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Compilation of Cavas/Zana Synthesis lore

A: Sapinti went on her first fishing trip alone and did not return. When her body finally washed ashore, it looked as though it had been mummified for a thousand years. The fish did not touch her flesh.
B: She was perfectly preserved, but drained of her blood. We buried her, but within days the earth rejected her. Whatever killed her took root in that place. The earth soured and we had to move, abandoning her body.
Cavas: This memory seems ancient. I do not believe this was mine, and I hope I never learn more of it.
Zana: Hmm, this memory seems too ancient to have belonged to Venarius.
A: Why won't you let me leave? I found you so many yellow rocks... this pick is getting dull, and I'm so tired...
B: I can't... get up... stop hurting me...
C: Oh dear. I don't know whose memory this was, but they were far too young for such cruelty. Sometimes, Exile, mankind makes me weep. Who could create such an inhuman system of exploitation, and for what purpose?
A: I used to pride myself on taking care of these tomes, but the ancient treatises concerning the Vaal... should be burned. He's making me research for him, and the things I am reading about concern the destruction of all mankind.
B: I would think my fears of the end of the world ridiculous... except... it's happened before. I must run... I must flee... and take my secrets with me.
Cavas: Exile, was this me? I'm no master of the spoken or written word, so I don't think I was a scholar.
Zana: I've never met him directly, but I think I know whose memory this was. It's someone Helena talks about: Eramir. I believe he lives with the Azmeri now.
A: I awake to the sound of screaming. My eyes and throat sting. Smoke billows into the hut from outside. Something is terribly wrong. I dash outside and am confronted by a wall of heat. Smoke makes it difficult to see, but the village is in flames.
B: I run from the smoke and, to my horror, realise we are trapped. A rival tribe stands at the only exit, cutting my brothers and sisters down as they flee. We've been ambushed. I run towards the flames and leap, praying to Valako for protection.
Cavas: Oh dear, such violence and hate... I wonder why the tribes were at war. It's clear this is not something I ever experienced, at least.
Zana: What devious maliciousness. War truly brings out the worst in people, doesn't it. It's clear to me this belongs to some unfortunate Karui.
A: I see you. You are here seeking answers, because you can find them only in the stories we will leave behind when Malachai and Voll cause our destruction. In this final hour, I entertain the notion that the words I write exist in some form beyond me. Do they go on as dreams? As memories?
B: I have the wildest notion that perhaps you will find a way to pick up scraps of memory, and you, whoever you are, will come across this one someday. If you do, I ask only this: slay Malachai. Slay him for yourself, or slay him for all the lost citizens of the Empire, but, most of all, slay him for Marylene.
Cavas: Oh, Exile, though I am a mere shade with only figments of memory, I can say with certainty that no man has ever felt the nuances of rage and love so strongly. His was the strongest memory I have ever felt, an imprint of his entire essence. His name... was Victario.
Zana: That was exhilarating, Exile! Like truly seeing the mind and heart of another person, living and breathing right here with me. Why was his memory so intense? I can still feel Victario, as if he has just left the room only now.
A: You and I, we're the only ones that made it to shore... alive, anyway. This place is crawling with criminals. Find something you can defend yourself with.
B: That'll do for now. I thought I saw some smoke rising just north of here. Could be worth checking if there's—
Cavas: I saw you through someone else's eyes, Exile! That was a memory from someone that knew you! He was relieved to see you. Were you close?
Zana: Ugh, my neck feels stiff. Was that you, Exile? You were in that memory, though looking a little worse for wear!
A: I take no pleasure in this. It simply must be done. Humanity's purpose has been fulfilled... in me. Within this sanctum of flesh lay the tools I shall use to reshape the world.
B: With this act, I sweep away the trappings of mortality, and bring about a new age. A world of Thaumaturgy, and I, its ruler. Farewell, my Gemling Queen...
Cavas: Who was that, Exile? I felt such drive and focus. Nothing mattered but my one goal. It was... terrifying.
Zana: Ugh, I am left sickened and dirtied by the vile thoughts of someone intensely self-absorbed. Was that... Malachai? The monster who brought about the Cataclysm? Did I just relive that moment?
A: It's him! He sails back to me, my Daresso! I shall sing for him. I shall show him the way.
B: It's my Daresso! He sails back to me! I shall sing for him, and show him the way.
C: The last vestiges of human thought in a woman consumed by madness... she saw her beloved in every passing ship, and sang to them all, never realizing their true fates.
A: Breaking rocks to mine voltaxic sulphite... but I'm so small...
B: Such pain... such despair... I'm going to die down here, and I never even had the chance to know what life was.
C: Monsters... To use a child like that... The Eternal Empire was truly cruel.
A: It's him! He sails back to me, my Daresso! I shall sing for him. I shall show him the way. Come, my love. Come to me. We shall be together at last.
B: No, turn away! Don't listen to my singing, you'll die upon the rocks! Turn away...! Turn away... Turn away...
C: Was that Merveil? That poor woman. Somewhere within her monstrous form lived the woman she once was. What a terrible curse.
A: The Courts are burning. Accusations fly. Sinner! Heretic! I am but an initiate, and my patron urges silence. We will keep our heads down while one High Templar supplants another. It's all about power, my patron whispers, and we have none.
B: Should an accusation fall our way, we shall be doomed to die with the other accused. Be unseen and unheard, he whispers. This is what happens when men who seek power refuse to wait. I learned a valuable lesson that day: Trust without leverage is vulnerability.
Cavas: Oh, Exile, I was caught up in the memory. It felt so familiar. Was it one of mine?
Zana: Exile! That was the moment Venarius decided to seize life and vie for power. That was the moment doom for men like my father was assured.
A: Master's orders were clear; I am to wait here until his return. I cast my eyes to the horizon and see smoke billowing from Sarn. The city burns, and I fear my master burns with it.
B: The sky grows red. I hear screaming from the village by the Crossroads, but I will not abandon my post. Master will return, and I will await him. No matter how long, I will wait for Maligaro's return...
Cavas: Maligaro... that name rings a bell... was it mine? No... this memory feels too old.
Zana: A memory from someone close to the Inquisitor. How exciting! I bet there are many historians who would be interested in such a find.
A: Another child was taken last night, so tonight we wait, praying the demon does not return, but it does. It soars through the air and passes through the wall of the hut. We catch only a glimpse of its grey skin beneath the moonlight. We pursue the demon on foot to the edge of the woods. The child it carries does not cry out.
B: Anaris follows closely, but I hesitate out of fear. I gather my will and I leap into the shadows, tracking the demon by the tendrils left in its wake. But I am too late. The demon and child are gone, and Anaris stands frozen, pale as the moon. He whispers something I do not understand and falls, dead. I fear we will be hunted to extinction.
Cavas: Can such a horrible tale be true? I pray not. It is no memory of mine, of that I am certain.
