickety scaffolding to reach the control room. From inside the control room, the party can control the mining lasers can crack the asteroid. What's inside? Precious metals easily converted to Credits? A sleeping elder creature? Nothing at all? [ u/solamon77]
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