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Has anyone had family members replaced? It's the craziest thing that's happened to me so far (updated)

Returned from the marines and my mom wasn't the same person. Doesn't even look like her. All the pictures I had before my udp were deleted when I got back, my phone broke, all the regular pictures we had were burned by an abusive army boyfriend she used to have. When I was deployed I got a call from my aunt saying my mom told her the marine corps told her I died. I couldn't get in contact with my mom. A couple weeks before I got back to the states my aunt said my moms group home told her she fell, my mom stated she was hit in the back of the head by someone with a brick. she was hospitalized for a couple weeks, (didn't know this till I found medical records 2 years later) kicked out of the group home and bounced around the entire state of MO. I was working alot of hours at this time and didn't keep up good contact with her, which I blame myself for. I was still in the marines in 29 palms at this time. I EAS Aug 17th 2018. Come home with my wife ready to start my new life as a civilian. Go back to work and start getting weird health problems out of no where in October. Getting really weak, muscles twitching, losing weight. Go to the VA and they do nothing but refer me behavioral health (mental health). My uncle had als and he was in the service in Asia so I tell them this and that I think it might be what I've got and I still get no actual help. Still won't let me see my active duty medical record which I'm pretty sure is illegal. All this shit going on and I start reading about how the military and VA has used veterans as Guinea pigs in all kinds of fucked up experiments. I also stumbled upon something I shouldn't of have when I was a young teen. It was a conspiracy about why all rates were so high among military personal. I'm not going to get into it here but I definitely believe it now. Well anyways I tell my wife I think the government my have experimented on me and she starts freaking out saying I'm crazy like my father. (Her whole family is conservative Christians with wealthy ties and Freemason connections. Government, banks automobile sales, and casinos and Freemason unions are where they work. I thought it was cool at the time).she says she's going to have the VA take me away so I go up there to prove I'm sane and end up on a 3 day hold. They wouldn't even let me read my rights. They fold the paper and have me sign it. An officer said If I didn't sign it it would be a 30 day hold and I would be deemed mentally defective. I don't know how long I was the but it felt like more than 3 days. I get out and that's when all this gangstalking bullshit began. I get my car stolen and the next day my mom gets moved to a group home near Kansas City. I go and see her. I've always been able to trust her and she's always believed me. I was her world and I was scared and terrified of this new world I stepped out into. This was the first chance I would have real time with her since before my deployment. I go to see her but it's not her. She looks and acts different. She doesn't know my first words as a baby or who was in the room when I was born. She doesn't know things only her and I would know because she's the only one I told. She just says I need help and need to take meds like every other government Fuck I run into. Sorry for writing a book but it's the short version. Say what you say, but the mother I left in 2016 when I deployed was not the person I came back to in 2018. I know my mom.
submitted by GovernmentPatsy44 to Gangstalking [link] [comments]

Trucker's Guide to When Every State is Reopening

Trucker's Guide to When Every State is Reopening
We understand business owners and drivers don’t have time to sort through all the different news coming out about COVID-19, so TopMark has made a detailed truckers guide to when each state will reopen. Updated regularly, this article will include the newest information on when each and every state plans on lifting or extending their stay at home orders.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has had a massive impact on trucker’s daily routines so we are are here to help out. Check out our COVID-19 Updates section for the latest information as it relates to the trucking industry.


The current stay-at-home order will remain in effect until April 30.
Alabama Governor Ivey said the state needs to expand its testing before resuming normal economic activity despite being eager to get the state’s economy moving.


On April 24th, Alaska allowed businesses and restaurants to open back up in most parts of the state. These personal services and companies must do so under strict health and safety restrictions.
Bigger cities like Anchorage delayed their partial opening until April 27th.
Additionally, Governor Dunleavy has said citizens may visit their doctors and schedule elective surgeries on/after May 4th.


Governor Ducey has announced the stay at home order will continue only until April 30th. The state also will allow elective surgeries to continue starting on May 1st.
On the other hand, Navajo Nation’s government will remain closed until May 17th.


While there is no exact date, Governor Hutchinson has plans to loosen the restrictions on businesses over the next few weeks. This means certain non-essential businesses will be allowed to operate.
Elective surgeries were allowed to continue on April 27th.


CA Governor Gavin Newsome has not announced any official end to the stay at home order. Despite that, the state has allowed the scheduling of important surgeries like heart surgery or cancerous tumor removal.
The state is limiting the issuing of permits for events and activities for the foreseeable future. On April 13th, the Governor announced the Western States Pact with Oregon and Washington. This pact articulates that these 3 states will operate together in their reopening on when it is safe to do so. Nevada and Colorado have also joined this pact.


Colorado’s stay at home order has been replaced with a “safer at home” strategy that started on April 27th. While not mandatory, residents are heavily urged to stay at home as much as possible. High-risk populations have been asked to stay home at all times possible.
Special businesses that offer curbside pick up are now open. Additionally, personal training and dog grooming have been allowed to resume (if they follow social distancing practices). Elective medical procedures have also been allowed to continue.
Governor Polis states that more businesses will be allowed to open in the following weeks. On May 4th, non-essential office work will be allowed to continue. Colorado has also coordinated its re-opening plans with Nevada, California, Oregan, and Washington.


The mandatory state shutdown will continue until May 20th. Governor Lamont has recommended a higher amount of COVID-19 testing before the state can start is opening plans.
Connecticut has joined with New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Deleware, and Massachusettes to coordinate the reopening of the Northeast.


Deleware Governor Carney has extended the statewide stay at home order until May 15th or when the “public health threat is eliminated.” The state has said that opening can start upon seeing a 28 days decline of new COVID-19 cases.
Additionally, the state has joined up with the other states in the Northeast to ensure a safe re-opening and start to their economy. The governor also stated that even if the state reopens, social distancing, hand washing, face covering, and a limit on large gatherings will stay in effect.


The stay at home order for Florida will continue until April 30th. Beaches of Florida are able to reopen if the local leaders have decided it is safe to do so. On the other hand, the Keys will not reopen to visitors or tourism until June or later.


State restrictions were eased starting on April 24th. Businesses like tattoo shops, gyms, bowling alleys, barbers and hair salons, nail salons, and others have been allowed to re-open if they follow safe distancing rules.
Nightclubs and bars are still closed with no clear word on when reopening can continue.


Governor Ige has stated that the stay at home order will last through April 30th and potentially later. Bigger cities like Honolulu have their own independent stay at home order which extends through all of May.


The state of Idaho is currently allowing businesses to operate under certain conditions like curbside pickup, drive-thru/drive-in, or delivery. The state doesn’t have an explicit stay at home order but rather an “Order to Self Isolate” that ends on April 30th. There is no official word on when the full state will open.


Illinois Governor Pritzker has stated the stay at home order will extend to May 30th based on data they have analyzed in the last two months. Some modifications may be made in that time and restrictions lifted depending on testing and tracing initiatives.


Indiana’s current stay at home order ends on May 1st. Governor Holcomb has said that he is going to work with the state hospital association to determine when elective surgeries may continue.


So far, Iowa has not given an official stay at home order. Governor Reynolds did issue a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency in mid-March. This required all nonessential businesses to close until April 30.
On April 27th, the government stated the 77 of Iowa’s 99 counties can begin reopening on May 1st. This includes gyms, restaurants, enclosed malls, and retail stores if they stay at 50% capacity. The remaining 22 counties have higher rates of COVID-19 and will have their closures extend until at least May 15th.