Zana: Could it be...? Exile, this sounds just like the entity hunting my father. But... the memory is so old. How is this possible?
A: A man in uniform visits. He is from the Courts. He says the Templar have alms for widows like my mother, but she must collect it in person. We go to the church together, and I wait outside in the gardens. The sun is setting. I don't know how long I've been sitting here.
B: Mother comes from around the rear. She looks pale. Her eyes are red, and her clothes are torn. She doesn't look at me but she grabs my hand. We walk home in silence. I lay awake in bed. I hear her crying. The man comes over often after that, with toys and food, but I don't like him...
Cavas: Oh, I remember this... Mother was never the same after that day. I wish I had understood at the time... I might have been able to do something.
Zana: I think... I think this is a memory from Venarius. How horrible. Why would he want to join an organisation like this?
A: Help! Please, somebody, help me! I've fallen down here! I think I've hurt my leg! Hello?!... Stay calm. I'm sure someone will come soon. I'm so hungry... If I get desperate, maybe I can eat some of the mushrooms down here.
B: I feel strange. My head feels like it is filled with bubbles. Are the walls breathing? The colours here are so vibrant... oh... My stomach... I'm ill. The world is spinning and, oh, my gut! What did I eat? I feel—
Cavas: Wow... Exile... that was a very strange memory. Certainly not my own.
Zana: Well, I'm not sure whose memory that was, but it's safe to say you shouldn't eat mushrooms you don't know.
A: Ha! Lioneye's failure against Kaom comes as no surprise. He was always more arrogant than skilled. It is time a real man showed the Karui the might of the Eternal Empire.
B: Shavronne assures me that my process will be relatively painless, and that my duties as warden can continue unhindered, but as my flesh swells and ruptures, I realise I am just another test subject. At least I can fulfill my duties to the Empire before my mind—
Cavas: Ohh, such might, Exile. I felt so strong, yet I felt I was losing control. Another memory that felt too ancient to be mine, however.
Zana: I felt so... so strong! Yet I couldn't shake the feeling I was at my breaking point. What a terrible sensation! Was that the Warden of Axiom?
A: People stream down the street towards Oriath Square. I hear their shouts and cheers, and when my mother isn't looking, sneak out to join the merry crowd. Just outside the pens, a Karui boy, no older than I, stands atop the gallows.
B: I see by the sign around his neck he has been caught stealing. I swear I will not look away, but fear overtakes me. I hear the rope snap taut and the crowd cheer, but I fight back the tears...
Cavas: I remember this well, Exile. I remember hearing that snap in my dreams for many years.
Zana: Was that Venarius as a child? I think perhaps it was... society has not changed much since he was young.
A: Out of sight, out of mind. No one speaks of the cursed land anymore. That has made it quite simple to send our smugglers out in search of powerful Eternal artifacts.
B: We knew of the gems, but we did not know of what Malachai called his 'muse.' The smugglers have returned with rubbings of the device they found. They call it 'miraculous.' I know a thing or two about miracles, so I will be the judge of that.
C: This was almost certainly one of the High Templar's memories. In fact, I think this was not long before he spoke to my father!
Pier / Pier2
A: The stench convenes around me thicker than the press of the vagabonds themselves. Though starving, their strength while holding on to one another is surprising. I am trapped in a knot of ragged bodies, and the men of the Church clap me in irons despite my cries.
B: I am not one of them! Can't you hear me? I'm not Maraketh, nor homeless, and I have committed no sins. That ship is not for me! Why won't you listen?!
Cavas: I think this is one of mine, Exile. I feel it: at eight years old, I was almost exiled by mere happenstance. If my mother had not found me and gotten the Templars to release me, I would have been lost...
Zana: A young Venarius, innocent and helpless. If only he'd stayed that way. It never ceases to amaze me how much a person can change over their lifetime.
A: The shackles cut into my wrists and ankles. The guards are deaf to my pleading, but I am no murderer. If I am guilty of anything, it is falling in love with the wrong person. Ugh! Justice served, they claim.
B: This is not justice. Any chance of justice evaporated the moment I walked into the courtroom and saw her husband held the gavel. I'm just the scapegoat. It's easy to get away with murder when you're the judge.
Cavas: How horrid! Are all people as corrupt, Exile? Thankfully I'm certain this was not me.
Zana: The most upsetting thing about this memory is how unsurprising it is. It's hard to tell whose memory this was. Certainly not Venarius, but I wouldn't be shocked to hear he was the judge.
A: I strike the earth once more as I have countless times, but my strike feels unfamiliar. Instead of the crack of stone, I am met with flexing sinew. I examine my pick axe. A dark red liquid froths on its tip.
B: The metal beneath rapidly corrodes. Have I found it at last? I run to alert the General. I'm told not to speak of what I found. The other slaves must continue to dig, but I am set free.
Cavas: I don't think I was ever a slave. What did they find, I wonder?
Zana: This must have been one of the Eternal slaves... an Ezomyte, maybe. But sinew beneath stone? What could that be?
A: Indexing artifact one-twelve in lot ten, an ancient jawbone. Carvings on the side attribute it to... Valako? This can't actually be the jawbone from the myth... and this... Tukohama's tooth? Hinekora's hair?
B: These were in the archives for centuries. Are these what those thieves were after? Who would want these relics except for... followers of Kitava? But that's absurd... best not to mention the robbery attempt.
Cavas: Exile, I think a historian somewhere made a grave mistake by keeping quiet.
Zana: A single decision made out of fear had such grave consequences. I wonder, if that researcher had spoken up, could the cult of Kitava have been stopped before ravaging Oriath?
A: Sometimes, we in the Brotherhood don't need to harm anyone at all. We surround Drusus in the Baths. He has a family, and that means he's vulnerable.
B: He doesn't even protest. He knows what this is. Wordlessly, he backs into the baths and sinks to the bottom. All that remains are the bubbles of his last breath.
Cavas: I find myself less perturbed by that memory than I should be. It was almost... peaceful. What does that say about me?
Zana: You know what I find most disturbing about this memory, Exile? None of the bystanders so much as lifted a finger to help poor Drusus.
A: These shiny baubles we pull out of the rock are worth more than their weight in gold, yet we hardly get paid at all! We should stop work and demand our fair share.
B: Don't worry! They're just sealing the entrance as a way to intimidate us! They wouldn't dare leave a thousand men down here just to die.
Cavas: It seems the Empire was harsher than even its citizens knew. I doubt their bodies were ever found.
Zana: Human beings seem to believe the world has an inherent decency. It cost those men their lives.
A: The defendant is accused of Unlawful Avarice, Pecuniary Sloth, two counts of resisting Templar authority, Civil Envy, and one count of pandering.
B: You have been found guilty by the power of the Court, and will hereby be exiled to Wraeclast as penance for your sins.
C: You know all too well how little true justice the Templar meted out. I hope you at least got to argue your case.
A: He wasn't a pious man, and certainly had a gambling problem, but he didn't deserve to end up like this. I feel like somebody should say something as we cover his tomb, but nobody does.
B: The others begin to file away while I linger by the tomb a moment. A muffled banging sounds from within, and I consider rushing to get help... but then I remember, and leave without another word.
Cavas: Exile... the sensation... that man recalled another memory while I was in his memory... but I couldn't see that one! Why did he leave, I wonder?
Zana: I wish I could tell you what he remembered, Exile. It seems these memories have their limits.
A: Farrul, lend us your eyes, that we may see past the darkness in our hearts. Fenumus, lend us your web, that we may bind our tribes together.
B: Craiceann, lend us your shell, that we may hold out against our oppressors. Saqawal, lend us your feathers, that we may be carried to a better future. We call out in your name!
Cavas: Hmm... a ritual of some sort. I do not recognise the names, though they sound Ezomyte to my ear. Silly superstitions, if you ask me.
Zana: So that's what faith feels like... I'm no stranger to religion, but I never truly believed what the Templars taught us. I just had a brief glimpse into a life without doubt. I must say, I understand the allure.
A: I come here on sunny days to get away from the squalor of the streets and alleyways around my home. It's not the cutpurses that bother me. It's the city guard. Even so, a legionnaire approaches me and asks me my intent in the fields.
B: I do not answer him, instead shaking my head and holding a finger over my lips. Better to act mute than risk being clapped in irons for the sin of being born Ezomyte.
Cavas: Thank the Gods I'm no Ezomyte, Exile. I'd not stand for such treatment.
Zana: It's hard to believe, but the Eternals of Sarn back then were even more rotten than the people of Oriath today. Sometimes I wonder if the Empire was doomed with or without the Cataclysm.
A: Rami waits at the cavern entrance for the passing aspirants. One at a time he pulls them in from the snowstorm and covers their mouth as I slice their throats. Blood stains the cavern floor.
B: Rami pulls in the last straggler and we make quick work of her. Just we two remain. Before Rami makes this realisation I plunge my blade into his eye. I alone will lead the Mutewind.
Cavas: What a barbaric memory. Were all Mutewind this vicious? I certainly hope I was not one of them.
Zana: That was quite a brutal memory. You know, I'd never dare ask her, but is Jun Mutewind?
A: As I kneel over her grave, the night sky joins my tears. The earth becomes scattershot, stained by sputtering torchlight. She reaches out to me, and I smile...
B: ...until I see other lost loved ones reaching up through dirt. The rain smells like leather-grease, and my torch goes out as the first of the dead breaks free.
Cavas: Why is Wraeclast beset by such evils? My friend, we must find a way to protect the people.
Zana: Gods, the terror that gripped him in those final moments. I hope I never feel that again!
A: I know I have no voice as a servant, but there is something deeply troubling here. This manor holds a dreadful presence which permeates the very air.
B: When they find the third dead and disemboweled maid, I speak up, but the master of the household doesn't listen. He refuses to even look at me. It is then that I realise... I am already dead...
Cavas: Quite the twist on that memory, Exile, but I was never a servant, nor a manor-bound spirit. At least, as far as I know...
Zana: Exile, how does a ghost form memories without a brain? It seems there's much more left to discover in this world.
A: Nineteen more days in the mountains... I'll never survive, never earn my Mutewind name... I'm already starving and dying after ten... and is that... a wolf?!
B: Kindest friend, kindred wolf. You kept me warm for nineteen days. I will return one day, when I am old, and let your descendants feast upon my remains.
Cavas: Exile! I felt a wolf's fur... whose life was that? So very different from what I expected!
Zana: I never knew barren mountains could be so beautiful.
A: I move through the stacks, seeking that one perfect moment from my youth. I once read a book here, its name lost to me, that perfectly struck the chords of my heart.
B: It was as if that book was written for me, and yet, I cannot find it now. There are more tomes here than I could ever pick up and check in an entire lifetime.
Cavas: The words of the story he read were... so poignant... and yet they escape me, like sand blown from the ridge of a dune.
Zana: So many books have been destroyed by Wraeclast's troubles through the years. I hope one day I can help rebuild Oriath's libraries with new knowledge.
A: I don't know much longer I can do this. Every day, we cart in the poor folk the General has rounded up for the Witch's experiments. I used to count, but I stopped at two thousand.
B: This is not the career the Blackguards promised me. We're worse than monsters. Look at this place! Rivers of blood! Piles of corpses! We were just following orders...
Cavas: We were just following orders. Hollow words. He didn't believe his own absolution.
Zana: Just following orders... spineless little--! How many lives were lost because someone wouldn't stand up for what's right? Wouldn't think for themselves?
A: We're trapped down here. Though we strike it again and again, the Sekhema's seal remains unharmed. No one down here can sleep. My throat is parched, yet I feel no thirst.
B: The foreman is beginning to show signs of madness. He claims the walls, earth, and even his pick have become sticky as honey. I pray death comes for us soon, but I fear we will receive something far worse.
Cavas: Some of these events have the ring of familiarity, yet I cannot place myself in this one. I suspect it is simply too old to be mine.
Zana: It seems the mines of Highgate were sealed before everyone could be evacuated... what a terrible fate...
A: Lunaris, help me find calm. Help me find peace. Help me silence those who trouble me!
B: Lunaris, help me destroy my enemies! Help me take what is rightfully mine!
Cavas: Such a strange evolution of beliefs... that is most assuredly not my memory. I know I was a man of conviction.
Zana: Somewhere in history, the old religions lost their way. Or perhaps this is the journey every religion takes eventually...
A: I cannot escape the feeling that I am being cooked by the sun in a cauldron made of sand. As I dream of water, walking, dying, I see it: an oasis.
B: I slake my thirst with chill liquid that sparkles in the sun. I dunk my head, then lie down, exhausted and exhilarated. Today, I get to live.
Cavas: Even if I could remember my life, Exile, I am certain no single drink would ever have tasted so good.
Zana: At long last, a memory that didn't make me want to curl up into a ball and weep!
A: The last three weeks feel like they've passed in an instant. The atmosphere here since the High Templar's disappearance has been so relaxed, but, while enjoying the sun on my roof this morning, I saw the black smoke billowing from the Chamber of Innocence turn red.
B: The Seneschals have at last elected a new High Templar. Rumour has it they've sought young blood. Someone who can revitalise the Templar. Someone who can bring them into the modern age. Whoever it is, he can't be worse than the last one. Bastard set us back fifty years!
Cavas: A changing of the guard? I don't think this was me, but it feels strangely familiar.
Zana: That was Dominus' ascension to power. I remember seeing the smoke from the orphanage... it was so soon after my father's disappearance.
A: What is it? You know I am not to be disturbed during my communion with God-- it's here? Well get it to the lab immediately, and do not disturb me again, lest I take your head!