Kansas’ stay at home order is expected to end on May 3rd.
Governor Kelly has said that the state “nowhere near where we need to be with testing supplies,” which could mean the stay at order will be extended. Either way, the state plans to loosen restrictions in a gradual rollout rather than an all at once reopening.


Kentucky Governor Beshear has begun to reopen the health sectors of the state. On April 27, in person, office and ambulance visits were allowed to continue. Additionally, diagnostic, radiology and non-urgent visits are allowed.
The state plans to reopen the state in phases, with restrictions easing each week for a four week period. This reopening plan will begin on May 11th but could be pushed back depending on COVID circumstances.
Additionally, customers and employees will be asked to wear a mask while visiting/working in essential businesses.


Louisiana Governor Edwards has extended the stay at home order until May 15. Despite that, some restrictions have been lifted for nonessential businesses.
On May 1st, retail stores can open under the condition of offering curbside delivery only. Restaurants will also be allowed to offer seats to customers, but there will be no wait staff or table service. Customers are allowed to sit outside and eat at restaurants as long as the mind social distancing rules. Gov. Edwards has also required all workers that are interacting with the public to wear masks.
Despite the easing of restrictions, Edwards says the state is not near where it should be in regards to new cases, hospitalizations, and testing.


Maine issued a “Stay Healthy at Home” executive order that lasts through at least April 30. Additionally, Governor Mills extended the state’s civil state of emergency until May 15.
The state of Maine has joined its neighbors New Hampshire and Vermont on planning their state’s reopening measures


Maryland Governor Hogan outlined a three-stage reopening plan on April 24th. This will allow a gradual reopening of non-essential businesses, gatherings, and public services. Not giving a clear date, the governor stated that the easing of restrictions may begin in early May if COVID-19 hospital cases decline.
The first phase includes allowing certain small businesses to reopen, outdoor gym glasses, recreational activities to continue, and allowing religious gatherings of limited attendance. Certain medical procedures will be allowed to continue as well.
The second phase allows raising the minimum number of people allowed in a gathering, childcare services reopening, indoor gyms, the return of transit schedules, and bars and restaurants reopening under certain conditions.
The last phase allows larger social gatherings in places like religions services, entertainment venues, and dining establishments along with fewer restrictions on nursing homes and hospital visits.


Currently, the state’s emergency order that requires all nonessential business to be closed ends on May 4th. Governor Baker has informed citizens that he and state officials have begun discussing the reopening of the state but there isn’t a clear plan yet.
Before reopening, the state says they need to have more testing, tracing, and quarantine procedures in place.
Massachusetts is actively working with its neighboring Northeastern states to develop a plan to reopen the economy.


Michigan’s stay at home order extends til at least May 15th. Currently, Governor Whitmer has eased restrictions of their COVID-19 response, allowing some businesses to open and outdoor activities to continue.
Most recently, the governor has allowed landscapers, nurseries, lawn service companies, and bike shops to re-open as long as they follow social distancing rules. Additionally, citizens are allowed to travel between houses and visit family members even though it isn’t encouraged.


Minnesota has allowed some businesses to open starting on April 27th. This order allows 80,000 to 100,000 office, industrial, and manufacturing workers to return to their jobs.
Governor Walz has stated that businesses must create and implement a COVID-19 readiness plan that outlines what measures they are taking to protect their worker’s health and safety.


Mississippi “safe at home” executive order will remain for two weeks and expire on the upcoming Monday. Right now, Governor Reeves urgers all citizens to stay home whenever possible. Any at-risk citizens are required to shelter in place.
State officials have also begun relaxing some restrictions on non-essential businesses if they offer curbside delivery, drive-thru, or other delivery options. Other nonessential businesses remained closed for now.


Missouri’s stay at home order lasts until May 3rd. Governor Parson has stated that he is working with hospitals, health officials, and business leaders to develop the state’s reopening plan.
Businesses will be able to open as long as they keep up the six-feet social distancing rules. Additionally, any indoor retail business will be forced to limit its capacity to 25%. The governor has allowed local leaders to determine if their cities and towns need stricter rules.


Montana began reopening on April 26th, allowing individuals and businesses to have fewer restrictions. Retail and street businesses were able to open on April 27th if they follow social distancing practices and limit store capacity. Restaurants and bars can start offering some services after May 4th while businesses like gyms, theaters, and places of large assembly must remain closed.
The state’s travel quarantine will still remain, requiring non-work related out of state travelers to quarantine themselves for 14 days.


Nebraska state officials plan to relax some of their COVID restrictions on May 4th. Nebraska is one of the few states that issued no stay at home order for its citizens.
On May 4th, restaurants will be allowed to let customers inside as long as they operate under 50% of normal capacity. Businesses like salons, barbers, tattoo parlors, and massage centers are limited to 10 people in a store at a time. They are also required to wear face coverings or masks. Churches will also be allowed to continue worship as long as those attending stay 6 feet apart.
All other businesses like bars and theaters are required to stay closed until May 31st.


The current stay at home order is set to expire on April 30th but Governor Sisolak says the state is currently not ready to reopen.
Despite that, Mayors in cities like Las Vegas have been urging for the reopening of Casinos. Currently, there is no set reopening time or plan for casinos or other similar businesses in the state.


New Hampshire’s stay at home order will remain until May 4th but could be extended depending on the circumstances. The current State of Emergency was extended to May 15th by Governor Sununu.


As of now, there is no expiration date to New Jersey’s stay at home order that began on March 21st. Like many other states in the area, New Jersey has teamed up with its Northeastern neighbors like New York and Delaware to develop a plan on when to reopen their economies.


Governor Grishman has extended New Mexico’s stay at home order until May 15th. After that period, there will be a gradual reopening of some businesses if conditions are safe to do so. The governor states that there is “no magical date” for when the state will be safe to reopen all businesses.


One of the hardest-hit states, New York has some of the most detailed plans for COVID 19. Governor Cuomo’s “New York State on PAUSE” executive order was issued on March 22nd. There is no clear end date for New York’s restrictions, but as of now, nonessential businesses are required to stay closed until May 15th.
The state officials have stated the reopening is going to happen in phases once the state meets the federal guidelines that hospitalizations decline for 14 days. The first phase includes construction and manufacturing businesses to continue. The second phase would be implemented by a business-by-business analysis of risk. Governor Cuomo did state that each phase will have a 2 week period between to monitor the results.


North Carolina’s current stay at home order for North Carolina is extended through May 8th.
Governor Cooper has stated the state could open in three phases if COVID-19 cases continue to decrease. Phase one would be that stay at home orders would remain, but some non-essential businesses will be able to open. Phase two includes the lifting of stay at home orders for those not at risk and the reopening of bars, restaurants, and churches under reduced capacity. Phase three would ease the restrictions for at-risk populations and allowed increased attendance at businesses and social gatherings.


North Dakota has stated that many closed businesses may be allowed to open on May 1st. The state is another one of the few places with no explicit stay at home order and only shut down schools, gyms, restaurants, salons, and theaters.
Governor Burgum says that he is going to follow the federal guidelines in deciding to officially reopen the state.


Governor Dewine’s stay at home order currently extends until May 1st. After that, the state will begin its first phases of reopening but do not have any specifics at this time. As of now, large events with big crowds are not expected to open anytime soon.


Oklahoma began lifting restrictions on businesses as early as April 24th. The reopening plan is a three-phase operation that will progress when COVID-19 data tells state officials it is safe to do so.
Restaurants, theaters, gyms, and sporting events will be allowed to open after May 1st if they follow strict social distancing practices. On the other hand, bars will remain closed.