B: I feel a rush of excitement as I review the contents of the crate. The pieces, aged as they are, still hum with energy. I can feel its potential, and it fills me with hope and terror. I cannot assemble it, but I know who can. I need only apply a little pressure...
Cavas: How curious... this feels familiar to me. What was inside the box? Perhaps another memory will tell us.
Zana: Exile, who was that? How did he come to have pieces of the map device? Were they then delivered to my father?
A: I am so very late. This is deeply embarrassing. I fear the wait will be too long now. But this is the one chance I get to meet the great Laureate and I will not let it go to waste!
B: Malachai says he has perfected new techniques that will unlock the raw power hidden within the Virtue Gems. I have volunteered my body to the cause. I feel no fear, no hunger, no pleasure... nothing. I only hear his voice. I must obey...
Cavas: Exile, what a horrible moment I just experienced. I feel for whoever this memory belonged to. I'm glad it was not mine.
Zana: Ugh, I feel disgusting after that. Even within that memory I could feel Malachai's presence wrapping around my mind like grasping little fingers.
A: We walk in absolute silence through the murk. It's after midnight, but the streets above are still abuzz with activity. Hours pass before the streets fall silent. We emerge one by one into a pitch-black room.
B: As I help our last out of the sewers, a flint is struck, and we are surrounded by light and gleaming imperial armour. There's a dagger at my throat. A setup! Dragged into a cell, the guards laughing. I still reek of the sewers...
Cavas: Did I lead a life of crime? I don't think so... I expect this story did not end well. The Empire was not too kind to thieves.
Zana: There are times, Exile, when I wish those memories weren't so vivid. Sometimes I don't need to know what a memory smells like.
A: Tonight is a celebration. On this, the night of a Thousand Ribbons, we honour Emperor Chitus for his heroic defense of our beloved capital. Long may he reign!
B: I feel fear... and hatred. The Emperor stands before me, and I know this is my chance. I strike at him. I pierce his belly, but it is not immediately lethal. I lock eyes with the man. I watch him raise his axe...
Cavas: He killed me. Exile! That Emperor Chitus, he cut me in half...! No, not me. I am no backstabber. I would have faced him head-on.
Zana: I felt my body split into two. Agony! That's the last thing I remember. This memory must have belonged to Ondar, the Betrayer. For some reason, I always thought that was a myth... but apparently not.
A: I'm a fool to have gotten lost here, but it was getting dark, and I thought I saw a way home. A crowd stands silently around me, their faces blank white, their bodies covered in webs.
B: The crowd begins to shiver and shake as I creep between their bound hands. Some moan for help. Others scream. As their bodies bubble, I realise I cannot help them. Tiny spiders pour out of open wounds.
Cavas: Oh, no! I can still feel them crawling on me!
Zana: Exile, if you ever find me trapped in webbing like that... put me out of my misery.
A: Beneath the summer sun we follow Tarcus in search of the promised land. Before long, hunger grips our stomachs. The doomlands take their toll. Our numbers dwindle, and discord spreads amongst the tribesmen.
B: Veruso's words quell our hearts, but not our stomachs. In the dead of night, a woman goes missing, and our hunger is abated. We reach the ruins of Azala Vaal alive, but dark deeds hide in our bellies.
Cavas: Exile, this terrible memory is far too old to have been mine. Let's keep looking.
Zana: How horrible... the founders of Sarn! Not such a promising start.
A: He told me to meet him out here at midnight. Well, it's midnight and he isn't here, and I can hear wolves nearby. He better hurry up or I'm leaving.
B: That's it. I'm out of here. Now which way did I come from? Was it this way? No. Must have been this way. Hmm... this doesn't look familiar either. None of this looks familiar, and I think I hear the wolves coming closer...
Cavas: Oh dear, what a frightful situation. I don't think I did much midnight hiking, Exile.
Zana: Huh... I've never felt lost like that before... I didn't care for it. I think I prefer knowing exactly where I stand.
A: We pack up our camp just before sunrise and journey towards the capital, Azala Vaal. We hear the crowd before we see them. Word of our victory spread quickly, and even the Queen has come to meet us.
B: My family has come to watch the ceremony. As I lay on the stone altar, I hear them chanting my name. It's the last thing I hear before the Queen's dagger is plunged into my chest.
Cavas: I could almost feel the blade. What a chilling moment from a terrible time in history. Far older than I, I'm afraid.
Zana: I saw her, Exile... I saw the Queen of the Vaal! She had such a terrible presence...
A: Six moons have passed since the earth supped the rain. The riverbed is dry, and the lake is but a puddle. The beasts here have become desperate and dangerous.
B: There are rumours that Lord Yriel's blood-fed crops have swelled, but the fruit they bear can send a man mad. We look to our children for the answer. A child cannot hunt, but it can still provide. The taste is hard to forget.
Cavas: Exile... this is a memory I would rather not have experienced. How nauseating.
Zana: They ate-- Gods, Exile...! I feel sick to my stomach.
A: You can't just keep me locked up! I have rights you know! I deserve a fair trial! Hey! You hear me!?
B: Hello?! Guard!? I smell smoke! Get me out of here-- please! Don't just leave me to die! Someone please help! Please!
Cavas: I fear that man never again saw the light of day. I'm so grateful I was never incarcerated.
Zana: After everything that has happened, this one hits too close to home.
ZanaLushBeachCliff / LushCrater
A: I don't understand. I saw Bryn die. I held him. The fever that took him was so intense... I remember the moment his body went cold. But now he lives once more.
B: Yet it is not truly him. I know that. A mother knows her son and this creature is not my son. It is a hollow imposter. My son's spirit is with Innocence. So I go to him at last.
Cavas: If I still possessed a heart, it would now be broken. We are no strangers to the returning dead, but this was not my memory.
Zana: She lept, Exile. I felt her fall... What terrible anguish she felt...
A: Everyone is dead and I am alone. The Karui swept through the watch so quickly, we didn't have a chance to flee. Men, women, even children, slaughtered. I'm lucky to be alive. But I cannot return home now. No.
B: I'd be branded a coward, imprisoned, and hung for desertion. I have no choice. I must make do out in the wilds. Perhaps a farmer will take pity on me. And if not, I have my blade. I will take what I need by force.
Cavas: What a ghastly man. I pray it was not me.
Zana: It's hard to feel pity for a man like that, desperate as he was.
A: My legs ache, but at last they can rest. We are two days journey from the nearest city, and the trickle of water sets me at ease. I begin to set up camp.
B: My wife bathes naked in the stream. I appreciate her form from the banks. With any luck, we will never see another person as long as we live.
Cavas: So peaceful. I could have dwelt in that memory forever. Alas, I do not think it belongs to me.
Zana: It's not all doom and gloom, Exile. It's worth remembering that.
A: The storm is bad now. The ship rocks to and fro. The other exiles exchange glances as a guard struggles to regain his footing. Then, we hit the rocks.
B: When I come to, I'm alone on a tiny island. Little more than a rock, really. I can't see any other land. Even Wraeclast would've been better than this.
Cavas: I'm certain I was never exiled, and thank the Gods. What a terrible fate... oh... oh, dear. Sorry.
Zana: Just goes to show, even as the world around us lays in ruins, things could always be worse.
A: The world is changing in dark and subtle ways around us as I run. My arms burn from the weight of my young children. The sun is turning blood red, and there's only one place of safety I can imagine.
B: The walls of the cave we huddle in tremble. The screaming outside keeps us from fleeing into the open air. Life has gone mad, and the sky is burning. The children cry out for their mother, but I haven't the heart to tell them what she became in front of my eyes.
Cavas: Oh, my friend, these memories are sometimes too much to bear.
Zana: How horrible... I wonder what ever happened to those children. Perhaps it's better not to know.
ForestCanals / Canals
A: The boats are the only way out of the city! Don't you understand? The sky is burning! We have to go!
B: Everyone had the same idea. The crowded boats aren't moving at all. The others scream and wail. Everything begins to burn. I hold my son under the water and pray his death is quicker than mine.
Cavas: Such suffering and loss in this world... sometimes I wonder if I'm better off not remembering.
Zana: The most horrible thing is, I'm certain that parent was doing their child a mercy.
A: My grandparents worshipped here, back when it was still a place of faith. I wonder, did the gods ever hear them?
B: I choose to believe the gods did listen, and that I am here now out of that benevolence. It is the only way I can explain surviving the troubles.
Cavas: Was I a person of faith, Exile? I think... I might have been. At the very least, I remember the trappings of faith, though I cannot say to which God.
Zana: Knowing what we now know about the gods, I think we can safely say benevolence was not the cause.
A: Where am I? What happened? I remember a massive spider coming at me, and then... huh, I'm stuck in webbing...
B: My stomach is really rumbling... and it hurts... and it's bulging... and rippling...
Cavas: After that memory, I think I'm afraid of spiders.
Zana: Ugh, what a horrid way to die. Exile, if you ever find me in that state, you know what to do, right?
CitySlums / Slums
A: Sarn is the city of opportunity, they said. The cradle of civilisation. Pardon me if I don't feel swaddled and taken care of in this 'cradle.'
B: It's starve or steal. I think I know which one I like better.
Cavas: Was I poor and hungry on the streets of Sarn? I think not, exile. This memory feels foreign to me.
Zana: With Oriath in the state it's in, I worry we're not far from tumbling down this same road. At least we can rule Venarius out of that memory.
Daresso / Colosseum
A: With one motion, I cleave a man in twain. A kick sends another flying, and the roar of the crowd swells. I am their idol!
B: I was always meant to be at the top of the pile. Nobody else can compare. And this tiny man, this new challenger, Daresso, will fall like the rest to the might of Barkhul.
Cavas: From the look of the carnage around that 'Daresso' person, I think that ancient gladiator was in for quite a surprise.
Zana: Ha! We know how that ended, don't we?
A: I've thirsted for adventure my entire life, but I suppose, at eighty-two, the most I can do now is walk along the village plateau.
B: I dreamt of magic and adventure when I was younger. It's a shame this world isn't more exciting.
Cavas: From what I've seen in my time with you, Exile, the owner of that memory must have been uncommonly lucky to avoid Wraeclast's dangers. Or, seemingly, unlucky.
C: Ah, what I would give for a boring life...
A: I wear the armor of a Templar, and I walk among the guards, but I am not one of them. My soul is Kitava's to consume.
B: The time nears. At the appointed hour, I will open the gates... all the gates.
Cavas: I don't think I was some sort of cultist... his urge toward self-destruction was overwhelming.
Zana: Bastard... that bastard! Do you think he knew what he was about to loose upon us? No... I can't believe anyone would knowingly do that.
A: Centuries of my predecessors line these walls. It is supposedly the ultimate honor to rest with them, but I have my doubts.
B: How would anyone know which bones are mine? How would anyone know that I am even here? Because I recognise none of these remains myself...
Cavas: I can relate to that feeling, Exile.
Zana: Confronting one's mortality is always troubling, isn't it? I believe Venarius would not be so humble as the owner of this memory.
A: I feel very nervous. Am I sweating? I think I'm sweating. I hope she doesn't notice how much I'm sweating. Oh no, she looked at me. She can definitely see how sweaty I am. I should say something. Your face is good?! Why would you say that!?
B: She laughed at you. Now she's gonna tell all the women in Sarn how stupid and useless you are. You're gonna die alone. Wait... is she-- she's holding your hand! You did it! Your face is good! Classic line. Works every time.
C: That was... deeply uncomfortable to witness.
A: This is not good. I can't believe I fell asleep. Now I'm in the middle of the bloody ocean without a bloody paddle. Micah, you stupid shite. Why couldn't you just follow the bloody captain's orders?
B: Now you've gone and got yourself killed. Unless... what is that? Is that a ship on the horizon? It looks like Roth's! Long as he doesn't hold a grudge, I'm saved!
C: Roth? Could it be-- no, that is simply too much of a coincidence. Still, I can't help but wonder...
A: I'm a fool to have gotten lost here, but it was getting dark, and I thought I saw a way home. A crowd stands silently around me, their faces blank white, their bodies covered in webs.
B: The crowd begins to shiver and shake as I creep between their bound hands. Some moan for help. Others scream as their bodies bubble, and I realise I cannot help them. Tiny spiders pour out of open wounds.
Cavas: Eugh, no! I can still feel them crawling on me!
Zana: Exile, if you ever find me trapped in webbing like that... put me out of my misery.
submitted by Huizui to pathofexile [link] [comments]

[Table] I am a cardiac surgeon, part of my job is to harvest hearts from living organ donors. AMA

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Date: 2012-10-13
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Questions Answers
What is the 5 year survival of someone after you put a new heart in them? 5 year survival is more than 90%, 10 year 83%
When removing a heart from a donor, at what point is the patient deceased, in your opinion? (Before you start, because they are brain dead? Once you clamp certain vessels? Once you lift the heart out of the chest cavity?) Does the heart stop after you remove it, but before you put it into the next person? If so, how long does it take to stop? They are brain dead, but they are dead dead after i clamp the aorta (the main artery of the body)
We stop it with a high potasium serum before we remove it, this reduces its metabolism and oxygen consumption by 90%, making it last longer in the ice, giving better chances for the recipient.