Governor Brown issued an executive order requiring citizens to stay at home and will stay in effect until ended by her. There has been no official word on when the order will end but some restrictions on businesses will be lifted on May 1st.
This will allow hospitals, surgical centers, and medical and dental offices to resume nonemergency procedures as long as they follow safe COVID-19 distancing and sanitation practices.
State officials say more restrictions will not be eased until the state sees the following: a decrease in the growth of active COVID-19 cases, sufficient personal protective equipment available, large open capacity in hospitals, increased testing, tracing and isolating of new cases, and plans on how to protect at-risk communities.


Pennsylvania is set to reopen the state in three phases that begin on May 8th.
The phases, broken down in red, yellow, and green, will be analyzed and remain in the interest of flattening the curve in the state. Recently, Governor Wolf announced that marinas, golf courses, guided fishing trips, and private campgrounds are allowed to reopen on May 1st under the condition that they follow social distancing protocols.
The state has joined with its northeastern neighbors to develop a plan on when it is safe to reopen their economies.


Rhode Island’s current stay at home order extends until May 8th and is actively working on new measures to open parks and beaches.
Governor Raimondo is actively working with neighboring states in the Northeast to develop a collective plan on how they should open their economies.


South Carolina allowed the reopening of some retail stores on April 20th. This included department stores, sporting goods stores, flea markets, businesses that sell books, furniture, music, flowers, clothing, and accessories. This was done under the condition that the businesses remained at 20% regular capacity or 5 people per 1000 square feet.
Governor McMaster’s State of Emergency has been extended until May 12th.


South Dakota never issued an official stay at home order. Governor Noem stated that despite that, the citizens of South Dakota were staying home at greater rates than states that had an active shelter in place order.


Governor Lee has allowed restaurants and retail outlets to open as long as they remain at 50% capacity. Additionally, some state parks have been allowed to return to business as usual. There is no official word on when other businesses will be able to reopen or have restrictions lifted.


Stay at Home orders for Texas currently extend till April 30th. Retail stores, restaurants, malls, theaters, museums, and libraries will be allowed to reopen on May 1st if they limit to 25% of their regular operating capacity.


Utah’s “Stay Safe, Stay Home” directive extends until May 1st. Despite that, all schools will remain closed for the remainder of the year.
The state has not issued an official stay at home mandate, but citizens have been urged to stay at home as much as possible and restaurants are not allowed to have dining rooms operating. Utah is currently developing a plan for how and when further restrictions will be lifted.


Vermont has a similar “Stay Safe, Stay Home” order that extends until May 15th. Governor Scott has also developed a 5 point plan on how to open the state while fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. Phase one of the plan included allowing construction businesses, home appraisers, municipal clerks, and property managers to continue work on April 20th if they followed social distancing measures. Starting on May 1st, farmers' markets will be allowed to open as long as the social distancing guidelines are followed.


The state of Virginia’s stay at home order is effective until June 10th. Reopening the state will be done in a way that focuses on public health, says Governor Northam.
Limiting state restrictions will be done in phases outlined in the “Forward Virginia” blueprint. Steps include continued social distancing, limited public gatherings, the use of masks in public, etc. The state will begin reopening when data and health experts suggest it is safe to do so.


Stay at Home orders in Washington state currently last until May 4th. Additionally, most parks and recreational areas will be allowed to open on May 5th.
Washington has joined California, Oregan, Nevada, and Colorado in the Western States Pact to determine when it is safe to reopen their economies.


Governor Justice has introduced the “Comeback Roadmap” as an outline of how the state will reopen going forward. The plan contains three phases that are broken up into weeks. Week one allows hospitals to start elective medical procedures and also allows the reopening of outpatient healthcare including primary care, dental, mental health, and more. Daycare centers will also be allowed to reopen.
Week two would allow businesses with less than 10 workers to go back to work. Restaurants with outdoor seating could resume service and church and funerals services could start again.
In the third phase, which is a three-week process, includes retail stores, gyms, hotels, spas, casinos, and other businesses to reopen. Additionally, offices and government businesses could return. Each of these phases would include the required temperature checks and mask-wearing.


Governor Evers’ stay at home order extends until May 26th. Restrictions were lifted on certain businesses like libraries, arts and crafts stores, and other places that provided materials needed to make face masks as long as they could provide curbside pickup. Golf courses have also opened around the state.


Another state without an official stay at home order, Wyoming did request a federal disaster declaration on April 9th. Currently, all out of state travelers are required to quarantine themselves for 14 days until April 30th.



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Pokemon Go friends! Let's help each other.

Please make note of the difference between a Gym and a Pokestop! Pokestops are everywhere and they are locations to collect items. Gyms are locations where you can battle other trainers to take control. These usually have a pokemon on top and will become very large on your screen when you get close
Please give as specific of a location as possible when you list found gyms.
To keep track of gyms easier, use this simple trick. When you see a gym, click on it. When it brings up the gym, there is a picture in the top left corner that when clicked will show a larger picture and often a description of the location. Screenshot this and you will have an easier time remembering the gyms encountered on your Pokemon collection journey.
Pokestops are too numerous to actually list. This would be ridiculously long if we decided to list every one that we found. They also only give items so they are way less consequential.
Gyms found:
Kansas City North, MO
Gladstone, MO
Liberty, MO
Downtown KCMO
Westside KCMO
Crossroads KCMO
Midtown KCMO
Plaza/Brookside/Waldo KCMO
Raytown, MO)
For Kauffman, see East Kansas City
East Kansas City
Independence, MO
Lee's Summit, MO
Kansas City, Kansas
Roeland Park, Kansas
Mission, KS*
Merriam, KS
Leawood, KS
Lenexa, KS
Olathe, KS
Basehor, KS
Please everyone, remember to be safe and friendly. This is just a game and we are all here to just have fun. Watch where you are going and PLEASE do not use Pokemon Go while you are driving. Feel free to PM or post locations here and I can add it to this list. If we get enough, I will keep it organized by area of town.
submitted by poundsignbuttstuff to kansascity [link] [comments]