With regard to clamping the aorta, is this a tricky thing to do? You're dealing with a vessel that's pumping (IIRC) ~ 5 liters per minute. Is the aorta in most people so incredibly strong that you can just clamp it off without getting an aneurysm? Where does the blood go now that it can't go through the aorta? Does five liters of blood just stop moving all at once? Do you ever get an aneursym when doing this (and consequently end up having to scrub the ceiling)? Do you ever have concern that some of the donors you clamp are actually (or were actually) suffering from locked-in syndrome rather than brain death? Do you insist on personally reviewing the data in order to confirm for yourself that the brain is gone? Has there anyone you've refused to do on suspicion of their not being brain dead? Its not easy to do and if the patient has a high blood presure it can shurely break, aneurisms dont form that fast, but it can break. what happens to the blood? at the same time the aorta is clamped wit perfuse the coronary arteries with a high potasium serum that stops the heart in seconds and we make 2 small stab wounds, one in the inferior vena cava and one in either a pulmonary vein or the left atrial apendage to decompress both ventricles, the blood poors into the mediastinum and pleural cavities and its disposed with the suckers.
I love all of the technical terms until the "disposed with the suckers", made me laugh. It makes me gigle too.
Everyone should call everyone in reddit doctor, doctor. I concur doctor.
Does everyone in the medical community know about that scene from 'Catch Me If You Can' ? I concur yes.
What was the strangest experience you've had during a surgery? Complications, fellow surgeons, anything. A patient waking up and trying to move with her chest opened, cardiac surgery patients are at the highest risk of waking up during surgery because of the use of the artificial heart-lung machine, their drug distribution volume get really big so they need much more drugs to remain sleep. and of course ive had other intresting moments but its really impresive to see a person with no heart trying to move. of course she didnt remember anything after the surgery.
EDIT: was being a douchebag.
of course she didnt remember anything after the surgery. I thought you were referring to the organ donor. No i was talking about some random patient i saw in the dominican republic, before i came to spain.
Some people have the misfortune of remembering those experiences. Presumably, this is why anesthesiology is one of the more highly paid medical professions. They administer midazolam that causes amnesia so the patient doesnt remember this traumatic expirience.
The way you referred to the patient as "it" made me really sad for some reason. Did it shock you at all? Sorry, didnt even noticed, if was speaking my native language i would have never made this mistake, thanks for pointing it out and i will edit it
I woke up during surgery once, I remember everything. Tell us about it...
Would you say your job requires a lot of heart? Depends from where you are looking, some people have told me it requires having no heart.
Heh. Some people think we are stonehearted and insane.
Do you feel comfortable with the legal definition of "dead"? Hard question, but i have to say yes. of course definition can change along with science, so who knows if in the future we are able to bring back some people that now we consider to be dead.
Interestingly, you worded your title as a harvester from "living" organ donors. But I know what you mean. A donor has to have a absolutly no brain activity in two electroencephalograms performed without any sedatives and with no electrolite alterations and has to be evaluated by a lot of experts in order to confirm its brain dead. they are alive, but their brain has no blood flow. they would die eventually probably from an infection they got from the ventilator, neumonia more likely, or eventually their kidneys would fail. been asked to adress this question better. while sleeping you still have brain activity and locked-in patients have brain activity, are alert and can move their eyes from side to side.
Do you ever wonder if someone on your table might be "locked-in" (but had been tested while "sleeping") as opposed to actually dead?
Are the brain-dead patients donors given sleeping pills to make sure they are really dead with no chance of ever regaining conscience consciousness? Actually the sleeping pills are withdrawn in order to confirm they are braindead, as far as your link goes, i had never heard about something like that. i guess the neurophisiologist that make the call have and dont think of it as relevant i guess. if this gets confirmed it would be great news. it also seems they were talking about comatose patients, that doent mean brain-dead. all braindead patients are comatous: yes, all comatous are braindead:no.
Thanks. i always wondered about this. good to know they make SUUURRREE. Thats really important yes.
I believe it was posted on reddit frontpage about a month ago. Didnt see it then, i will defenetly check it out, try to get another source or something.
Question 2: So you put a donor heart inside someone's chest cavity, connect the arteries and... then what? Aren't there nerves to connect? How does the heart start beating again, through physical massage or a steroid injection? 2.the nerves cant be reatached, its stays denerved. its starts up again when we restablish the blood flow. as soon as electrolytes start comming in it starts beating (hopefuly) the heart has automatism, this means it will beat when the conditions are ok, has its own little nervous system inside.
I know I'm a bit rusty on my anatomy in that part, but isn't the heartrate controlled by nodes hooked up to the CNS? Can heart recipients modulate their heart rates (if they are doing physical activity etc)? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Yes they can, they recibe stimuli from hormones and pressure changes.
The parts before "the tricky part" also sound very tricky. I know what i mean.
Ah I see. Well thanks a lot sir! This was a very interesting/informative read! Allways glad to talk to patients, so i am asking questions now hahaha, how do you feel with the overall result, do you life a normal life? or you still have any problem?
Have you ever had someone die during a procedure? If so, how did you cope with it? First time was really bad for me, couldnt sleep for about two days. but it was a very complicated patient with very low chances, after 10 hours of surgery we just had to give up, nothing else to do. lucky we have a low mortality rate in my hospital, less than two percent. but its allways hard. you just have to keep going and as long as you did everything in your power you should be fine, i have seen people that cant take so i think you have to make you heart like stone sometimes to keep at it.
after 10 hours of surgery. Holy shit, is this continuous work for 10 hours or are there like swap outs with other surgeons? Both.
I just read your title for your other IAMA (the one that got deleted). Here's my question: are all surgeons as creepy as you are? Well, we are not "normal" if thats what you mean... it just was a cool twist i did, i never implied i did anything illegal or that i was a murderer.
Well, reading the questions from the IAMA, you never directly implied you weren't. That is pretty creepy! =P. Was having fun until they got me. i have them all the information they asked for except how and why i did those things. couldnt say from the beginning hey this is legal am not going to jail cause it leaves to few options of what i could be
I'm a premed student hoping to become a cardiothoracic surgeon... any advice? Are you crazy, havent you been reading?? just kiding, you will have a great time. study hard.
Their point was that in most developed countries, a cardiac surgeon would make several hundred thousands dollars per year. Why on Earth would one work for 36k Euros? If you are doing training that would make sense, it seems like in the US you would make $40-45k during training. I will try to move to germany after i learn the languaje but its how it is in spain, being a free public health system as it is, we make a basic salary, dont charge based on the procedures during the morning, in the afternoon we get paid extra but its like 100 euros the hour.
Germany also has free healthcare, Canada as well, but they have to pay surgeons similar prices that they would make elsewhere in the world, so that good ones will want to work there. Yes i hope i can go there at least for a couple of years. they are also pretty good on ventricular assist devices because there are not many donors in germany, patients wait for a heart for 3 years, here in spain they wait for 2-3 weeks so we have a lot of experience on transplants but not as much in VADs.
I hereby formally invite you to Canada. You've got the English down already, come onnn! Might take you up on that, send me a PM.
How many hours do you work per week? At least 55.