Murder of Shavar Walker- Suspect Info

In the early morning hours of Christmas Day, 2017, my best friend of 14 years suffered a great loss. His brother, Shavar Walker, was shot and killed outside of an apartment building in Leavenworth, Kansas.
Shavar was no saint, he had a record, but he was a father, son, brother, and friend. A small example; when I became a single parent and my children had nowhere to sleep, Shavar helped me get back on my feet, and never asked for a penny back. I barely knew him then, he just knew that his brother and I were very close. Their mother calls me "son," and the "white kid she'll never have." So, I feel I owe it to them to do everything I can manage to bring closure to this case.
There is limited information available. 4 stories have been published, all will be linked. There is a disconnect in the timeline and events laid out in these articles. There is also a disconnect between the events published and what is believed to have happened that night. All articles will be linked below.
None of Shavar's children are young enough to believe in Santa. So, he and his wife decided to visit one of our local casinos the night of Christmas Eve. There is no information public as to which, but we believe it was the Argosy Casino in Riverside, MO. While there, he recieved a call from a person only described, publicly and privately, as a longtime friend. This friend asked for a ride from Leavenworth, KS to another unspecified location. That is public info.
Here I will clarify, that is a trek. However, Shavar spent much if his life in Leavenworth, so although he then lived in Kansas City, MO, this was a regular trip that he made. It is not out of his character to drive all the way there for a friend or even an errand. Even on a holiday. And as I said before, Shavar was helpful whenever he could be. Why call someone that far away for a ride is beyond me, though.
I won't lie, drugs could be a factor, that may have been the intent, but I doubt it. He wasn't a dealer and he knew who to find small amounts of weed from in KC. It is possible, but I just don't see it.
Shavar and his wife arrived at the Creekside Apartments on Villa Road in Leavenworth sometime before 2:50 a.m. Christmas morning. Upon arrival, two men got into the backseat of the vehicle. This is public only because his wife made it public. One man was the friend, the second was a stranger. We now have a picture of this stranger, it will be the very first link.
Now here's where it gets iffy, in terms of public information. There are two versions. First, the version we have and that we believe, is that Shavar declined to allow the second man to stay in the vehicle. From that point, a brief argument broke out between the three men, at which point the shooter pulled out a semi-automatic pistol and fired multiple shots into Shavar, and attempted to fire at his wife, as well. This argument lasted a matter of seconds. His wife then drove him to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
The second, which is in only one of the media accounts, is that Shavar and the shooter had an "altercation" in the vehicle. We don't believe this to be true. He was in the passenger seat, the men behind him. There's nothing to suggest he ever attempted to leave the vehicle and fight, either. He was shot from behind, not the side. This has also been described to the family by police as a "scuffle," implying some sort of physical contact, but his wife's accounts don't support that.
In any event, the shooter and the friend fled after the shooting. The friend has apparently been interviewed since, as well as the wife, multiple times. She has the misfortune of being the star witness for the State. The shooter remains unidentified. Which is one of the many issues I have with this case. I can't help but feel that Leavenworth PD is dragging tail and that the media doesn't see a marketable victim to profile.
First, the friend ought to be able to at least provide a nickname for this shooter. A description. Something. But, up until Feb. 2, there has been no identifying info released, not even to the family. FYI, the family only has the photo I'm linking BECAUSE I JUST FOUND THE FUCKING THING YESTERDAY!! The police released it to the media before they released it to the family. I find it hard to believe this guy doesn't know the shooter's name. This makes me feel he is complicit in some way.
Second, why is there an alternate story about a scuffle? Who provided that account? There is no sourcing for the article. The wife has never claimed to witness such.
Third, no damn news coverage. Makes me angry. The only outlet in Kansas City to report on the murder of a local resident in a rural suburb is Fox4. All other links will be the Leavenworth Times. The Kansas City Star, KCTV5, KMBC, and KSHB have run a combined total of zero stories on this case. They haven't even published the suspect photo. Feels like nobody cares about this case.
Fourth, there must be physical evidence. The shooter was in the car. He has very long hair. He isn't wearing gloves. There at least has to be a shell casing or projectile somewhere. I know none of this may actually lead you to a suspect, but coupled with a name and description....
Fifth, why has it taken so long for any kind of description to be released? We knew the shooter was a skinny black male with long hair. But the public JUST found out. We could've had this guy plastered on the news for over a month by now. Why did it take so long to find surveillance of this dude? Leavenworth is not big by size or population. Homicides are kinda rare there. 
Sixth, notice that police say they have a suspect in these articles. But, then they release a photo asking for an ID from the public. Did you, or did you not have a suspect in mind? The family has been told that there was a person of interest, but that person was never described to them as a suspect, or ever named. Was that posturing for the media, or do you have leads on the identity?
Our theory? A lot of us think he was set up for a robbery. We talk about it and it keeps coming up. Why call someone you know doesn't live near you for a ride that early in the morning? And then just springs a stranger on the person you know well, without asking beforehand? Why not give up the shooter for killing a longtime friend over a petty dispute? Read the Fox4 article. This statement by his wife is a little trimmed, but we know for a fact this guy bucked that gun without notice or hesitiation, and did not wait long at all into the disagreement to just start firing. This reeks of a guy who got pissed that his mark wasn't easily going with the plan. Why shoot at Shavar and his wife but not the other guy? Shavar's wife didn't even speak during the argument, so firing at her seems to be blind rage. But the other guy doesn't get any heat, at all? Why did he run? Why? And why did the police have to come find him? He is fishy to many of us. It seems that they may have planned to rob Shavar in the vehicle once they got away from the apartments. But, that is all speculation based on the little information the police and media have provided.
This was my first post here, so please excuse any errors or faux pas. I'm very emotionally attached to this case, so I know very well I may be seeing this through a certain tint. Shavar's mom helped raise me, his brother is my brother, and I need this case closed quickly, for them. They've always been good to me, they deserve timely closure. That said, given the scant info, please, please, let me know if you recognize this cat or know anything about the case. You have my solemn word that I will pass all information, even hunches about the case, directly to Shavar's mother and brothers so that they can bring it to the police. I am fully prepared to hunt down any lead I have to, if I gotta knock on this dick's door myself, I'll do it.
Gun Violence Archive page:
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WWE Network Updates: 11/06/2017

The following shows have been added to the WWE Network today:

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(DRAFT) 2019 Cord-cutter's Guide to Motorsports

 **Cord Cutters Guide to Motorsports - 2019 (DRAFT) ** 

Table of Contents -


NASCAR - Cup, xFinity, Trucks (Over the air listings) NASCAR - Online resources ARCA Racing NHRA Indycar Races (Over the air listings) Indycar - Online resources IMSA 24 Hrs Le Mans World Rally Championship (WRC) F1 British Touring Car Championship - (BTCC) German Touring Car Championship FIA WTCR Series FIA World Rallycross Championship 24hr Series Asian LeMans Series European LeMans Series Virgin Australia Supercars Australian ECB Super Utes Race of Champions (ROC) Short Track (Dirt and Paved oval) racing SCCA Goodwood 24Hrs of LeMons
List of online/streaming motorsports content providers and podcasts
Introduction If you’re reading this, you’re likely a motorsports fan interested in “cutting the cord”, and may be worried about not being able to watch your favorite races if you do tell your cable or satellite provider, to “shove it”. Or, maybe you recently cut the cord, and now you’re panicking, wondering how you'll watch all of your favorite racing now that you’ve returned the cable box to the cable company? The past few years, I’ve tried to put together as complete a list of on-line and OTA resources as possible, and share it here, at the CordKillers Reddit. I can’t promise that’s it’s 100% complete, but I can tell you I’ve done a lot of research into this subject, and anything/everything I’ve found is here for you to use, and hopefully you’ll find it all somewhat useful.
I would suggest that if you’re even half the motorsports fan that I am, that you consider taking some of the money you won’t be sending to your cable company, and spend it going to some races at your local short tracks. Dirt or pavement, it’s likely that not too far away from you, every weekend, there’s exciting racing to watch, live and in person. Countless people work hard to put on that show every week, from the track owner, the track promoters, the safety crews, the racers, and their friends and family that help them every week. Take some time to attend a local short track race near you in 2019. If you visit any in Northwest Florida, you may even bump into me!
I would also suggest that if you’re as interested in motorsports as I assume you are, taking the time to read all of this, that you look at joining the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America). You’ll find a wide range of options that will allow you to get more involved in motorsports.
If you don’t see anything interesting there, check out this article from Grassroots Motorsports, outlining even more options to go from watching to participating in motorsports you love:
And, if you’re a small business owner, looking for a way to promote your business, you won’t find a more passionate group of potential customers than motorsports fans. Hey, you already know this, you are a motorsports fan! Consider contacting your local track and inquiring about sponsoring part of their facility, or a local driver.
If you’re looking for opportunities to sponsor a driver to market your business, consider contacting Melinda Sewell and Melissa Collins at They have a driveteam for every budget.
And, if you’ve read this far, be sure to check out the YouTube version of the Guide! I’ve re-booted it this year and will be featuring services and devices my 73 year old parents are using as new cord-cutters who love motorsports.
And now, “The List”


Over the Air -

While many NACAR races will be on Fox and NBC’s cable sports channels, some races will be broadcast and available over the air.