Do people die of more accidents in Spain? Why are there so much more availability? Couse it became a fad to be a donor since 40 years ago, everybody is a donor and i have never seen a family refuse to donate their loved ones organs after we tell them there is notting else we can do.
3 years. 2-3 weeks. What. the. fuck. As a German, this is the first time i heard of this discrepancy, what causes this? In spain everybody since the last 25-30 years, it became a fad to be a donor, and are willing to donate their children organs too, its a cultural thing now.
Do you know why there's such a huge difference in the number of donors? Couse its cool to be a donor in spain, its what hipsters do, spanish people donated organs before it was cool.
Do you need a bit of a twisted mind to cut open people (and take their heart from their body)? I've always seen surgeons as cold people... What affects most people doesnt get to me. i find the inside of a chest beautiful, some people more than others. when you see that heart beating its like indescribable if you dont like it or find it gross. its beautiful machine billions of years in the making, ou am getting dizzy here, better move to another question.
Http:// Hahahaha, dont mean to creep you out but you asked for it.
What made you decide to take up heart surgery (instead of other domains in medicine)? 3 things, love the heart, love surgery, hate working with cancer patients.
Why do you hate working with cancer patients? Because its really sad when they go on quemotherapy, and most of cancers have so low survival that i feel i am not doing enough. so heart cancer its really rare it was one of the possitive points for me to pick it. dont get me wrong i hate cancer, not cancer patients, i hope they allways have someone taking care of them and doing research to improve outcomes, but when i see people losing bodyparts and still not cured it gets to sad for me.
quemotherapy. Unlike others, I will not doubt your medical skills based on spelling, but I found this mistake hilarious for some reason. Carry on. Ok yes its chemo, i knew that, but didnt notice the error, i was tried to answer really fast and many of my words came out mixed with spanish, in spanish is quimioterapia and in englis you pronounce the ch like we do the qu. why do you find it funny? inside joke or something.
Because in english if it was spelled with "que" it would be pronounced differently. more like "kweemotherapy", i found it silly is all. Then we are experiencing kind of the same thing because when i see it wit ch it sounds like "shemotherapy"
Have you ever held a still-beating heart in your bare hands? Yes i have, the recipients heart doesn have to be stoped before taking it out so its beating and fibrilating while you do it. and in a less drastic manner, when you operate on a normal patient that you dont have to take out his heart you grab it a lot while its beating, you have to know how to do it in order not to kill him.
you have to know how to do it in order not to kill him. Could you tell a bit more about that? What's a big no-no when holding a beating heart, other than the obvious? Mostly pushing the atriums to hard can keep it from filling up well, puting it in vertical position does kind of the same. most of the times is completly reversable but can put you thru some difficult moments.
To what use do you put the recipients' removed hearts? They are disected by the residents to learn and then it is taken to patology and saved for a few days in case we need to run some test later on.
How many times have you drugged someone and stolen their organs to sell? Never done that, first an anesthesiologist drugs people, and 2nd organ donors dont need much sedation because they are brain dead, they need muscle relaxants so they are flacid during surgery.
Do you get sad thinking about that the people that are now brain dead? Its sad they are brain dead, but i dont feel bad for taking away the life they have left to help others.
How do I convince my SO that if you are an organ donor, doctors will still do everything to save you and not "half-ass it" so they can give your organs to others? Doesnt work like that, dont say its impossible but really unlikely that would happen, for me its a win for my patients, but for the doctors that were taking care of the donor is a big fail and they dont get paid more or anything like that for giving us a donor.
Is it weird/difficult to pry open someone's ribs? It's always been the weirdest part of heart surgery to me. I just think of my ribs being pulled apart and shudder. What we actually break its the sternum, the hard flat bone in the middle of your chest and its actually not that hurtfull because there are not many nerves there, it hurts less than a small incision between your ribs.
Sounds interesting yet nasty. Its really narly indeed, we use an electric saw that makes the most awful sound you can hear coming at you, but we are experts and dont damage anything important.
Can you just.. unfold the ribs after breaking the sternum, or do you have to break the individual ribs as well? They unfold, some patients with artrosis scoliosis only gives to one side making the surgery more difficult but you can still do it ok.
About how much do you get paid? Depends on the month, anywere from 3,000 euros to 10,000 for people older than me, am still kind of new at this.
Let me get this straight, you're a heart surgeon in spain and you make around 36,000 Euros per year? Yes its not like in the US but for spanish standards it well.
Health here is public, people dont pay anything to get surgery, its all free.
Where do you keep the hearts after they are removed? We keep them in a little frige.
Next to the root beer? No the root beer is provided by the plane personal.
How old are you? I'm a pre-med student who's applying to medical schools this year and I was just wondering if you remember the process of applying to schools and whether it'd be relevant still. How hard is surgery? I really want to do surgery and cardiac and neuro is up there. I heard that with neuro, you pretty much have no life outside of med. Is that true for cardiac? How did you come to choose cardiac surgery? And did you make the right choice? Is this all that you've dreamed it would be and that you're living a very happy and successful life? Edit: eh. Am 30 yo. dont know about your process because i didnt study in USA everything in surgery is hard, but practice makes master neuro its pretty demanding and the results are not as good as cardiac surgery, many neurologic disorders cant be cured and you end up treathing tumors and accidents, some of which will endup getting their hearts cut out by someone like me after you cant save their brain. cardiac its demanding too. cause i love the heart and hate cancer i totally made the right choice for me and i am very happy.
Are you an Organ Donor yourself? Yes.
Do you ever get nervous while operating? Its to be in alert mode, but nervous is bad, cant get too nervous.
Ever used beta-blockers? I am also in a high-pressure profession, admittedly not surgery or medicine, and have found them to be a literal lifesaver in certain situations. Not fond of that, i dont need medication.
You got any tips on how to become a surgeon? I am to start at med school in January and even though Surgery is far in the future in the 6th semester or so, do you have any tips for someone who wishes to specialize maybe as a cardiac or neurosurgeon...? Study hard, and practice nods and stiching at home with everything you get your hands on, chichen breasts, pig hearts, sponges, anything, practice nods while you watch TV, used to sit for hours just makind knots, used to make really long string of knots over many hours. and last but not least... dont faint the first time you see blood.
EDIt: spelling.
You have pig hearts lying around your home? Not every day.
But i have real pigs in a lab.
Not really related to pig hearts, but this is an awesome AMA! It's great how you respond to almost every question! Glad you liked it.
How many waffles do you think you could eat in one sitting? Dont really like waffles.
What use are the hearts after you harvest them? To transplant other people, when the heart is suitable for transplant. but if the heart is damaged we also go harvest it for a stem cell research trial.
Do Jr. Mints really stave off infection if placed in the human body itself? I have it on good authority that they do. Yes, but not every infection.
Pre-med here. If you live in San Diego, can I shadow you? I live in spain, if you ever come here sent me a PM.