Scheduled NASCAR Sprint Cup races to be available *over-the-air *-

02/17/19 - Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway (Fox - 2:30pm EST) 02/24/19 - Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway (Fox - 2pm EST) 03/03/19 - Pennzoil 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway (Fox - 3:30pm EST) 03/10/19 - TicketGuardian 500 at ISM Raceway (Fox - 3:30pm EDT) 03/17/19 - Auto Club 400 at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (Fox - 3:30pm EDT) 03/31/19 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 500 at Texas Motor Speedway (Fox - 3pm EDT) 04/13/19 - Toyota Owners 400 at Richmond International Raceway (Fox - 7pm EDT) 04/28/19 - GEICO 500 at Talladega Superspeedway (Fox - 2pm EDT) 05/26/19 - Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway (Fox - 6pm EDT) 07/06/19 - Coke Zero Sugar 400 at Daytona International Speedway (NBC - 7:30pm EDT) 09/08/19 - Big Machine Vodka 400 Brickyard (NBC - 2pm EDT) 09/29/19 - Bank of America ROVAL 400 - Charlotte Motor Speedway (NBC - 2:30pm EDT) 10/13/19 - 1000Bulbs.con 500 at Talladega SuperSpeedway (NBC - 2pm EDT) 10/20/19 - Hollywood Casino 400 - Kansas Speedway (NBC - 2:30pm EDT) 11/10/19 - Can-Am 500 at Phoenix International Raceway (NBC - 2:30pm EST) 11/17/19 - Ford EcoBoost 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway (NBC - 3pm EST)

NASCAR xFinity Series - available over-the-air -

(Placeholder until NASCAR releases 2019 info)
03/18/17 - Axalta Faster. DC Solar 200 Phoenix International Raceway - Avondale, AZ (FOX) 04/08/17 - Cowboy 300 Texas Motor Speedway - Fort Worth, TX (FOX) 05/06/17 - Sparks Energy 300 Talladega Superspeedway - Talladega, AL (FOX) 06/10/17 - Pocono 250 Pocono Raceway - Long Pond, PA (FOX) 07/29/17 - US Cellular 250 Iowa Speedway - Newton, IA (NBC) 08/27/17 - Road America 180 - Elkart Lake, WI (NBC) 10/05/17 - Kansas Lottery 300 Kansas Speedway - Kansas City, KS (NBC) 11/11/17 - Ticket Galaxy 200 Phoenix International Raceway - Avondale, AZ (NBC)

NASCAR Camping World Truck Series - available over-the-air -

(Placeholder until NASCAR releases 2019 info) ** Edit: Fox added two additional OTA dates after I posted! **
04/01/17 - ALPHA ENERGY SOLUTIONS 250 - Martinsville, VA (FOX) 07/29/17 - Pocono 150 - Pocono Raceway (FOX) 10/14/17 - Fred's 250 Talladega Superspeedway - Talladega, AL (FOX)
NASCAR has gotten better in recent years, providing fans with on-line access.

NASCAR online content

1. NASCAR Mobile - (iOS and Android) NASCAR news. Live content (in-car radio, live leaderboards, live-in-car cameras, “Battle Cam”,etc, $29.99/yr in-app purchase) Note, the "Battle Cam" view is often the exact video you'd be watching live on the TV broadcast.
I use this app constantly, often muting the TV and turning up the live-in-car audio from my favorite driver. While testing several options with my recently cord-cutting parents, we used an iPad to stream the “Battle Cam” view to their TV, while listening to either the MRN radio feed or their favorite drivers in-car audio.
2. NASCAR Raceview - iOS app and web - live, animated, views of NASCAR races, in-car audio - What are the subscription costs for NASCAR RACEVIEW MOBILE?
$4.99 per month via iTunes or Google Play (Pricing may change for 2019) $39.99 per season via iTunes or Google Play (Pricing may change for 2019)
3. NASCAR Drive -
Live streaming of in-car video of NASCAR Sprint Cup and xFinity races.
4. NASCAR also has full race replays on it's YouTube page, usually 7 days after the race. Highlights are usually available 24hrs after the race broadcast -
Radio/Streaming audio - You can tune into live streaming audio (radio simulcasts) of NASCAR races at -
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially NASCAR fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Sony Playstation Vue seems to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.
For NASCAR fans outside the US and Canada there’s a new way to watch NASCAR racing in 2019. NASCAR TrackPass. NASCAR TrackPass will offer live and on-demand streaming of all 38 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series™ and 33 NASCAR XFINITY Series™ events in 2019. No word on other NASCAR series (Trucks, K&N, EURO, etc). If you live in one of the 120 countries the service will be available in, and don’t mind the $125/yr price, this may be the streaming service you’ve been waiting for.

ARCA Racing

Access to live streaming audio and timing and scoring -
ARCA races available on-demand on Lucas Oil Racing


Live Timing - NHRA Videos -

Indycar Races - available over-the-air -

No, I didn’t forget about the Indycar Series fans!
Here is the schedule of Indycar Races that will be available over-the-air (8 of 17 2019 races will air on local NBC stations)
5/11 Indianapolis Motor Speedway Road Course NBC
5/26 103rd Indianapolis 500 NBC
6/1 Street of Detroit - Race 1 NBC
6/2 Street of Detroit - Race 2 NBC
6/23 Road America NBC
7/28 Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course NBC
9/1 Portland International Raceway NBC
9/22 WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca NBC

Indycar Online Content

The entire Indycar season will be available to stream with a NBC Sports Gold “Indycar” package.

United Sports Car Series

2019 brings IMSA racing to a new home on NBC/NBCSN/CNBC.
There will be two IMSA races broadcast OTA on local NBC stations:
07/07/19 - Sports Car Grand Prix at Canadian Motorsports Park - 1pm EDT 09/15/19 - WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca - 5pm EDT 10/12/19 - The first 3 hours of the Motul Petit Le Mans will also air on local NBC affiliates 12pm EDT
For fans outside the US, check the IMSA app for live streaming of all IMSA/United Sports Car Series and Continental Tire Challenge Series races.
IMSA TV does stream full replays of all races, with NBC taking over from Fox, we will have to wait and see if replays will be available after 24-48 hours as in the past, or if there will be a longer delay with the new broadcast partner.
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially IMSA fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Sony Playstation Vue seems to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.

2019 24 Hrs Le Mans
iOS and Android apps are available, from which you can purchase a $9.99 pass for just the 2019 24Hrs of LeMans streaming video, or a $29.99 pass for the entire WEC (FIA World Endurance Championship) racing season.

Continental Tire Challenge

Every Continental Tire Challenge race will be streamed live in its entirety on and the IMSA mobile app. - See more at:

World Rally Championship (WRC)

WRC offers a subscription service, WRC+ that offers access to live video content, as well as race replays.
EUR 49.99,- per year for the annual subscription.
As in past, a discount code is available, "WRC2019”.


F1 Offers a live streaming service with two levels of access with both monthly and annual plans. F1 TV Access $2.99/mo, $26.99/yr, and F1 TV Pro $11.99/mo, $99.99/yr Content can be accessed either with a web browser or mobile app.

British Touring Car Championship - (BTCC)

Races available on the iTV Player
Video highlights available on the web site.

DTM Championship

Video replays available at
Also available on -


FIA World Rallycross Championship

24hr Series

24hr Endurance Series

Asian LeMans Series

Asian LeMans Series

European LeMans Series

European LeMans Series

Virgin Australia Supercars

39.95AU membership for live video
Also available on -

Australian ECB Super Utes

Available on -

Race of Champions (ROC)

Available on -
The 2018 ROC is available on-demand on the website and AppleTV app, the 2019 should be available to live stream to subscribers and also on-demand after.
UPDATE: Live stream doesn’t seem to be working on the Motortrend AppleTV app, but is working on the website.

Short Track (Dirt and Paved oval) racing

The single best option to find video content of your favorite short track racing events is


Speed51 offers monthly and yearly paid memberships. The yearly membership includes a 10% discount on all major PPV Live Race content. Speed 51 has expanded it’s live broadcasts of short track racing quite a bit in the past year or two. Yes, the majority of the content, like the Snowball Derby, is PPV, but when you consider that this is racing that you otherwise wouldn’t get to see at all, unless you were at the track, it’s a great service at a great price. If you're a motorsports fan, and want more cord cutting-friendly options, you should really support them and find a PPV event you'd like to watch this year.
$7.99/mo $59.99/yr (Includes 10% discount on PPV events)

Racing Boys TV

The other site broadcasting some great short track racing, is They once again will air PPV coverage of the first 5 days of preliminary racing for the 2019 Chili Bowl Nationals. Premium memberships cost $6.50/mo or $50/yr
Check out Lucas Oil Racing TV to watch the C-Mains->A-Main racing at the 2019 Chili Bowl Nationals!

Additional On-Line resources for short track racing content


If you're looking for more short track racing, check out the IMCA.
Access to IMCA Video is $24.95/mo


Live and on-demand PPV short track racing, including Legend Cars/INEX races. Different pricing tiers for different quality videos, season passes or single races, depending on race series and venue..

The Cushion Free account required to purchase PPV races. $79.99/year account includes access to all Video-On-Demand (VOD) Content covering all major Sprint Car racing from across the country.
Minimum10% Discount on every individual Live PPV broadcast purchase
875+ Videos-On-Demand including Cushion Original programs like the 410 Build Show

Lucas Oil Racing TV

Another option for getting your racing fix on-line is For $99/yr you get access to -
Live and on-demand coverage of the Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals, one of the biggest dirt racing events all year, every year ARCA Racing Series AMA Flat Track AMERICAN SPRINT CAR SERIES ASB - AMERICAN SPRINT BOAT AUSTRALASIAN SUPERBIKE CHAMPIONSHIP BEST IN THE DESERT BRITISH F1 SIDECAR CHAMPIONSHIP Bojangles' Summer Shootout (Legends Cars / Bandoleros) DAVE DESPAIN SHOW DRAG BOAT RACING SERIES F4 British Championship F4 US Championship FIA F4 Ginetta Supercup LATE MODEL DIRT SERIES MODIFIED SERIES OPTIMA - SEARCH FOR THE ULTIMATE STREET CAR 2018 PRO MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP
As well as car shows like “Two Guys Garage”, “My Classic Car”, and “Chop Cut Rebuild”

USAC Racing Monthly Membership
For only $9.95 a month, access to everything USAC Racing and Loudpedal Productions from across the country! USD 9.95 Yearly Membership
Best Value for only $99.95 a year, access to everything USAC Racing and Loudpedal Productions from coast to coast. USD 99.95

Legend Cars/INEX

Some past events, like the Bojangle’s Summer Shoot-Out from 2016 can be found at:

PitRow.TV offers some Legend Car and Bandellero racing, as Live and on-demand PPV streams.

As always has lots of great short track racing, including the World Series of Asphalt at New Smyrna Speedway, FOR FREE!

The 2018 SCCA Runoffs are available on the SCCA website -✓&order=recently_added&search=2018+runoffs
The SCCA has on-demand video of the SCCA Runoffs from 2009-2018
The 2019 SCCA Runoffs should also be available on the SCCA Website this fall 2019.

Goodwood Videos (Revival, Festival of Speed, etc)

24Hrs of LeMons
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially NASCAR and IMSA fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Sony Playstation Vue seems to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.

List of online/streaming motorsports content providers

Speed51 -
Race22 -
Lucas Oil Racing -
Motor Trend - $4.99/mo
Fans Choice TV -
The Cushion

Great Motorsports Podcasts you should check out!

PETM Racing Podcast -
Jeff Gluck's Racing Podcast -
Dirty Mo Radio Network Podcasts -
Lapped Traffic Podcast -
The Cordcutter's Guide to Motorsports - (Why does that sound familiar?)


submitted by perfectface4radio to CordKillers [link] [comments]

Cord-cutters Guide to Motorsports 2016

 **Cord Cutters Guide to Motorsports - 2016 ** 

Table of Contents -


NASCAR - Cup, xFinity, Trucks (Over the air listings) NASCAR - Online resources ARCA Racing NHRA Indycar Races (Over the air listings) Indycar - Online resources United Sports Car Series 24 Hrs Le Mans Continental Tire Challenge Series World Rally Championship (WRC) Redbull Global Rallycross - (Redbull GRC) F1 British Touring Car Championship - (BTCC) German Touring Car Championship Blancpain GT Series V8 Supercars V8 Utes Race of Champions (ROC) Short Track (Dirt and Paved oval) racing SCCA Goodwood 24Hrs of LeMons
List of online/streaming motorsports content providers
Introduction If you’re reading this, you’re likely a motorsports fan interested in “cutting the cord”, and may be worried about not being able to watch your favorite races if you do tell your cable or satellite provider, to “shove it”. Or, maybe you recently cut the cord, and now you’re panicking, wondering how you'll watch all of your favorite racing now that you’ve returned the cable box to the cable company? The past few years, I’ve tried to put together as complete a list of on-line and OTA resources as possible, and share it here, at the CordKillers Reddit. I can’t promise that’s it’s 100% complete, but I can tell you I’ve done a lot of research into this subject, and anything/everything I’ve found is here for you to use, and hopefully you’ll find it all somewhat useful.
I would suggest that if you’re even half the motorsports fan that I am, that you consider taking some of the money you won’t be sending to your cable company, and spend it going to some races at your local short tracks. Dirt or pavement, it’s likely that not too far away from you, every weekend, there’s exciting racing to watch, live and in person. Countless people work hard to put on that show every week, from the track owner, the track promoters, the safety crews, the racers, and their friends and family that help them every week. Take some time to attend a local short track race near you in 2016.
And, if you’re a small business owner, looking for a way to promote your business, you won’t find a more passionate group of potential customers than motorsports fans. Hey, you already know this, you are a motorsports fan! Consider contacting your local track and inquiring about sponsoring part of their facility.
If you’re looking for opportunities to sponsor a driver, consider contacting Melinda Sewell and Melissa Collins at They have a driveteam for every budget. They helped me find a team that was perfect for my business, and they can help you too!
And now, “The List”


Over the Air -

While many NACAR races will be on Fox and NBC’s cable sports channels, some races will be broadcast and available over the air.