Can you post more pictures of organs and people having their buddies opened up? This sound sick but it just looks amazing. Ok, i will look thru my cellphone to find more.
Did you always want to be a cardiac surgeon? Was there some other kind of surgical field you wanted to go into, or may of had interest in? Finally you mentioned that part of your job is harvesting hearts what are some other parts? My father was a doctor so i wanted to be one since i can remember, ever since i studied the heart for the first time i wanted to work with it, its just amazing and one of few moving organs. other part of my job are performing surgery on patients other than transplant patients, clinic hours and working on our intensive care unit.
I have a bicuspid aortic valve (28 yo female here). So far little stenosis and regurgitation, but everyone says ill have to have a valve replacement someday. Do you see better outcomes with mechanical or pig valves? Some bicusoid valves dont have to be treathed. the best you can have is the David surgery that keeps your native valves. if you cant the choice of valve depends on many factors, like age (biological valves are better on old people) if you are younger than 65 you should get mechanical, if you dont have kids and want to have, you should get biological, but you would have to get surgery again in 10 years or so.
He mentioned pregnancy here because it is a hypercoagulable state, and compounding that with a mechanical valve (another source of coagulation problems). You run a really high risk of stroke, even with chronic anticoagulation medication. No, its because anticoagulants causes abortions and malformations in the fetus.
I had the pleasure of watching some coronary catheterizations in the US, they said Europe is a little more advanced than the US. Do you do any cath/STEMI procedures? Are you doing valve replacements through catheterization, without the need for open heart surgery? Yes we do valve operations via catheterization, Its called TAVI, transcatheter aortic valvular implant. coronary catheterization is done by cardiologist, not surgeons, but we surgeons are learning that and reclaiming those patient for us, but for that you need a hibrid OR, we dont have that in my city, i am currently trying to get a rotacion in a hospital that does so i can learn to place stents too.
Have you ever went to take a heart and have it not be usable, as in there was something wrong with it? Also, is the family notified about what organs could be donated, and if they can't be is the family told which ones were donated? Yes, do to arritmias, and they get all that information you asked about.
What decides that an organ is compatible for the receiver? Well, the thing we compare is age, weight, BSA, and ABO compatibility. after the organ its implanted some other inmunologic tests are made to see if the white blood cells are compatible. because this test last about a week we are not able to do it before we perform the transplant.
If the brain has no blood flow, does the dead brain tissue present a risk for infection or complications due to decay? What would happen to the brain long-term if the person is kept on life support? The brain its sterile, so it cant get infected from itself, but it can get infected like the brain of a normal persons brain. another thing is if the head also has a cut or exposed fracture from an accident.
1) What do you feel when clamping the aorta of the brain dead person? Is it not an emotional moment to know that the life(even though the person is brain dead) is going to end with that little motion? 2) I am an organ donor, but i wonder if it will be painful to have my organs removed, even though i am brain dead. I was told at some point that no anesthesia is used, since the patient can't feel anything anyways. Is this true? Also, what are the chances of being declared brain dead without actually being it? Has it ever happened? 1) just feel that i have to go faster, nothing emotional really 2) like imssid in my edits, no case have been reported since the implementation of the current guidelines.
Some countries are net importers of organs. How do you feel about this? Do you think international trade of organs should be permitted? Do some countries execute criminals and then harvest their organs? What percentage of people are organ donors? Its hard to say the effects of that before hand but i personally would support it, guess i think we should teach by example. i guess a better option would be making everyone an organ donor, this would keep people from fearing to be singled out by doctors for being noticed, since ive noticed this is a common fear in americans and a product of missinformation, misstrust in the medical staff and with a little flavor of urban legent. of course it would be illegal and against public lyberties to make a whole population donors against their will, but i think it would erradicate some fears of becoming a donor since everyone is, people wouldnt think that doctors were gona let them die in order to collect their organs. this is utopy.
How do families react to requests from the hospital that their relative give up their organs? How about a law that said that only organ donor card carrying people could receive organs, since there is a shortage? Here in spain familes react badly to the fact that there loved ones are dead or nearly dead, but not really for donating the organs, in my experience none of them have said no. 3.varies from place to place but in spain virtually everyone.
My 3 months year old niece died from non-compactive cardiomyopathy. Do you know how the research on that silent killer is moving on? Thats more of a cardiologist field, i know much about it, but my knowlege of its not what you would called state of the art and i dont know about the newst findindings, sorry.
So how is the heart held up? Is there supports for it, Or does it just kind of hang there? Theres conective tissue and fat all around, more in adults.
Two questions. 1)do you ever feel like you are in charge of that persons life when you are working? 2)how does one become a surgeon sounds interesting? We are in in charge of their life, yes.
As a student of medicine, I always get asked the same question. every. single. time. "What do you plan to specialize in?" unfortunately though, i was never one for plans. How+why did you choose your current specialization? Did you aim for it pre-medschool? No. I started in the university, i allways devoted more much more time to cardiology and surgery than to any other subject. I got to know my tests, you have to try and have a high great in the exams to get into residency.
Yeah house is definitely more entertaining! what about the interactions between you doctors i bet its a lot more professional? Not allaays, depends on the trust.
I am currently writing my "thesis" needed to graduate. My topic is "Should would-be organ donors be allowed to sell their organs for money?" To make this narrow and into a specific question; would you be for or against people being allowed to sell a kidney in exchange for cash, or a loved-one of the deceased be allowed to sell the deceased viable organs (if any)? I would bring money into such a delicate subject. i think many poor people would be inclined to sell their organs. maybe you can get more meaningful input from an economist or someone who works with human rights or ethic committees.
My friend is studying at a medical school in Malaga right now... I've told her to try to come to America (because she'd get boatloads more money) to practice but she says there is tons of additional work you need to do to get certified to work in the states- is that true? Also, any advice for her or anyone else who is going to med school right now? The problem with USA its that it takes too long to get in a residency and you cant work while you are taking the exams, i didnt had anyone to support me after i finished the university so i came to spain to work.
I see... so if you don't have extra money its almost impossible... what country in europe is the best place to be a doctor if you can? In the north they pay better, you know spain, italy, portugal, greece are all in much debt.
How is the technology on artificial hearts coming? We have a hard time trying to mimic nature, of course she had a head start.
So when I did assuming that im allowed to be an organ donor and I have healthy organs how long would it take for my body to be stripped of them after the first cut is made? Depends of the team but at least 4-5 hours.
Please tell me everything (if anything) that is wrong with this. Am having trouble seeing the links.
Hahaha, thats a pigs heart and it does makes direct contact with the frige or contaminated ice, in reality it goes inside 3 bags.
Would you call yourself a religious man? No.
Link to This is the link he included. The guy transporting the heart trips and spills the icebox in the hospital. A dog nearby picks up the heart and eats it before anyone else can get to it. Ok, thanks, its that one tree hill.
Last updated: 2012-10-18 11:59 UTC
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