Scheduled NASCAR Sprint Cup races to be available *over-the-air *-

02/13/16 - Sprint Unlimited - Daytona International Speedway (Fox) 02/21/16 - Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway (Fox) 02/28/16 - Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway (Fox) 03/06/16 - Kobalt 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway (Fox) 03/13/16 - Good Sam 500 at Phoenix International Raceway (Fox) 03/20/16 - Auto Club 400 at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (Fox) 04/09/16 - Duck Commander 500 at Texas Motor Speedway (Fox) 04/17/16 - Food City 500 at Bristol Motor Speedway (Fox) 04/24/16 - Toyota Owners 400 at Richmond International Raceway (Fox) 05/01/16 - GEICO 500 at Talladega Superspeedway (Fox) 05/29/16 - Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway (Fox) 07/02/16 - Coke Zero 400 at Daytona International Speedway (NBC) 09/04/16 - Bojangles' Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway (NBC) 10/08/16 - At Charlotte Motor Speedway (NBC) 10/16/16 - Hollywood Casino 400 at Kansas Speedway (NBC) 11/06/16 - AAA Texas 500 at Texas Motor Speedway (NBC) 11/13/16 - Can-Am 500 at Phoenix International Raceway (NBC) 11/20/16 - Ford EcoBoost 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway (NBC)

NASCAR xFinity Series - available over-the-air -

03/12/16 - Axalta Faster. Tougher. Brighter. 200 Phoenix International Raceway - Avondale, AZ (FOX) 04/30/16 - Talladega 300 Talladega Superspeedway - Talladega, AL (FOX) 05/14/16 - Dover 200 Dover International Speedway - Dover, DE (FOX) 05/28/16 - Hisense 300 Charlotte Motor Speedway - Concord, NC (FOX) 07/23/16 - Lilly Diabetes 250 Indianapolis Motor Speedway - Indianapolis, IN (NBC) 09/03/16 - VFW Sport Clips Help a Hero 200 Darlington Raceway - Darlington, SC (NBC) 11/05/16 - O'Reilly Auto Parts Challenge Texas Motor Speedway - Fort Worth, TX (NBC) 11/19/16 - Ford EcoBoost 300 Homestead-Miami Speedway - Homestead, FL (NBC)

NASCAR Camping World Truck Series - available over-the-air -

10/22/16 - Fred's 250 Talladega Superspeedway - Talladega, AL (FOX)
NASCAR has gotten better in recent years, providing fans with on-line access.

NASCAR online content

1. NASCAR Mobile - (iOS and Android) NASCAR news. Live content (in-car radio, live leaderboards, live-in-car cameras, etc free to Sprint Cellular customers w/ Unlimited data plan, $24.99/yr for non-Sprint customers)
I use this app constantly, often muting the TV and turning up the live-in-car audio from my favorite driver.
2. NASCAR Raceview - iOS app and web - live, animated, views of NASCAR races, in-car audio - What are the subscription costs for NASCAR RACEVIEW MOBILE?
$4.99 per month via iTunes or Google Play $39.99 per season via iTunes or Google Play Sprint offers NASCAR RACEVIEW MOBILE without subscription to their customers on a Sprint device with an Unlimited data plan
3. NASCAR Racebuddy -
Live streaming of in-car video of NASCAR Sprint Cup and xFinity races.
4. NASCAR also has full race replays on it's YouTube page -
Radio/Streaming audio - You can tune into live streaming audio (radio simulcasts) of NASCAR races at -

ARCA Racing

Access to live streaming audio and timing and scoring -


Live Timing - NHRA Videos -
Update New in 2016 - NHRA "All-Access". Every event from the 2016 Mello Yello Drag Racing Series – live streamed or on demand. Subscribe for $99.95 a season. Go to for more information.

Indycar Races - available over-the-air -

No, I didn’t forget about the Indycar Series fans!
Here is the schedule of Indycar Races that will be available over-the-air (All on ABC stations)
3/13 Streets of St. Petersburg ABC
5/14 Angie's List Grand Prix of Indianapolis ABC
5/29 Indianapolis 500 Mile Race ABC
6/4 Chevrolet Dual in Detroit Race 1 ABC
6/5 Chevrolet Dual in Detroit Race 2 ABC

Indycar Online Content

The Indycar App now allows for video/telemetry, etc, depending on your Cell provider. Verizon customers have the most features with this app.
Exclusive Features to Verizon Wireless devices • Interactive 3D Live View (Beta) with real-time leader board and car telemetry Enhanced real-time leader board with 2D marching ants and car telemetry Live in-car camera video streaming for select drivers during IndyCar races Live driver and pit crew transmissions audio streaming during IndyCar races Live INDYCAR radio broadcast audio streaming during all track activities
Features Available to All Carrier devices Real-time leader board Championship Points-As-They-Run leader board Podcasts (INDYCAR Radio, INDYCAR Media Release & Trackside) Optional on-device notification alerts when IndyCar race starts and ends and for breaking news Current track weather and forecast Favorite driver and team selection for quicker access to follow Exclusive VOD race highlights, crashes, driver interviews, INDYCAR 101 & technologies, historical race footage, and more Breaking news and photo galleries Standings, race results, schedule, and race extras such as high-resolution track map images and spotter guides Driver profiles and Racing team profiles INDYCAR social twitter feeds INDYCAR 101 and more

United Sports Car Series

Almost all 2016 races will be on Fox Sports 1 and 2.
One race will be available over-the-air
07/23/16 - Northeast Grand Prix - Lime Rock Park (FOX)
IMSA TV does stream replays of all races, and sometimes offers live video of races not being broadcast (the overnight racing of a 24 hour race for instance) also has IMSA video content available.

2016 24 Hrs Le Mans
iOS and Android apps are available, from which you can purchase a $9.99 pass for just the 2016 24Hrs of LeMans streaming video, or a $29.99 pass for the entire WEC (FIA World Endurance Championship) racing season.
In 2015, switched between the feed from the #64 C7.R and the English main 24hrs LeMans feed. All are commercial free! Streaming the live video from my iPhone to my AppleTV, video quality looked great, very little buffering, if any.
Radio LeMans -

Continental Tire Challenge Series

Every Continental Tire Challenge race will be streamed live in its entirety on and the IMSA mobile app. - See more at:

World Rally Championship (WRC)

WRC offers a subscription service, WRC+ that offers access to live video content, as well as race replays.
EUR 49.99,- per year for the annual subscription.
Use the Promo code "WRC2016" (no quotes-make sure WRC is in all caps) to get 20% off WRC plus. Once subscribed go into your profile and cancel your subscription. Why? Because your purchased subscription will stay active, but auto-renewal will be disabled. So you'll have a chance to take advantage of 20% off next year. (Thanks for pointing this out dusto_man!)
The RedBullTV channel on the AppleTV has 1hr highlight shows of all 2014 WRC Rally events. RedBullTV has hour long post-rally reviews for 2016. Monte Carlo is already up now.
Go to "RedBullTV" on your AppleTV, once in the RedBullTV app, select "Sports". Then select "Motorsports". Then scroll down to "Shows" and look for WRC.
Lucas Oil Racing also offers WRC content, in addition to several other racing series at For $60/yr So far, 2015 highlight episodes are available, no 2016 content so far.

Redbull Global Rallycross - (Redbull GRC)

All GRC events are broadcast live on NBC over the air
All GRC events are also streamed live on
All of the 2015 GRC Lites competitions are available via the RedBull App on the AppleTV


Edited Race Replays available at -

British Touring Car Championship - (BTCC)
Live timing data and audio is avaialbe
Races available on the iTV Player
Video highlights available on the web site.

FIA WTCC (World Touring Car Chalenge) Series

First race will be available for free.
New streaming service/app includes:
Live Video Races on-demand (previous seasons for free) Access through web site or app Rewind, pause, play, time shift Stats Highlights
14.95 euro per round/race event, 99.95 euro a season (previous seasons/archive content - FREE)

Blancpain GT Series

Live race video - (This page is currently down. Will update when more information is available)
Highlights are still available at -
Also available on -

V8 Supercars

39.99AU membership for live video
Also available on -

V8 Utes Championship

Available on -

Race of Champions (ROC)

Available on -

Short Track (Dirt and Paved oval) racing

Speed51TV and

Once again in 2016, Speed51TV and FansChoiceTV will team up to provide a free broadcast of the 50th World Series of Asphalt Stock Car Racing (Twitter hashtag: #NewSmyrnaWS) on
On-demand replays of the racing will also be available later at


Speed51 is now offering monthly and yearly paid memberships. The yearly membership includes a 10% discount on all major PPV Live Race content. Both include access to race highlights, stories, and interviews from the world of short track racing. Speed 51 has expanded it’s live broadcasts of short track racing quite a bit in the past year or two. Yes, allot of the content, like the Snowball Derby, is PPV, but when you consider that this is racing that you otherwise wouldn’t get to see at all, unless you were at the track, it’s a great service at a great price. If you're a motorsports fan, and want more cord cutting-friendly options, you should really support them and find a PPV event you'd like to watch this year.
$7.99/mo $59.99/yr (Includes 10% discount on PPV events)

Racing Boys TV

The other site broadcasting some great short track racing, is They once again aired PPV coverage of the first 5 days of preliminary racing for the 2016 Chili Bowl Nationals.

Additional On-Line resources for short track racing content


Dirt Nation TV

"The Battle at Berlin 251"

CordKilling Motorsports Fans - Another option to satisfy your hunger for racing online - "The Battle at Berlin 251" will be available streaming PPV - June 2016
"The Battle at Berlin 251" has become one of those short track races that attracts drivers from all over the country. The 2015 race attracted drivers such as, Chase Elliott, Bubba Pollard, John Hunter Nemechek, and Ross Kenseth.
Again, if you want to see more options for Cordcutting motorsports fans, and you love great short track racing, this should be on your list to watch.

Lucas Oil Racing TV

Another option for getting your racing fix on-line is For $60/yr you get access to -
As well as car shows like “Two Guys Garage”, “My Classic Car”, and “Chop Cut Rebuild”

USAC Racing Monthly Membership / Yearly Membership
USD 9.95/mo / USD 99.95/yr

Legend Cars/INEX

The Winter Nationals (Monday 2/15-Friday 2/19) as well as the Summer ShootOut will air on

The International Motor Contest Association (IMCA) / offers Live PPV and On-Demand short track racing. Check out for a full list of all the racing action!

SpeedShift TV Live and On-Demand Short Track racing.

The SCCA Solo Nationals are streaming LIVE on, just search for SCCA. The videos are also available on-demand after live competition has concluded.

The SCCA Runoffs are being streamed on USTREAM -

Just search for SCCA. The content is available live this week, as well as on-demand after competition has concluded each day.

Watch the Goodwood Revival’s Vintage Racing Live, All Weekend, Right Here -

24Hrs of LeMons

List of online/streaming motorsports content providers

Speed51 -
Race22 -
Lucas Oil Racing -
Motor Trend -
Fans Choice TV -


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Top Kansas City Casinos: See reviews and photos of casinos & gambling attractions in Kansas City, Missouri on Tripadvisor. 1 Riverboat Dr, Kansas City MO 64116 Campground Details and Amenities: free, All Year, RVs only, All ages, No tent, 740 ft elev, Casino, Overnight parking is near the car wash, which is not easy to spot; it is in front of the hotel entrance (there are several entrances) at the far edge of the parking lot. The Ameristar Casino Hotel Kansas City is located at 3200 North Ameristar Drive, Kansas City, MO 64161, USA. Visit the Ameristar Casino Hotel Kansas City information page for more details on this casino, or click here to make hotel reservations. Ameristar Casino Hotel Kansas City has a total of 184 hotel rooms available. The second largest casino in Kansas City would be Isle of Capri Casino Kansas City, MO 64161 Information: (816) 414-7175 Casino Website . Argosy. Argosy Casino Missouri Gaming Commission 777 N.W. Argosy Parkway Riverside, MO 64150 Information: (816) 746-3100 Casino Website . Hollywood Casino, St. Louis. Hollywood Casino 777 Casino Center Drive Jackpot Suite Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Information: (314) 770-8100 Casino Website . Harrah's Casino, North Kansas City Argosy Casino Hotel & Spa Kansas City: DO NOT GO TO THIS CASINO - See 466 traveler reviews, 142 candid photos, and great deals for Argosy Casino Hotel & Spa Kansas City at Tripadvisor. Casino KC Rewards Club. Become a Casino KC Rewards Club Member and earn Points using your Rewards Club Card while playing any of your favorite slot machines at Casino KC — formerly Isle of Capri Kansas City. Simply insert your card, play your favorite game and get rewarded! Become a member – it’s easy and free! I got this hotel on sale on a travel website, so it was a pretty good deal. This is a casino hotel, so they charge a resort fee to upcharge the unwary. I think after all was said and done with fees and taxes I paid around $80 or so.Harrahs in Kansas City is divided into two towers, and our room was on the Kansas City tower side. The room was in desperate need of an upgrade. The walls were Located just east of downtown Kansas City, Ameristar Casino Hotel Kansas City is a Midwestern entertainment hub that offers something for everyone: one of the largest casino floors in Missouri, nine dining venues, a luxury hotel, 18 movie screens, and more. Ameristar also offers convenient parking in a five-level, 2,660 space parking structure with an enclosed, climate-controlled walkway to 3200 North Ameristar Drive, Kansas City MO 64161. Campground Details and Amenities: free, All Year, RVs only, All ages, No tent, 735 ft elev, Casino (C) Advertise. Website 816-414-7000 View Map Reviews Photo Search* Add Review Navigation* Update Info StreetView* *Depending on the location, some of these buttons may not work properly. Map All Missouri Campgrounds From there you can filter by Hotels near Harrah's Casino, North Kansas City; Find a place to stay. Enter a destination or property name. Check-in Monday. Check-out Tuesday. Rooms. Room 1: Adults. Aged 18+ Children. 0-17. Age at check in: Child 1: Show deals. Pay now or later on most rooms; Free cancellation on most hotels Some hotels require you to cancel more than 24 hours before check-in. Details on site. Collect 10

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2014 Shamrock FC Ameristar Casino KC, MO - YouTube Casino Hotel in Kansas City -- Play at Ameristar Casino in Kansas City, with over 2,500 slot and video poker machi... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. This channel was generated automatically by YouTube's video discovery system. Free 4K 30fps Action Camera give away, click the link if you want to participate, Rules are in the description 10 Best Tourist Attractions in Kansas City, Missouri I quick drive through Subtropolis in Kansas City. You will be amazed at the size of this underground wonder. If you are near Kansas City taking a break or a vacation, spend your days on the beaches close to the city.You will be surprised by the number of beaches, la... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...

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